Eminem Runs Slim Shady Persona Obituary In Detroit Paper

Published: Wednesday 15th May 2024 by Ryan

Eminem is officially saying goodbye to his persona Slim Shady, or so it would appear.

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A fake obituary for Slim Shady appeared in in the Detroit Free Press on May 13, which declared the persona dead.

“Slim Shady Made Lasting Impressions” the headline reads. “Fans will never forget controversial rapper.” the sub headline reads.

“A product of Detroit who began his career there as a rogue splinter in the flourishing underground rap scene of the mid to late 1990s, Shady first became a household name in 1999 with the debut of his playfully deranged single ‘My Name Is,’” the piece eulogized, “which — along with its uniquely eye catching video — exposed the young artist and his lyrics to a wider audience,” the body says.

“Ultimately, the very things that seemed to be the tools he used became calling cards that defined an existence that could only come to a sudden and horrific end. His complex and tortured existence has come to a close, and the legacy he leaves behind is no closer to resolution than the manner in which this character departed this world,” it continued.

“May he truly find the peace in an afterlife that he could not find on Earth,” it concludes.

The news of the death of the Slim Shady persona comes as Eminem previously announced his upcoming album ‘The Death of Slim Shady.’

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  1. What Would Lil Wayne do May 15, 2024

    Now em made that announcement everybody wants to know wtf is this about I can’t wait for the video

    • S H A Y L A 👑™ May 15, 2024

      Absolutely no one wants to know

  2. What Would Lil Wayne do May 15, 2024

    Now em made that announcement everybody wants to know wtf is this about I can’t wait for the video

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