Takeoff Lawyer Slams Rape Claim: “It’s Provably False”

Published: Thursday 6th Aug 2020 by Sam

It’s lift-off for Takeoff‘s legal clap-back at rape claims levelled against him.

As reported, a woman filed a lawsuit against the Migos star for allegedly sexually assaulting her at a party in Los Angeles. She’s seeking unspecified damages.

With all eyes on the MC’s response, his team have issued a statement.

Read below…

In responding to the allegations, Takeoff’s attorney Drew Findling said:

“We have reviewed the allegations and have similarly done our own due diligence. What has become abundantly clear is that the allegations made against Takeoff are patently and provably false.

The claims and statements made regarding this lawsuit indicate that the plaintiffs’ representatives have not spoken with relevant witnesses or reviewed available evidence.”

He added:

“Takeoff is renowned for his artistic talent as well as his quiet, reserved and peaceful personality. In this instance, those known personality traits have made him a target of an obvious exploitative money grab. As his counsel, we are well aware and well versed on the importance of civil and criminal prosecution of true sexual assaults. This is not one of those situations.”

With that, what are…

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  1. Meme August 6, 2020

    So sick of these money hungry lying ho<$. It’s a shame to those who actually are taped and assaulted. There needs to be a law passed to criminally prosecute those who law.

    • Why bother August 6, 2020

      Statement like this makes the victims reluctant to come forward. If you have money… prove it you are not guilty.

      • i hate whyy and blllccc bitchesss August 6, 2020

        we party everynite , no=one has been accused of r***, the bitchess that come have $$$$$$$ …what this b**** want is a settlement not a trial..aflac should start making ho insurance

  2. Robin August 6, 2020

    If someone r**** you, you would want that person in jail. so take them to court and have them convicted.

    When you start looking for a settlement, then is fishy AF. How would you even feel spending money that your allegedly r***** paid you almost like encouraging it.

    Send all R***** to jail for life.

    • Tori August 6, 2020

      THANK YOU ROBIN! These cases never make any sense to me. If someone sexually violates you, the first thing you do is find a lawyer and ask for money? NO, YOU GET REVENGE! You send someone after them, have them murdered, get the police and press charges, anything. Some victims sadly even don’t do anything unfortunately to try and disassociate themselves from the event because its too horrific. But the first thing you do is ask for money, ma’am?

      • Bish August 6, 2020

        Umm how about he be arrested and PAY for his crime? He’s rich. Who are you to say how a victim reacts? Everyone’s different but most will hit the pockets of the r***** is a superstar…. wtf

  3. Ms Ling Ling👄 Love U Long time💋 August 6, 2020

    Just throw a basketball 🏀 and they will be alright

  4. Black Ja$mine, The REAL Princess Ja$mine Okurrr. August 6, 2020

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