Megan Thee Stallion Denies Lawsuit Allegations of Sexual Harassment & Fat Shaming / Plaintiff Retains Lawyer of Dancers Suing Lizzo for Similar Alleged Misconduct

Published: Tuesday 23rd Apr 2024 by Rashad

‘Hot Girl Summer’ hitmaker Megan Thee Stallion found herself in hot water after news rang out that she was facing a lawsuit for allegedly sexually harassing and fat-shaming her former photographer.

Just as the story started making waves on the net, however, the GRAMMY-winning rapstress released a statement via her attorney denying the allegations.

Details inside.

In an explosive, 42-page lawsuit filed Tuesday (April 23), Stallion’s former videographer and photographer Emilio Garcia claimed he was forced to witness the ‘Big Ole Freak’ beauty have sex with another woman in June 2022.

Saying he “was embarrassed, mortified and offended throughout the whole ordeal,” and the next day the rapper allegedly told him to never “discuss what you saw,” Garcia also claims he suffered profound emotional distress from the “barrage of relentless sexual and fat-shaming comments” she made that created a hostile work environment.

Emilio says after he complained to Roc Nation about wages and bookings, he was fired and now “grapples with mounting anxiety, depression, and physical distress stemming from the toxic work environment, compounded by the trauma of unpaid work.”

Garcia is represented by the Ron Zambrano, the lawyer who once represented dancers who sued Lizzo for harassment and hostile work environment last year.

“[Megan Thee Stallion] just needs to pay our client what he’s due, own up to her behavior and quit this sort of sexual harassment and fat shaming conduct. Emilio should never have been put in a position of having to be in the vehicle with her while she had sex with another woman,” Zambrano said in a statement. “‘Inappropriate’ is putting it lightly. Exposing this behavior to employees is definitely illegal.”

Meg’s attorney wasted little time clapping back at the suit.

 “[This is] an employment claim for money − with no sexual harassment claim filed and with salacious accusations to attempt to embarrass her,” he relayed.

Roc Nation nor Megan have directly responded to the news.

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  1. Kendrick Slaymar April 23, 2024

    Celebrities and influencers need to start hiring companies and actual people with professional backgrounds to do their hair, nails, and makeup, these g** men that yall find on social media who want to be micro- celebrities are NOT your friends, at any moment they will accuse you of being mean and they live for drama.

    • Kendrick Slaymar April 23, 2024

      Ġàŷ*** SMH

    • Sl****ut April 24, 2024

      What does sexual orientation have to do with any of this, lizzo wasn’t sued by gay men but just women. Anyway I do however agree that they need to hire professional agencies instead of just anyone famous on tik-tok for make-up tutorials and stuff.

  2. Kendrick Slaymar April 23, 2024

    fired. So it seems, to me, that the problem was the pay and him being fired. He threw in the harassment stuff for good measure because he knew it would grab headlines.

  3. EH April 23, 2024

    Isn’t it funny how everyone in her circle has a story about her and how she fvckêd them over but ppl, who have never met her, swear that she’s an angel and a victim?

  4. EH April 23, 2024

    He’s having a wage dispute. The suit isn’t even for harassment. That Fat messy b!tçh!

  5. 🤣 April 23, 2024

    Meg stans are going to:

    Blame Nicki Minaj

    Bring up her parents and great grandmother passing away

    Blame alcohol

    Blame the people who she’s no longer friends with.

    & Say he’s only out for money.

    This goes to show that she was cheating on Pardi too.

    • Kendrick Slaymar April 23, 2024

      Her hoodrat fanbase will find a way to defend it, it doesn’t matter what she does, how she behaves or how many times she lies they will claim y’all don’t like her because she’s a black woman. Megan is problematic but her fake fanbase cry when you point that out

  6. Ugh April 23, 2024

    Forcing someone to watch you have śęx is sęxµal harassment in case y’all weren’t aware.

  7. Sl****ut April 24, 2024

    Good luck to whomever filled that lawsuit, we all know this ain’t going anywhere 🤣🤣 seems as if he/she just added the sexual lawsuit for fame purposes

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