The Spice Girls Ready Animated Action Movie

The Spice Girls are to be immortalised as action figures!

Details on their animated moves below…

The group are on the verge of a gargantuan musical comeback and, in a bid to reach younger audiences, have developed an animated project they are now shopping to production houses.

Variety reports…

All five members of the group have signed off on their likenesses being used for a superhero-themed movie working off of the “girl power” message. Each character will be voiced by a Spice Girl  and feature a “girl power” unique to that group member that reflects each girl’s personality.

The project is still in its development stage.



Hit this link to learn more about their comeback.

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  1. S****** Blonde March 23, 2018

    My homeless shelter has a rodent infestation and I got bit twice last night.

  2. S****** Blonde March 23, 2018

    I am white trash

  3. S****** Blonde March 23, 2018

    I am a proud racist.

  4. Teflon Boy March 23, 2018

    Damn, whoever is impersonating S****** Blonde really needs to get a life

    • S****** Blonde March 23, 2018

      No one is impersonating me mate. I’m just having fun.

  5. mr.m March 23, 2018

    Am packed

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