Hot Shots: Inside Jennifer Lopez’s September ‘Instyle’ Spread

While singer/actress/dancer Jennifer Lopez is ‘Goin’ In’ on a stage near you on her Enrique Iglesias-assisted world tour, the triple threat diva still finds times to strike many-a-fierce pose for magazines in between engagements.

Case in point?  The September 2012 issue of ‘Instyle’.  Set to hit stands August 17th, the feature story sees Lopez dish on her latest happenings, divorce from singer Marc Anthony, and redhot romance with current boy toy Casper Smart.

And, as ever, you can expect the dashing diva to don fierce fashions in between quotes.  Check out the behind the scenes action & one extra shot from the shoot below:


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  1. MC August 15, 2012

    “While singer/actress/dancer Jennifer Lopez is ‘Goin’ In’ on a stage near you on her Enrique Iglesias-assisted world tour….” SHADE oh Sam you never give up do you? Anyways she looks good on the cover

  2. Black kupid August 16, 2012

    Been a fan since day 1, just hope her tour gives her enough inspiration and a better perspective of the kind of music she puts out next cos her last albums did nothing for me. Here is to hoping she pops out fresh music movies and more in the future. Love u babe

  3. S****** Blonde August 16, 2012

    The Dance Again World Tour is her tour not Enrique Iglesias tour, he is just for North America, She began the tour alone and will finish the tour alone, by herself, stop with this shades, J.Lo is a worldwide force and this tour proved, USA, EUROPE, ASIA and AUSTRALIA, deal with it b******.

  4. MusicB August 16, 2012

    She’s Great!

    I would LOVE to see her do another movie in the same cateogory as “Enough”. That’s one of my favorite movies and she can act too.

  5. jlove August 20, 2012

    realy sweet jlo ,,,,go baby …………………..oh and i cant waite for new music from her

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