New Video: Leona – ‘I See You’

Published: Tuesday 15th Dec 2009 by Sam

Check out the video for Leona Lewis’ ‘I See You’, the theme to blockbuster movie ‘Avatar’. Not big on the song, but kudos to Leona for scoring such a big gig.

What do you think of the song / video?

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  1. DizzyGuy19585 December 15, 2009

    She looks so pretty in the video. I want to see the movie and its a nice video.

    I’m not a fan of the song. It seems like it never really has a hook to it. She can sing but this isn’t a good song. But this is a science fiction movie not like a love story so enough said.

  2. TOW3RA December 15, 2009


    her voice is beautiful

  3. IH8SAM&TRENT December 15, 2009

    love leona.. she can do no wrong to me

    its quiet hard to catch a melody in this song .. it cud just be one that has to grow on me..

    still vocally she SLAYS.. and looks Stunning in the vid.

  4. leonaweb December 15, 2009

    Love it thanks!!! she loooks sooo beautiful on the big and large shots

  5. MaZ December 15, 2009

    Love the song. Leona is simply beautiful in the video

  6. Anndee December 15, 2009

    Kinda wanna see the movie now. Song is not great, but it’s nice.

  7. thatmangojuice December 16, 2009

    I get chills everytime she sings the chorus for the 3d time and blasts it out.. she looks stunning and the video makes me wanna see the movie even more 🙂 But you guys are right it takes a lot of listensto finally get the hook down

  8. Anonymous December 16, 2009

    I love this song and Leona has amazing vocals on this track! It does take a couple of listens but the more i hear the song the more i love it. It gives me chills! I love the video and its making me want to watch the movie more and more! She looks amazing (but I’m not too sure with that dress…I wanted something a bit more feminine and girly) but nonetheless it was AMAZING!!!!

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