Game Changer! Adele Leads Spotify to Make Major Change to Platform

Published: Sunday 21st Nov 2021 by Sam

Adele isn’t just making an impact on the charts, she’s helping re-shape the music industry at large.

For, after stressing that she’s not creating music for TikTok (but rather for the older audience), the British belter has ushered in a seismic shift in the way albums will be listened to on Spotify moving forward.

Full story below…

It’s been confirmed that in tandem with the release of her new album ’30,’ the streaming leader will no longer have the “shuffle” option set as default on albums.

This, it’s been stressed, will see LPs (from ALL artists) automatically play in tracklist order.

And it’s emerged it was a specific request from Adele.

Taking to Twitter, she celebrated the news saying:

“This was the only request I had in our ever changing industry! We don’t create albums with so much care and thought into our track listing for no reason. Our art tells a story and our stories should be listened to as we intended. Thank you Spotify for listening.”

Such an amazing move from an amazing artist.

In an era where albums are increasingly becoming like playlists rather than structured bodies of work, this change helps reset the playing field in a qualitative way.

Your thoughts?

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  1. Shayla Queen™ 👑 November 21, 2021

    This should already have been standard. Too many people pick a select few songs from an album and add them to a playlist they listen to on shuffle. That’s personally not for me. I like to listen to a full album as a whole, as a single piece of work.

    • Shayla Queen™ 👑 November 21, 2021

      This is why I prefer vinyl. You’re more forced to listen to the album all the way through as opposed to having millions of songs at your fingertips on a streaming service which in turn makes music feel too disposable. Don’t like the sound of the beginning of a song? Skip it. As there’s millions more to choose from. You could potentially be skipping a song/songs that could end up being your all-time favorite/s if you’d only invested the time to listen properly without dismissing it. Music oftentimes requires patience and repeated listens before it really hits you. Just my two cents.

      • TheOriginalUgghh November 21, 2021

        Shayla Queen is a dumb ass. You can’t have exclusive bonus tracks on vinyl. Just like Adele’30. There are 3 more bonus tracks on target CD version but not on vinyls. You might have to wait until 30’s on a 10 years anniversary vinyl if your old ass is still alive.

      • Shayla Queen™ 👑 November 21, 2021

        What do bonus tracks have to do with it? I don’t care about bonus tracks. Like I can’t download them anyway if I so choose. But why are you so mad?

      • Roberta FlackSabbath November 21, 2021

        Black Friday 2022 Vinyl Exclusives at Newbury Comics: Lana Del Rey and Fleetwood Mac (aka Stevie Nicks).

      • Clarks0o00ñ November 21, 2021

        @Shayla – where is your c***-sucking, snivelling orangutan of a boyfriend? Where is he?

      • Shayla Queen™ 👑 November 21, 2021

        My man and the father of my daughter is white. Try again.

      • Lmfao_Hoe November 21, 2021

        My sentiments exactly, there literally be a lot of hidden gems on people’s albums that sadly be overlooked because of the popular singles that were either promoted or randomly selected for them. Mariah, Madonna, Sade, and Janet etc. catalogs come straight to mind because lord they have tons of gems only die-hard fans are aware compared to average listeners and whatever the radio decide to help be more known of.

    • Paulo November 21, 2021

      💯 it’s absurd to me that apart from the ads users who use free Spotify couldn’t listen to albums on the proper order. About time!

      • Shayla Queen™ 👑 November 21, 2021

        It’s insane. But I suppose it was put in place as a means to make people want to upgrade to a paid subscription.

      • Saint Alesha November 21, 2021

        They still can’t you v*****-sniffing buffoon of a mongrel – the change only applies to Premium users.

    • Monica Stan November 21, 2021

      No one listened to Romance at all 💀💀💀💀💀

      • Clarks0o00ñ November 21, 2021

        Romance = 3.6 billion streams

        Pets see fl00pmani do this

      • Monica Stan November 21, 2021

        Normani is currently charting ……… and UGGmillia is doing what exactly???? **jeopardy noise** 👀⌚️

      • Clarks0o00ñ November 21, 2021

        Charting with a song that has 57 million streams after 5 months of release
        A whole cardi feature

        Charted in 5 countries overseas
        Worldwide sales =500k
        57 million streams

        A whole cardi feature. Atleast it was number 1 on urban radio. 😂😂💀

        Dont go yet ( a solo song
        178 million streams
        Charted in 32 countries overseas
        Worldwide sales =1.1 million

        This always shut them up.

      • Clarks0o00ñ November 21, 2021

        Where is normani album?

        2021 is coming to an end, where is the ugly bab00n’s album?

        How many solo hits did she chart this year?

