Plies Continues to BLAST the Black Men Not Supporting Kamala Harris

Published: Tuesday 27th Aug 2024 by Sam

Plies has long been outspoken about everything from music to culture to politics.

As such, with the US election season well underway, the rapper is seizing the moment to vent about the words of some of his fellow Black men.

A fervent supporter of Democratic candidate Kamala Harris, Plies has taken a particular dislike to what he says are the sums of Black men actively opting to question the sitting Vice President’s political record – while not doing the same for her Republican rival Donald Trump

And, in a new video, he’s doubling down on his stance.

Full story below…

After going viral with a video bemoaning what he feels is the unequal scrutinization of Harris by some Black men, the MC shared another clip echoing the same sentiments.

“Until Kamala Harris is impeached twice, until Kamala Harris is found liable for sexual abuse, until Kamala Harris starts an insurrection, until Kamala Harris tries to overturn an election… she’s a better motherf**king candidate to me. I’m not voting for a rich white man to do whatever the f**k he wants to do. I don’t hate women and I don’t hate Black women (to vote Trump).”

Reflecting on Trump’s many promises, Plies rhetorically asked:

“Did he do it yet? But **she** needs to explain? [Kamala] has explained her policies, but you just don’t want to hear it.”

Check out the video:

Here’s the video that sent ripples across social media:


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A post shared by Plies (@plies)

Plies also made waves when he tweeted:

“Dear Black Men Who Searching For Reason To Not Like @KamalaHarris Look Your Daughters Or Nieces In Their Face & Tell Them It’ll Be Men Like Yourself. Who Are Going To Question Their Blackness, Their Resume & Their Existence! If They Ever Try To Do The Impossible In This Country!!”

With that, what are…

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  1. Leee August 27, 2024

    He needs to get over it. Black men can support whomever they please and the majority does support Harris so what’s he whining about?

    • Trump is dumb! August 27, 2024

      marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) Is RASHAD!!!!!!


    • Hanz August 27, 2024

      No b**** he needs to continue calling out the incels spreading misinformation with their uneducated asses!!

    • Rummy August 27, 2024

      Kamala Stranger Harris has not given them niggss jobs like Trump has .

      VOTE FOR TRUMP 2024

  2. WE ARE NOT GOING BACKKKKKKK, beechhhh August 27, 2024

    Ms. Ling Ling is Sam!!!!


  3. Miss Ling Ling is a she-male.. LOL August 27, 2024


  4. detruth August 28, 2024

    Why are we voting for either of them? As black ppl what are they offering us for our vote?

    • Ijs August 28, 2024

      Because we choose the one who comes closest to representing our best interests. This is how the entire country votes. There is no one group that gets everything they want from a president. You compromise for the best interest of the country, as a whole and for the best interest of your specific causes and needs. For example, that’s why it’s stupid to vote against immigration if the candidate who’s for immigration is also for securing student loan debt forgiveness. You compromise on other issues if the issues that directly affect you are being addressed.

      • detruth August 28, 2024

        Immigration rights help immigrants, gay rights help gays, women’s rights help women, there are specific funds and set asides for migrants harmed in different situations and other countries, Native Americans get a ton, I could go on. Am I missing something here? Different groups get different things specifically but we get nothing specifically.

      • Ijs August 28, 2024

        Gay rights just granted gays the same rights that straight people have always had. They didn’t get anything special. They just got the legal right to get married and not be discriminated agains. Exactly what are women’s rights? Women were given the right to vote many years ago and not much else. Immigrants receive limited services to help them acclimate into American society. Many of them are dirt poor and face many challenges that US citizens don’t, so please elaborate on these rights that they’ve been given. And Native Americans get the bare minimum as compensation for the US forefathers pillaging their society and colonizing their land. They are actually the poorest and unhealthiest demographic in the US. So, please point out the tons of rights they’ve been given. And also explain exactly what you expect a president to do specifically for black people.

      • detruth August 28, 2024

        Yea all those groups got what they were fighting for. We haven’t gotten anything specific since civil rights and even that’s been used to benefit many other groups.

