Beyonce Breaks Political Silence / Endorses Beto O’Rourke

Published: Tuesday 6th Nov 2018 by Sam

With the US voting in its midterm elections today, stars are rallying their supporters to make their voices heard.

Beyonce is one of them, having just taken to social media to formally endorse Texas’ Democratic nominee Beto O’Rourke for the United States Senate.

Head below to see what she had to say…

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A post shared by Beyoncé (@beyonce)

Bey joins the likes of Diddy and Rihanna on the list major names amplifying activity in the political sphere.

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  1. DanYiel Iman November 6, 2018

    Can’t be mad a lot of these politicians don’t mean right by POC & we need someone whose willing to work for the PEOPLE!!

  2. Yc18 November 6, 2018

    We don’t live in Texas tgj! Pointless post

  3. Meme November 6, 2018

    And then when they don’t win she clears all trace of them. Fake support.

    • KillMonger Was Right (Tyler) November 6, 2018

      Rihanna can’t even vote. So bye!

    • Whoops ????‍♀️? November 6, 2018

      Lol what? And what exactly is she supposed to do when they lose?? Continue to campaign for them? Wtf. Y’all pick the dumbest stuff to b**** about. If Beyoncé has done this often enough for you to suggest that she’s made a habit out of supporting people for the moment, that must mean she’s done right, because as far as elections go, that’s really all she can do. Support them for the moment. I don’t know what it is you expect from her after that. ?

  4. Jasmine Da Bi Asian iSlay TROLLmine Rasputia (hermaphrodite) on the daily November 6, 2018

    Anyone who looks to celebrities for their political opinions is a mindless idiot.

    • S.U.P.E.R.S.T.A.R.!. November 6, 2018

      @Jasmine.. – hahaha
      #True (In my Biggie, ONE MORE CHANCE voice.)

    • Casual November 6, 2018


  5. stan November 6, 2018

    she couldn’t do this earlier?

  6. DJT November 6, 2018

    Too effen late! She should have had a spine, been a hero and “broken her silence” to endorse him weeks ago to energize and mobilize her fans to go out and vote for him! This is too little too late…

  7. Ratedxxx November 6, 2018

    she has always been a follower…

    I don’t believe she actually wrote that

  8. The Wig Snatcher November 6, 2018

    Just like a Black “woke” millennial “feminist.” Beyoncé takes pictures with no real text to speak on her political beliefs. She does not even mention all the policies and works that Beto has done to endorse him.

    • Haterz Gon’ Hate November 7, 2018

      And this is where it goes to far and your expectations are ridiculous. She’s using her power to make a statement that speaks for its self – it is not her job to sell us their policies – your lobbyist and the campaign is there to do that for you – more fool the person who votes for whoever Beyoncé endorses without checking what the candidate stands for first. Lord help social media sheep who would follow someone off a cliff. OWN YOUR OWN LIFE PEOPLE.

      • Whoops ????‍♀️? November 7, 2018

        ^^^ Exactly. Comments like this are the product of pure laziness and entitlement. These fools think it’s Beyonce’s jobs to educate and inform them. If you’re really upset that Beyoncé did not give you enough “text to speak on her political beliefs”, then you are your own problem. If you are self informed, why does it matter? Take responsibility for yourselves.

  9. Chica November 7, 2018

    And he lost anyway.

  10. Jay November 7, 2018

    To little to late….I rather her not say anything at all…..

  11. Cruz November 7, 2018

    Man, she had a big opportunity to bring out Houston and she didn’t do a damn thing. Doesn’t make her a bad person, but here’s the thing – if you rep a city SO hard all the time but then do nothing substantial for them during the most pivotal time in the city/state’s recent history – then it’s just all talk.

    Hot sauce in your bag, no representation in your senate = no swag.

    • Caleb November 7, 2018

      Houston turned out for Beto so can it with your corny attempt at a pun.

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