Sam Smith Stuns For OUT Magazine / Opens Up About Being Non-Binary, New Album, & More

Published: Monday 18th Nov 2019 by Sam

Cop a gander of Sam Smith!

The singer, who came out as non-binary earlier this year, embraces all aspects of their being in OUT Magazine‘s Out100 special.

Smith is aptly bestowed with the Evolution Of The Year honor.

Head below to see the star pose it up, but also open up about their journey…

On His Evolution:

“Over the last seven months of really discovering myself, which you’ve been such a huge part of, I keep coming back to the fact that I am just me. I am my own person. In the words of Jerry Herman, “I am what I am. I am my own special creation.” I just feel, looking around sometimes, that people are afraid of their individuality.”

On Asking To Be Referred To As “They/Them/Their’:

“In changing my pronouns, I felt incredible freedom. It’s like a brick was lifted off my chest, and with that freedom comes another kind of pain. Feeling this free in our skin is answered with abuse. And that’s really hard. For the last year and a half, I’ve thought about changing my pronouns. I’ve always hid behind my “he, him” pronouns because I was too scared. I thought living a life playing pretend would be less painful than being authentic. But I’d rather be myself, even if it means being abused for it. I’d rather get all this sh*t for being myself than lie to myself. That’s not a way to live.”

On How His Musical Output Has Improved Since Coming Out:

“There was something blocking me when I was writing my last album because I felt like I was playing this “Sam Smith” character that I created. I was depressed because I was this person in suits who other people wanted me to be. I can wear a suit now, actually, and can feel completely different in the suit, but at the time I felt, I’ve got to be butch for other people. I feel my music suffered. I think people can hear that. As soon as I came out with “Promises” and  “Dancing With a Stranger,”  I started playing. I started having fun. I started being myself. My art has become truer and more honest after coming to peace with being nonbinary.”

On His New Album:

“I love the muse side of each of those genres as much as I do the commercial, but I’ve been made to feel ashamed throughout my career for loving pop so much. This album is me basically telling everyone to f*ck off. I’m trying to fly the flag a little bit and say that simple music isn’t simple.”

More power to them.

Your thoughts?

[Photo Credit: OUT Magazine / Terry Tsiolis]

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  1. Kevon November 18, 2019

    A man is a man what so ever .. don’t see the need for a man to behave like a woman … if your gay ,your gay so be it ..but still dont see the need of action all fem stewww

    • ? Jasmine’s Grape Juice ? ? November 18, 2019

      AMEN. He look a mess with that deeply receding hairline and wearing women’s clothes. Reality Check! Even if u are a flaming queen u should wear clothes that suit what u look like. Nobody needs a pale gorilla squeezing into women’s clothes looking a mess! He would look better in men’s clothes and dressing as a man. He trynna be Mrs. Doubtfire when he really looks like Bruce Willis.

      • C***** November 19, 2019

        I don’t care what is sexuality is or my be but he’s so freakin’ ugly!
        He reminds me of Uncle Fester from Family Addams ahahahaha

    • Clarksoon November 18, 2019

      Dumb àss
      What is the definition of a man?

      • Clarksoon November 18, 2019

        Shut up troll. Imma f uck your daddy and take all his money. Then imma f uck your ugly momma and take all her money too. Keep talking and imma marry your daddy, bury ur stank mammy, get conservatorship over u, and take all ur money too.

      • Kevon November 18, 2019

        I’m sure you dress just like him and be thinking ..omg I look soo good hahaha.. dumb ass

  2. Only facts November 18, 2019

    Sam, you had my undivided attention with dancing with a stranger. You kept my ears listening with how do you sleep, but now you’re annoying the F*CK out of me! I am gay but this is all too much. The song you released a few weeks ago was underwhelming. This is becoming too Elton John Jr for me. Just sing. We understand and respect your lifestyle, but it’s just becoming annoying at this point. You’re overdoing it in my opinion. Once again, I’m gay and not shading him. I just want the damn music. Leave the extra ?

  3. PinotNoir November 18, 2019

    As we thought they couldn’t get uglier

  4. Lou-Andrew Rodriguez November 18, 2019

    He’s doing way too much gworl

  5. Clarksoon November 18, 2019

    He is trying to be edgy but he is a boring bland white boy.

    Thanks for giving normani her biggest hit tho.

    • Clarksoon November 18, 2019

      Shut up troll

  6. Dr November 18, 2019

    Hey may as well cut his penis off

  7. I love big black c** November 18, 2019

    What’s wrong with him/her??? Used to be classy and pure talent when first came out with “stay with me” now just more than a gimmick, more drama

  8. Ropeburn November 18, 2019

    Like a poor man’s Boy George.

  9. Jasmine The Real Princess November 19, 2019

    He is disgusting AF

  10. AJ November 19, 2019

    Why is TGJ referring to Sam Smith as “he” when they have clearly said in their interview what pronouns they prefer to use.

    M – E – S – S – Y!

  11. XYZ November 19, 2019


  12. I Hate blaccc n whyyy y’all not sht November 19, 2019

    Thank you Sam thank you for letting us all know the truth thanks. Be you .you boy George in effect and we appreciate the real you, damn.

  13. Gabriella November 19, 2019

    Sam, we love your music and my daughter just fell in love with you when she first herd you sing stay with me. I understand that you wanted to be yourself and we still love your music but she is so confused by all of this she comes across . There is no need for shame but for a little girl at only age 8 I have to say it was overwhelming explaining it . Please stop with all the scary face paint and weird clothing and just sing. You are a beautiful soul with an amazing voice that we all love. Don’t lose sight of that. Keep singing from the heart and remember your audience has plenty of young people too.

  14. Chris November 19, 2019

    Get this flippin weirdo out of my newsfeeds.

  15. K.potter November 20, 2019

    I am a gay guy from London, 32 years old.
    Is it just me…. Or are other people sick and TIRED of Sam Smith and his “sexuality” tabloid heading!
    Dont get me wrong, i like Sam Smiths music and think he is a extremely talented guy,
    But to keep banging on about your sexuality get abit Boring after awhile.
    And he just looks plain wierd in recent photos….
    No one i know or have ever seen walking down the street, dresses or portrays themselfs in this way.
    Be happy with who YOU are and stop ramming it down EVERYONE ELSES throats!

  16. Leneda November 20, 2019

    such an amazing artist I’m so glad you’re happy with yourself now and that you love yourself and it shows in your music that you have put out keep on doing you keep on making us happy and keep us dancing

  17. Rebecca Lewis November 20, 2019

    Sam Smith is amazing and whomever punched him should be punched.

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