        Immigrants are getting immediate money and housing that we can’t get. Don’t talk about welfare and food stamps because yt ppl dominate that and its not as easily approved as the immigrant money.

        You say native Americans are poor idk about that when they get land grants and casinos galore. Statistics are often swayed by those creating them so u have to take them with a grain of salt.

        There was even an whole Asian hate crime bill (titled something else) that spelled out Asian specifically when we have been harmed for decades with no crime bill.

        Specific groups have gotten specific benefits time and time again so just how u said all the benefits those groups got but u down play them name at least 1 benefit that black ppl got specifically and not civil rights? 🤔

      • detruth August 28, 2024

        Also u said native people get benefits from what happened to their land lmmfao then u definitely should be all for blacks getting those same benefits when some of us were here before slavery and even those that weren’t suffered greatly on this land. Make it make sense.

      • Ijs August 28, 2024

        Immigrants are only getting immediate money and housing in sanctuary cities and it’s being funded by the local city governments, not the federal government. Not to mention that it’s extremely restrictive and not enough for anyone to thrive on. Those who aren’t in sanctuary cities are being housed in detention centers, on police station floors, and in other awful housing accommodations. And ONLY American citizens can receive welfare. So without a baby born in the USA, the migrants are not receiving welfare.

        As for Native Americans, per the most recent US Census Data, taken in 2018, the highest poverty rate by race is found among Native Americans at 25.4%. Their casino’s and land are self maintained on Indian reservations. They do not generate wealth. Black people want and deserve reparations that would far exceed the value of all the Indian reservations and associated properties combined.

        The Asian crime law is applicable to ALL marginalized races and groups who experience hate crimes. It’s not specifically for Asians, even though the VP is part Asian. The law makes it easier for any and everyone to report hate crimes at the local and state levels by boosting public outreach and ensuring reporting resources are available online in multiple languages.

        Specific groups have only gotten the Federal Government to be more direct with the inclusion of everyone by re-writing laws that have already existed with specific language that closes loopholes and unmistakably is more inclusive. No one group has gotten targeted specialized treatment that goes above and beyond this.

        The government’s goal is equality and inclusion. The Dems will support any initiative that helps to create that.

        Also, there are many federal programs available to US citizens that blacks either may not know about or are choosing not to take part in. It’s up to us, collectively, to educate ourselves more so that we understand how to fully take advantage of what is already available. Waiting around for a president to spoon feed us isn’t going to happen.

        It’s important to understand that almost ALL of the laws that affect our day-to-day lives are created at the local, city ,and state levels. We have a better shot at getting specifically targeted attention and pers from the local government, not the Federal Government.

      • detruth August 28, 2024

        I give credit where credit is due you made a few good points however I could rebuttal most of this. When you said casinos don’t generate wealth your entire argument became null and void to me. Casinos generated 66 billion in revenue last year lol. That’s just 1 rebuttal.

        This is not a conversation I will continue on this tgj thread which will be buried soon I said what I had to say you will feel your way and I’ll feel my way have a great 1!

  5. KeyLoLo August 28, 2024

    Preach to your kids and not me heaux. I’m not your son..I’ma vote for whoever tf I want to vote for and it sure as hell won’t be that b!+(H 💁 tell her husband and people like him to vote for that heaux

  6. True Tea August 28, 2024

    Someone remind Plies, Kamala would cross the street if she seen him coming.

    • Eric August 28, 2024

      There are plenty of moments captured and shared across social media to prove otherwise, unlike Trump who’s only comfortable with blacks as long as we stay in our place (ie “black jobs”) and JD Vance who has had little to no social interaction with young black people, as evidenced by his visit to that donut shop.

    • Realtalk August 28, 2024

      Someone needs to explain to your silly a** that Trump wouldn’t even stand in the same atmosphere you stand in! Trump has already shown everybody what he’s about: HIMSELF!!!!!!! If you insist, go buy one of those $99 dollar fake ass superhero cards he’s selling.

  7. Ms.Ling Ling 🤰🏻🥠🥡🥢 August 28, 2024

    Miss Ling Ling is running “that Ling Juice”. Y’all just cant get my mother f u cking name outta your mouths.

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