Trump’s Team Deletes Campaign Video After Beyonce Sent a Cease-And-Desist Over ‘Freedom’ Song Use

Published: Wednesday 21st Aug 2024 by Rashad

Beyonce may have given Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris the green light to use one of her 2016 ‘Lemonade‘ hits in campaign visuals, but the Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has not been granted the same freedom.

Just a month ago Bey subtly (but not yet officially) endorsed Harris’ bid for presidency when she allowed the Vice President to use the ‘Lemonade’ smash ‘Freedom‘ in her first campaign video.

Apparently, Trump’s team thought the liberty would be extended to him as well as he included sound bites from the Kendrick Lamar-assisted tune in a campaign video lifted to his social media handles this week.

Quickly landing on the desk of the Queen Bey, her record label and music publisher sprung into action by delivering a cease-and-desist the 78-year-old’s reps.

Late Wednesday night (August 21), the clip was removed from Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung‘s X (Twitter) account.


This isn’t the first time Trump’s gotten slammed by a singer’s camp for unauthorized use of their music.

Less than two weeks ago Pop icon Celine Dion had her team call out the polarizing politician for including her timeless classic ‘My Heart Will Go On‘ at a Republican event.

In the same timeframe, lawyers for the Isaac Hayes estate slammed Trump with a notice of copyright infringement over using the late legend’s iconic ‘Hold On, I’m Coming‘ tune in campaign materials.

As of time reported, Bey nor Donald have directly made a statement about the most recent hoopla.

[photo courtesy: AP Images, Getty Images, & REX]

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  1. Diabetes UNBOTHERED August 21, 2024

    According to CHARTMASTERS…

    The 3 act trilogy has thus far sold 6 million in overall album equivalence. Currently on pace to 10 million with Act 3.

    YEE HAW 🐎 🐝 👑

    • Rum and cocaine August 22, 2024

      If this is true Rihanna been did that with one album Anti

    • RBRT August 22, 2024

      What is the third trilogy going to be?
      Is she making any music videos?
      Seeing Gaga collab with Bruno made me think it’s time for Beyonce and Gaga to collab again.
      I liked act 1, act 2 I respect what she’s done but it’s not for me. I hope act 3 isn’t rock like Tina Turner. Would be cool if it was like fun and upbeat, melodic, hooks….Like going back to songs like crazy in love, baby boy, naughty girl, standing on the sun. And she could stop cos playing white people and be tanned and have long black hair.

      • Lanafan1 August 22, 2024

        You sound slow. She’s not cos playing white people. You’re so ignorant. And it will be rock.

  2. Rum and cocaine August 22, 2024

    Beyoncé has a whole collection of cease and desist letters Beyoncé is a copycat b**** who is known for ripping off other music artists for years ..


    • Glaenry August 22, 2024

      Exactly the reason NOT to vote for the OLD & WEIRD orange fart.

    • Rum and cocaine August 22, 2024

      Exactly nothing b****.

      Beyoncé is a rip off copy cat thief.

      • Glaenry August 22, 2024

        😂 Suuure! Get out the way…

      • Lanafan1 August 22, 2024

        And Trump’s wife stole Michelle Obama’s speech. Beyoncé credit and pays for her covers and samples. Look it up before running your mouth.

  3. CharlisAngels August 22, 2024

    damn right, stay out of Madame VP’s lane!!

  4. marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) August 22, 2024

    #TRUMP 2024
    #Kamala Blackfishing 2024

    • Glaenry August 22, 2024

      The only thing that’s fishy here is your c******.

      #KAMALA 2024
      #not that old weird orange fart again aka loser

      • marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) August 22, 2024

        We aint go time for that butter chicken lady. go listen to her campaign song “May he Poop on my knee” on youtube.

    • Glaenry August 22, 2024

      Yes, she can open her legs. Everybody knows that, duh!
      The old, weird & orange platypus opens its legs & mouth only to fart his s***.
      Take your medecine & don’t forget your tampon.

      • marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) August 22, 2024

        eat my Tampon and Drink my Diva cup. U dumb c u n t
        C u m ala is a c u n t and that’s why she stan her so much.

      • Glaenry August 22, 2024

        How should I eat that fishy s***, when you’re stuck in a chastity cage?! I know you you’re that defective child!
        No diva in your family, no respect like s*** dump. You should have been aborted but your maggots said no to that & now they make sure you don’t reproduce. Already got that old, weird & orange fart. Nobody needs more of that.

  5. Black Women 4 Trump 2024 August 22, 2024

    Trump will win and will have his revenge against the Carters. HA!

  6. Bow Down August 22, 2024

    The Queen has spoken!

  7. Hitormiss August 22, 2024

    She is the female verson of him so she should have let him keep using it

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