Taylor Swift Says She’s “Completely in Shock” After “Horrendous” Knife Attack on Children in Southport

Published: Tuesday 30th Jul 2024 by Sam

Taylor Swift has spoken up and out after several young fans tragically lost their lives at the hands of an attacker at a dance workshop themed around the superstar.

Full story below….

The shocking crime occurred on Monday (July 29) in the UK town of Southport.

Three children were confirmed dead and nine more people were injured.

A 17-year-old has been arrested.

Taking to Instagram, Swift expressed that she is “in complete shock” at what had transpired and offered condolences to the affected families of the victims.

She wrote:

“The horror of yesterday’s attack in Southport is washing over me continuously, and I’m just completely in shock. The loss of life and innocence and the horrendous trauma inflicted on everyone who was there, the families, and first responders. These were just little kids at a dance class. I’m at a complte loss for how to ever convey my sympathies to these familes.”

That Grape Juice’s thoughts and prayers are with those affected.

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  1. THE TRUTH 🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨 July 30, 2024

    The religion of peace

  2. Miss Ling Ling July 30, 2024

    Time to donate some money. Tay

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