Omarion Shares Insights After 3 Years of Celibacy: ‘You Listen to Your Body’

Published: Wednesday 21st Aug 2024 by Ryan

Omarion is sharing new insights into his life being celibate.

More details below…

He was a guest on the podcast ‘Know Thyself,’ where he opened up about mental and spiritual wellness.

“Always being a dancer, you listen to your body. It’s interesting that at that particular moment in my life, I kind of took it on as a challenge,” the singer said on how he was able to deter from his “sexual energy.”

He also said that Christianity helped him.

“It was just an interesting time. I was really studying my Bible, and ultimately, like I said in my book, it wasn’t for me. But it allowed me to kind of you know step out of this world and have the responsibility of being a sex symbol and being a young adult,” Omarion shared.

“In hindsight, it was preparing me for my contribution to music me being integral and my words and what I’m saying. Not having to really live a double life,” he continued.

“I’m not here to judge anyone, because we all have our journey, I just found myself in that position of wanting to understand my energy, give myself time to grow. And also, I knew that if I could control two areas of my life ,which is food and the urge of sex, then you know nothing can stop me,” the singer concluded.

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  1. Juicé August 21, 2024

    “The responsibility of being a s** symbol” . . . Whaaa? Hey, Omarionnette, not using another’s body doesn’t celibacy make. Show of hands who, here, thinks he was usig his hands?

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