Cover Star: Korin Deanna Covers Whitney Houston’s ‘All The Man That I Need’

This week’s That Grape Juice Cover Star comes from Youtube belter Korin Deanna. As we near the two year anniversary of the untimely passing of pop icon Whitney Houston, watch as the songstress tackles the legendary diva’s 1991 #1 hit ‘All The Man That I Need’


With power, passion, and poise, this cover gave us all that we needed (no pun intended)!  Admittedly a bit shaky in the beginning, Korin picked up as the song went on and delivered where it mattered most.  Nailing the dramatic tune’s climactic moments with relative ease, we appreciate Deanna’s ability to not get deterred from any mishaps along the way.

We are sure with time, polish, and ironing out of misfired melisma and the like, this Youtube songstress will shine amongst the best of them.  Already leagues above many of her Youtube contemporaries, if this video’s demonstration is just a hint of what she is capable of, we expect big things from her in the future.

Great work!

For more on Korin Deanna, visit her Youtube Page.


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Comments 8

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  1. S****** Blonde February 8, 2014

    Nice cover, btw, the song is about God not a human, before you Gay bottoms go too far with the imagination.

  2. Stephy Tha Lambily February 8, 2014

    S******, te beso en mis sueños…

  3. Stephy Tha Lambily February 8, 2014

    Blondie, poner su pene dentro de mí ahora… 🙂

  4. Pay Check Addict February 8, 2014

    She sounds great.

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  5. Navy Nick February 8, 2014

    She did great…..

  6. S****** Blonde February 8, 2014

    Yo tambien te beso en mis sueños, mi amor!

  7. Casual February 8, 2014

    Excellent cover. This girl is really talented.

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