Janet Jackson Rocks Kick Off of North American ‘Together Again Tour 2024’ with ‘Control,’ ‘All For You,’ & Other Megahits

Published: Wednesday 5th Jun 2024 by Rashad

All new and it’s all for you.

Pop Queen Janet Jackson may have spent most of 2023 reigning over touring box offices with her critically acclaimed ‘Together Again Tour,‘ but – months after learning the trek was her most successful in history – the 58-year-old is looking to extend that personal record by returning to North America for a second leg.

Kicking off the 35 date-venture at Palm Desert, California’s Acrisure Arena on Tuesday (June 4), Jackson cranked out high-octane performances of some of her most memorable hits like ‘Doesn’t Really Matter,’ ‘So Excited,’ ‘All For You,’ ‘What Have You Done for Me Lately,’ ‘Control,’ and more.

As if that wasn’t enough to send her fans (affectionately called the #JanFam) into a frenzy, Jan rocked the house with rarely performed cuts like ‘Make Me,’ ‘All Nite (Don’t Stop),’ ‘Someone to Call My Lover,’ Rock With U,’ and others.

See fan-captured highlights from the revamped show inside.


‘All Nite (Don’t Stop)’


[photo courtesy: Legacy of Janet]

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  1. Loud June 5, 2024

    The Queen of Showmanship and Swag
    Ms Janet Jackson

  2. Beyonce the queen June 6, 2024

    Her production is so boring and low budget. And why is she touring a year later with no new music. The first leg was successful but the second is gonna have low sales.

    • Keith June 6, 2024

      @Beyoncethequeen: When you have a deep catalog and fans with decent attention spans, you don’t have to churn out music every two years. Her production may have disappointed you but you got on this post to make a comment so SHE GOT YOU.

    • Troy June 7, 2024

      Hon, Janet can go away for several years and come back as if she had never left, which shows her stamina and legacy in the industry. As far as production she’s always had a small production because she doesn’t need all the Bells and Whistles which is not cost effective when she’s the Icon and Legend that she is. When she tours she has a catalog of music that she could perform without having a new album, lets get that straight. Rihanna hasn’t toured nor has she released a new album since 2016. Now let’s get to yo girl COPYonce, she’s released album after album, after album with one or two hits from each, having 36 producers & writers and 36 video’s for every single on each album, she’s had big budget tours but after paying for all of that production I’m 10000% sure the ho was in the red, because it’s not cost effective. That ho is so afraid to take a break because she knows that these new girls have already started to quiet her storm. She’s up in age and her tours were not all sold out which 90% were not because she was still promoting them on social media and also lowered her ticket prices because no one was paying those high ass prices, something Janet has never done nor will ever do because she’s said in the beginning she wants her fans to be able to afford to see her. Unlike COPYonce, when Janet fans go to see her, they love the music, are familiar with all of her hits and begged to hear other unreleased songs. Whereas that FRAUDonce force feeds her albums, songs to people, and her FLEAhive bullies people online to force them to play her songs, especially that country s*** she has out. She released that s*** back 4 months ago and still walking around here wearing a damn cowboy costume…”girl it’s over”….that moment came and went, let it go. See the thing with Michael and Janet, they are true artist. Joe had those boys of his studying their craft, perfecting it…MJ stood out because he wanted that fame. Janet watched her siblings and learned from them and got with the biggest producers in the business Jam and Lewis and they took her under their wing and produced that massive catalog of music she has. COPYonce, copied, stole, sampled and used her way to where she is, that’s why she struggles and plays politics to get what she wants, sleeps with different big wigs to get what she wants. Has Jay-z making deals and selling her body to big timers he knows to get what she wants. Trust and believe, Janet is 58 years old, she’s just having a grand ol time doing what she enjoys…with a smile as bright as the sun, an Icon, Legend and Superstar still killing it at 58 years old…so when you talk about her please talk about her with some true reasoning because she is revered by her peers and ALL the girls in the game now, young and old and she’s not doing any of the stripping, twerking and half naked on stage, why….because she doesn’t have to. She’s very modest on stage always has been and you will NOT Find not one female performer who is onstage these days that aren’t looking trashy and skanky…which is why COPYonce will never be perceived as nothing but that. A chic who steals, copies, samples and uses other females in the game to keep herself relevant…

      • Trash June 12, 2024

        You wrote a whole ass novel nobody is ever going to read.

  3. Keith June 6, 2024

    Saw some clips on the internet and I can’t wait for my shows in Atlanta and London. In performance, Miss Janet rarely disappoints. Love the costuming and lighting upgrades and the setlist touched both JanFam and casual fans.

  4. marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) June 6, 2024

    sorry but she aged terribly.

    • Tony June 7, 2024

      What nerve and I can’t even see your face 🤷🤣🤔💯

  5. Kenny June 6, 2024

    Like Madonna

  6. Trash June 12, 2024

    Not a big fan. Never have been.

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