Coronavirus: British Music Industry Loses £13.9 Million

Published: Monday 23rd Mar 2020 by David

Brit Pop superstars like Sam Smith have discovered that their domestic market has taken a serious financial blow because of the Coronavirus.

Full story below…

The British recording industry was forced to abort all of its missions earlier this month after the virus struck the nation which means that much of the money it would have generated within the last few weeks has been lost.

Industry experts say that this sings to the sorry tune of £13.9 million.

Hits Daily Double explains….

 90% of musicians have already been affected, with job opportunities down 69% vs. the same time last year. According to the findings, the highest loss of earnings is due to canceled gigs and live performances. Teaching and orchestral work are also experiencing a significant downturn due to social distancing measures, closures and pupil isolation.

The government is to implement a number of measures designed to support the self-employed and protect those who have been hit hardest by the chaos.

Association of Independent Music CEO Paul Pacifico shared…

The U.K. economy benefits substantially from over 5 million self-employed and freelance workers. Many have lost all sources of income completely through this crisis, have been effectively overlooked and are now facing economic strife as a result.

We are calling on the government to extend the same support.

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  1. Ughhh March 23, 2020

    TGJ we are all losing money. Let’s refrain from articles like these for a while. Especially articles about celebrities who are well off and will survive this pandemic financially.

  2. The f*** would whitney March 23, 2020

    The cab industry is f***** up to the valet industry too and lift

    • The f*** would whitney March 23, 2020

      Y’all drivers just don’t want to work you can drive safely with gloves on.

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