Chris Darden Steps Away From Nipsey Hussle Murder Case / Claims His Life Has Been Threatened

Published: Friday 10th May 2019 by David

Chris Darden is no longer representing the man accused of murdering the late lyricist Nipsey Hussle.

Read his full statement below…

Darden rose to global fame in the 90s following the important role he played in the OJ Simpson murder trial and stepped up to defend the individual accused of slaying Hussle last month.

Since then, he and his family have been targeted by threatening remarks launched by Nipsey fans who feel betrayed by his decision to represent the alleged killer.

He took to Facebook to announce that these remarks are why he has decided to step down.

After centuries of a history of black men hung from trees without trial, or after the thousands of cases of black men tried, convicted and executed without counsel … I cannot understand why in 2019 some people would deny a black man his 6th Amendment right to counsel of his choice. Or why defending such a man should invite threats not only against me but against my children too. The right to counsel is … not only a constitutional right, it is a civil right as well. Just as they were in 1995-Cowards never change. These days these cowards don’t send letters instead they sit anonymously behind keyboards threatening a man’s mother and children. And some folks think that’s funny. It isn’t and I won’t ever forget it.

He added…

To those who issued those threats to my children please pay close attention so there is no misunderstanding. Later. F**K YOU!”

As for me, I continue to thrive. I continue to be loved. I continue to walk with kings. And I will continue my pursuit of fairness and justice on behalf of my clients and others charged with crimes. After 25 years some of them still haven’t learned : Their lies and threats will never deter me from my mission. Thank you again my good friends. The struggle continues. Thank you.


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  1. olusheyi banjo May 10, 2019


  2. Brent Christopher May 10, 2019

    Their words DO deter you dummy if you have given in to the pressure & stepped down!

  3. 2bad2bme May 10, 2019

    Stupid, you should’ve never represented that fool in the first place. You know he killed Nipsey

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