Sean Kingston & Mom Spotted RUNNING Out of Court as Wire Fraud Case Heats Up [Video]

Published: Monday 26th Aug 2024 by Sam

Sean Kingston is no stranger to the spotlight having helmed huge hits such as ‘Beautiful Girls.’

However, the singer and his mother were in no mood for the cameras when leaving caught for a hearing in their wire fraud case.

Full story below…

Kingston and his mom Janice Turner attended court in Fort Lauderdale, Florida recently after being charged with running a multi-million dollar wire fraud scheme. One, in which, they stand accused of defrauding multiple entities to fund their elaborate lifestyles.

Though adamant about their innocence, it’s clear the duo were in no mood for cameras or questioning. They were filmed running to their waiting car after the hearing.

See what we mean:

As reported, 34-year-old Kingston faces 10 counts, while prosecutors hit Turner with 8 counts.

Both mother and son could be jailed for up to 20 years if convicted.

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  1. porsha Williams Stan August 26, 2024

    LMAOOOOO running like the fat ass scammers they are😂😂😂

  2. Ms.Ling Ling 🤰🏻🥠🥡🥢 August 26, 2024

    That ‘s not running. hahahahaha. this fat creature is crawling

  3. marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) August 26, 2024

    his mom has hair this time.LOL She is middle fingering the camera like she has a savage clap back or something.. this s*** is funny af

  4. Rum and cocaine August 26, 2024

    Now that Sean Kingston is in trouble all the sudden you want to post his face on your website.

  5. Welp August 26, 2024

    Someone should’ve tripped them and took their big assses down. Just like the DA is about to do, because they definitely can’t run from those charges!

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