        Library silence 😂

      • Shayla Queen™ 👑 November 21, 2021

        Where is Monica’s album? Where is Trenches?!

      • Clarks0o00ñ November 21, 2021

        We are still waiting for answers

        Its giving ……silence

        Where is normani album?
        2021 is almost over, no album out

      • Gag November 21, 2021

        Clarkson you moron, listing someone’s accomplishments as a diss whilst you have 0 just makes you look even more of a fool. FOOL

      • Shayla Queen™ 👑 November 21, 2021

        @Gag always late to the conversation and you bring absolutely nothing substantial to it except to show that you’re still a stalker of Clarkson. He keeps you pressed.

      • Gag November 23, 2021

        Damn I hit a nerve! I will say it until I’m blue in the face you and Clarkson look dumb as phuck coming on here talking about Normani everyday someone who is more successful than either of you could even wish to be.

  2. TheOriginalUgghh November 21, 2021

    F*** TikTok! TikTok On this d***

  3. Clarks0o00ñ November 21, 2021

    Now let’s abolish mass buying

    Bts scored many fraudlent number1 songs this year.
    Ur song is number 1 but nobody knows it.

    Back in the day for a song to hit the top 20, everybody will be familiar with the lyrics, the beat and the music video.

    Today I look at the top 20 and I dont even know half of these songs or sang them

    • Shayla Queen™ 👑 November 21, 2021

      Most of the songs in the top 20 are usually the same old recycled generic Hip-Hop songs by male rappers that nobody has ever heard of.

    • Paulo November 21, 2021

      If you’re gonna pick someone apart for these cheap tactics then you better go for Bieber and Ariana for instance – BTS is a global phenomenon and Nielsen have done their best to block KPop acts the best they could. They had the system against them and still won.

      • Fancy BISH (Back To The Future 🤣)👊🏻💎💋 November 21, 2021

        Paula is talking out her ass again 💩 the bish isn’t even black lol

      • Gag November 21, 2021

        Ya all sound dumb per usual

  4. I said it..And!!??? November 21, 2021


    • Fancy BISH (Back To The Future 🤣)👊🏻💎💋 November 21, 2021

      Jealousy is a disease and your looking real sick.

    • marilyn monh-O-E ® 👠(#1 DIVA) November 21, 2021

      Y’all mad h o e s are hating on white people for no reason. I feel so sorry for y’all💅🏿 Diva worships all color of big d I c k s

      • Shayla Queen™ 👑 November 21, 2021

        Whites and light-skinned people get so much unnecessary hate on here. It really is disgusting.

    • Dc November 21, 2021

      Agree complaining white woman it’s annoying and sad so many black people worship this white Britt

      • Shayla Queen™ 👑 November 21, 2021

        Meanwhile, Cardi’s skin keeps getting lighter and lighter…

      • Urg November 22, 2021

        U talking about blk ppl supporting Adele but u on here kiss out Taylor Swift whyte flat mayo @$$ but it just u DC being an hyproctical @$$ as usual

  5. J November 21, 2021

    I literally just switched to Spotify and was confused as to why that was default lol

    Thanks Adele

  6. Shayla Queen™ 👑 November 21, 2021

    One thing I know is I keep y’all höes heated and I don’t even have to do ish 💯🤳🏽💋 Even when I’m long gone, y’all will still be talking about the Queen. My name is always in y’all mouths. This p**** tastes like watermelon and y’all mad huh? Keep being mad, it proves I’m a bo$$ a$$ bi$h and y’all höes could neva 💅🏽 #THEQUEENSIMPACT

    • marilyn monh-O-E ® 👠(#1 DIVA) November 21, 2021

      Those losers can suck my Diva d I c k 💅🏿 They are so annoying like flies on turd 💩 especially that fake Marilyn. I hope that b I t c h can choke on some chopsticks

  7. Blu2th November 21, 2021

    Awesome now let’s work on royalty rates.

  8. Dc November 21, 2021

    This is so dumb since her album didn’t break any records and i don’t hear anyone talking about her we supposed to act like this is something white privilege at its best

    • Shayla Queen™ 👑 November 21, 2021

      She’s broken more records than your fave. And she already broke records with her last album so the only record she’d be breaking is the one she already has. Nice try though 💋

  9. GrapeJuicy November 21, 2021

    “I’m all about that bass no trebble” lol 😂

  10. Kenny Blau November 22, 2021

    I hope Adele sells at least 1 million first week. She has the most pre adds on Apple all the songs occupied the Top 12 same on Spotify.

  11. Tori November 22, 2021

    Beyoncé just made ppl buy her album. Artist are putting too much time and energy in “The streaming era”. If you honestly care how ppl received your ‘art’ and the story you’re telling, it would make more sense for the to pay to consume in stead of streaming it freely.

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