Frank Ocean Set To Release New Album…Today?

R&B crooner Frank Ocean has been absent from the scene as of late, but if speculation  proves true the musical drought is about to come to an end. Four years after the release of his groundbreaking debut ‘Channel Orange.’
Details below…

Peaking at #2 on the Billboard 200 with his 2012 effort, the Def Jam signee gained notable recognition for his innovative brand of R&B, later gaining him collaborations from many, including Andre 3000 and Beyonce – who many know is carefully selective with her choice of collaborators.
For reasons unknown, the tweet below has been gathering steam and sent social media into a frenzy.

With half of Twitter stoked for the rumoured release and the other half sceptical (due to his failed promise to release album last year), we here at TGJ will be waiting on Frank for as long as it takes. After all, quality takes time.
Stay locked on TGJ for updates.

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  1. IG : @mixedboy June 3, 2016

    If this is true, IM READY!!

  2. DEL BEY June 3, 2016

    Come through Frank!

  3. Ross June 3, 2016

    This is FAKE! They confirmed about 4 hours ago that this was a fake Twitter account! This won’t be out today so don’t hold you breath! Lee up TGJ

    • Ross June 3, 2016

      *keep up

  4. King Mark111 /.\ June 3, 2016

    My bussssy is ready!!

  5. What Now June 3, 2016

    Frank is a great artist, but it won’t happen. I think he found a tall, masculine, power top and has been too dicknotized to record any new material.

    • Yes girl June 3, 2016

      LOL My goodness.

  6. Arkhes June 3, 2016

    @What Now. I can’t??

  7. Kayla C June 3, 2016

    Frank Ocean wants to be lauryn hill so bad with this sophomore album delay

  8. Del June 3, 2016

    I’m buying if it’s true

  9. Jhene Aiko Stan June 3, 2016

    Damn, him and Jhene sure do take their time lol. But I believe it will all be worth it. Frank is about to drop some audio fire and take over R&B again. I see more Grammys in his future.

  10. MUSICHEAD June 3, 2016

    I don’t see his next album being as commercially successful as his last one. He’s a gifted musician but a poor singer. Without a gimmick next go round, he’ll come and go quickly.

    • Janet1814 June 3, 2016

      I never understood why his last album was so successful. I assumed it was the gay angle cause like you said he’s a terrible singer…

  11. EvilEye June 3, 2016

    I don’t buy music made by homosexuals.

    • The One’ June 3, 2016

      How do you know that unless they tell you they are homosexual? Stupid much!? LoL

  12. Reddish tran ivy blokz Need UK timelyyou June 3, 2016

    This is a fully Lie & it’s fake nothing is true about him releasing a second album

  13. #JACKIE June 4, 2016

    Who cares?

  14. reh reh July 11, 2016


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