Cardi B Praises Mariah Carey After Being Interviewed By The Legendary Diva

Published: Tuesday 23rd Feb 2021 by Sam

As is custom, Interview Magazine sees famous names quiz other famous names.

Hence, beyond styling and profiling in the latest issue of the publication, this month’s cover star Cardi B received the honor of being interviewed by none other than Mariah Carey, 

As reported, the pair embarked on a deeply personal discussion that spanned music, family, and the pressures of the spotlight.

Following the release of the feature, ‘Up’ rapper was filled with an overflow of praise for the ‘We Belong Together’ belter.

Her words below…

“It didn’t felt like a interview it felt like a deep ass conversation that you have with a real woman with a real life story. Like you can feel the New York energy. I felt so comfortable we kept talking and talking and talking.

We know The artist Mariah Carey , the diva, the record breaking, the glamorous artist. I was a lil’ nervous at first but she don’t come off as that she comes of as a real ass b*tch that you can talk for hours cause she so understanding more then just a celebrity a Me & YOU.

I know I said a lot of curse word and talk a little too spicy in my Interview with INTERVIEW magazine with Mariah Carey but I can’t help it she made me feel comfortable 🤷🏽‍♀️ I didn’t felt like I was doing a robot interview I felt like I was a having a real conversation.”

We’re loving the love!

Now, can we get a collab?! Please and thanks!

Like many, we allowed our hopes to get up with the murmurs of the ‘A No No’ remix.

But with both ladies still thriving, we’ll take a new track any day any time.

Your thoughts?

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  1. Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 February 23, 2021

    Legendriah ❤️🤳🏽

    • Fancy BISH 💎 February 23, 2021

      Bless you can’t stop thinking about me, you had to add me to your screen name 🤡🤡🤡🤡 I must really have you pressed.

      • Fancy BISH (FCK Sewer Queen, Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 February 23, 2021

        You do have me pressed, I’m so sorry for being a clown to the new and improved Fancy BISH, Clarks0o0ñ and Shayla Queen 👑. I can’t help it I have no life outside of clown school and all my family do is use me like a blow-up doll to have s e x with. Since CОVІD19 I have lost my job at H&M and at McDonald’s drive-through, I have no money and it has made me a bitter drag queen. That is why I am racist and try to bully people who I will never meet, I do it so I will feel like I’m strong when I am not. Deep down I am an ugly person inside and out. ANYONE WHO I HAVE ATTACKED OR HAVE BEING RACIST TO, PLEASE FORGIVE ME AS I AM JUST A SAD LOSER CLOWN!

  2. Shayla Queen 👑 February 23, 2021

    Mariah, please do not tarnish your legacy by ever working with Cardi. Just no.

    • Ego30$ February 23, 2021

      Why not? She already did that when she worked with sickly triage 💅🏾

  3. The+Truth February 23, 2021

    People don’t realize how real Mariah is — you can definitely tell she grew up in black culture with her young cousins from Harlem as she mentioned in her book.
    We love her! I want to hear this interview now.

    • Gworl Bye February 23, 2021

      LMAO if you think that she’s “real”. And she did not grow up black culture, she grew up in whiter-than-white Mt Kisco, upstate NY. Mariah is as fake as they come, ask her own siblings.

      • Ask4yall February 25, 2021

        Ahhhh lolz the truth

    • Susan February 23, 2021

      Mariah grew up in Long Island with her siblings, white mom and s** coven. Whatever she said about Harlem was cap because she didn’t have a relationship with her father or his family.

      • Queen_Bey February 24, 2021

        Oh because you’re her sibling so you know this personally. Girl stfu. Y’all h**s hate Mariah so much but claim to know so much about her. Ask her if you can hop on her payroll because you clearly don’t have enough work of your own. Miserable ass c**ts.

  4. DC February 23, 2021

    Watch meg do interview with Mariah next or say she wanna work with her that b**** so fake

    • POPS MUVA February 23, 2021


  5. LOL February 23, 2021

    Lmao makes sense, they both have FLOP singles out right now that nobody cares about lmfaoooooooo

    • Shayla Queen 👑 February 23, 2021

      The hood care, bïiiiiitch!

    • DC February 23, 2021

      So cardi debuted at number 2 hot 100 is a flop hating ass b****** i swear meg flopping that’s a better example body and cry baby didn’t reach top 10 😂😂😂😂

  6. QUEEN ONIKA February 23, 2021

    lmaooooo floppi b getting outsold by a 16 year old newbie & a song from 6 years ago lmfaooooooooo, they shoulda talked about that lmfaooooooooooooo

    • DC February 23, 2021

      When Nicki debut at number 2 hot 100 solo ????????

      • Tori February 23, 2021

        What was Nicki’s last solo debut? Honestly? It’s been a while…

      • QUEEN ONIKA February 24, 2021

        lmaooooo Anaconda did bishhh, when Floppi B gonna have a 5 x platinum SELLING album h0 or a 10x platinum SELLING single? ill wait for your answers dummis lmfaooooooooo

  7. Lmfao_Hoe February 23, 2021

    A No No No remix featuring Cardi including especially Lil Kim and Missy would’ve been done and honestly better than the previous features. And had it been done switch the beat slight bit reminiscing of 90s flavor with Mariah adding new vocals like she’s done in the past before

  8. Lou February 23, 2021

    Here goes Mariah being friends with a female rapper… next thing you know she gets jealous and turns on her like she did Nicki

    • Shayla Queen 👑 February 23, 2021

      Tf would Mariah be jealous of Nicki about? You crazy fo REAL 🤣

      • Ego30$ February 23, 2021

        B**** is delusional Chile lol jealous jealous of Nicki? Mariah would NEVER date a p*** aka child r***** lol u tried it #ANoNo

      • Shayla Queen 👑 February 23, 2021

        @Ego30$ Yasssssss chile! 💯🤣🤳🏽

    • Tori February 23, 2021

      Mariah was never jealous of Nicki. Let’s not even start that narrative. Mariah didn’t understand Nicki’s importance of being on a SINGING show besides being used for ratings, as she can’t sing no matter how hard she’s tried the last 10 plus years. And Nicki’s wigs made Mariah, and I, so damn uncomfortable‼

    • QUEEN ONIKA February 24, 2021

      lmaooooo mariah has ALWAYS been jealous of any female doing better on the charts than she is, she was mad at Nicki cuz Nicki was burning up the charts with hit after hit while she was flopping left and right and sideways and had to do American idol to stay relevant. and Nicki still took her shine on there lmfaooooooooooooooooo

  9. Tom February 23, 2021

    The one and only Mariah Carey

    • Shayla Queen 👑 February 23, 2021

      Yasssssssss let’s put some respect on her name! 💯

    • LOL February 24, 2021

      lmaooo Flopriah Scarey lmfaooooooo

  10. Moose’s Wig February 23, 2021


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