Mo’Nique Reveals New Figure

Published: Monday 18th Aug 2008 by Sam
Mo'Nique Reveals New Figure Mo'Nique Reveals New Figure
Comedienne Mo’Nique joined forces with Radio One to host ‘An Evening With Mo’Nique’ this past weekend in Detroit. Visibly slimmer than just a few months ago, word has it the 40 year old may have undergone stomach stapling surgery. Either way, she looks happy and healthy.

What do you think of the pics?

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  1. Anonymous August 18, 2008

    She looks the same to me. courtesy of Shiek Zaraphik

  2. Anonymous August 18, 2008

    I luv Monique. Glad she’s getting healthy..

  3. Anonymous August 18, 2008

    You’ve put rihanna in the banner…
    yet in every post you make on her you manage to post a negative slur either saying shes ugly or can’t sing and then you feature her as an artist in “your” website banner lol
    sam your an absolute c*** and don’t make any sense at all you’ve just completely contradicted everything you have previously said.

  4. shespeakz August 18, 2008

    Oh Sam love the new layout! only thing thats missing is me from the blogroll lol. Keep up the good work. Oh and Monique looks good..I never believed that whole I love being fat bit.

  5. Miranda Priestly @ Runaway Mag. August 18, 2008

    i swear, iduno why ppl like the reject still-born that left a comment 2 spaces above ^^ post such hateful and degrading comments… ppl like that deserve the flat tires on the busy highways during a a stormy important day like; graduation, wedding, birthday.. anyways, Mo’Nique doesn’t look different to me. lol

  6. Anonymous August 18, 2008

    she look dumb as hell

  7. Anonymous August 18, 2008

    Though she does look better.. she’s still a b****.. lol

    Oh.. and isn’t it funny how she lost weight, even though she used to be against people losing weight and promoting fat chicks?

  8. Anonymous August 18, 2008

    She didn’t lose weight to be losing weight. Maybe she is just getting around to losing some of that baby weight. She did give birth to twins not too long ago. Hell, JLo is still fat… Mo might as well be too.

  9. Anonymous August 18, 2008

    The only way we can really tell if she lost weight is to see a profile shot, cuz all that a** she had????? I dunno.

  10. Anonymous August 20, 2008

    media takeout has comparison pics… she made out good ($$ wise) commenting on being the ‘phat/fat’, I wonder how this will affect her career

  11. Anonymous August 22, 2008

    She never promoted hating slim women. She promoted loving yourself, fat, slim, ugly, black…whatever you find with your body/ you.

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