Video: Chris Brown Talks ‘Takers’ Movie

Published: Tuesday 3rd Aug 2010 by Sam

R&B-Pop star Chris Brown sat down with MTV recently to discuss his new movie ‘Takers’. The singer, whose career has been on the up as of late, revealed that he performed “96%” of the action-flick’s stunts himself. Impressive

Peep the interview after the jump…

‘Takers’, which also stars Paul Walker, Michael Ealy, and Jay Hernandez, hits theatres in the US on on August 27th.

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  1. BeyonSLAY August 3, 2010




  2. AARON August 3, 2010

    I love Chris Brown…. IDC what he has doen or what pple say im #TEAMChris all day!!! N I cant wait to see this Movie!

  3. @mixedominicana August 3, 2010

    I believe that this movie will (might) be somethin’ nice…I have high expectations of it just bc of it’s star-studded cast…HOWEVER, that does not guarantee a thing…but we shall see if he and Mr. Harris’ acting skills are up to par…hmm..

    *sips coffee*

  4. YoU Hear Me August 3, 2010

    Can’t wait to see the film

  5. Breezy Stan ..Deal with it August 3, 2010

    Thank God.. I needed that… lmfao I’m a little Chris-deprived lately..

  6. TRUTH August 3, 2010

    i will be going to see this……………….

  7. royalkev August 3, 2010

    Chris is doing his thing. This is a good look and I’m sure he’ll come out on top! I can’t wait to see his strong comeback and hear what he’ll do next musically. I still listen to Graffiti (for the last 8months)and I think it was his best album to date! It’s one of my favorites in 2010. He’s unstoppable. Go Chris!

  8. Tiff August 3, 2010

    YASS! Def going to see that one!

  9. Lioness August 3, 2010

    Let’s get Get GET IT! Breezy

  10. Secret Voice August 3, 2010

    Can’t wait to see Breezy and the rest of the cast.I think he and Michael Ealy look kind of like brothers for real!

  11. CBREEZYYY_FAN August 3, 2010

    Dayumm CB is hottttttttttttt! 😀 Cannot wait to see this movie…i am also CB-deprived esp after his tour to Europe being cancelled 🙁 But nobody is gonna stop me from watching this movieeeeeeeeee 😀 LOVE YOU ALWAYS BREEZY 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  12. I and I (yardie style) August 3, 2010

    that’s one H-O-T-T hot pic right there! Can’t wait to see this movie

  13. alex August 3, 2010

    well of course he likes action movies ¬¬
    J/K i cant wait to see this, waited a long time but i doubt theyll even release it in the uk!

  14. Drop top girl August 3, 2010

    Thank the Lord for all the blessings we receive and I thank Him for all the blessing Chris is receiving. I cannot wait to go watch this movie, I’m so proud of him lol.

    And tommorw is the premiere and it will be streaming live and there is a TI and Chris concert afterwards via @TakersMovie …I can’t wait for that either!

  15. Aryo August 3, 2010

    Y havent chu posted kesha’s take it off video yet
    its awesome!!

  16. Aryo August 3, 2010

    Take It Off video is just released
    it rocks
    best kesha vid

  17. CH3RRY August 3, 2010

    i love chris brezzy!!

  18. I and I (yardie style) August 3, 2010

    @ plain & simple, thanks for posting that. I just saw “The Runaway” clip, our boy is amazingly talented. There is no stopping CBreezy

  19. PLAIN AND SIMPLE August 3, 2010


    You welcome

  20. bobs August 3, 2010

    STRAIGHT TO THE BARGAIN BIN. The last weekend of August is the kiss of death at the US Box Office.

  21. PLAIN AND SIMPLE August 3, 2010

    Yes that Runaway Clip was something else. Chris is very talanted and it shows in this movie

  22. Tracie August 3, 2010

    Counting down the day until this movie is out! All these beautiful men! Danger….action…what more can a girl ask for! Can’t wait till August 27th!

  23. TOMI August 3, 2010

    Is it true that chris is signed to CAA

  24. PLAIN AND SIMPLE August 3, 2010


    I believe he did last week

  25. piat August 3, 2010

    I think the movie will do well and I’ve heard good things about it since it pre-screened at this year’s Essence Fest and I saw a ton of tweets stating the movie was exciting. Breezy in a suit….that boy can wear a suit.

  26. DION-ISH August 3, 2010




  27. Drop top girl August 3, 2010

    Yep! Chris is signed to CAA. His tour manager told someone who was looking to book a gig for Chris to contact the NYC CAA for that.

  28. Drop top girl August 3, 2010

    And I believe that is what Tyrese was talking about on Twitter when he said that his baby bro Chris brown was making big moves since the bet performance. Once again, I’m so proud of him =)

  29. TooCute August 3, 2010

    May GOD continue to shower down blessing upon Chris and his career…AMEN

  30. Stacey August 3, 2010

    I can understand if you don’t like Brown, but must you come on here predicting failure? Rihanna is NOT God. Stop the idol worshipping and remember, wishing bad on others only bounces back to you.

    Good luck, Chris.

  31. Soulful Roses August 3, 2010

    I so can’t wait until this movie comes out. Keep ya’ head up Chris. We love ya’ 🙂

  32. X,Y,”and Z” August 3, 2010

    @Bobs — … Really?

    August 28th-09:

    The Final Destination – produced a final destination 2 AND 3.
    Halloween II – Part of an ongoing sequel.

    … It’s ALL relative: what will THAT movie be going up against, and as much as y’all won’t believe me, the weather, if it’s hot, folks might need to be “TAKEN away”:

    .. For the weekend of August 27th, a Saturday, ‘Takers’ will be going up against
    1.)’Titanic-2′ which may-or-may-not give ‘Takers’ “a run” cause there’s no Leo Decaprio and it’s NOT a James Cameron production. So, “maybe just for names-sake!”
    2.) ‘Centurion’ – Which is kinda-sorta like the “gladiator movie” a serious rip-off; what are these people thinking …???
    3.)The Last Exorcism – Which no one will care about, none of us was even born, when the first ‘Exorcist’, which was a cinematic class, was first released!
    4.)Going the Distance – A Drew Barrymore “Chick-Flick” ..!!
    5.)The Milk of Sorrow – ???? Women give their infant offspring a disease with their breast-milk <<– I mean, what the f*** ???.

    So, Takers will go-up against a no-big-name Disaster movie: 'Titanic-2' which has to rely on the "name recognition" from the First Titanic movie – no big-name actors; a Warrior movie – 'Centurion' which has to rely on it's script, as it has no big-name actors who might grab you for your just-escaping-the-summer-heat wave discretionary-funds; The Last Exorcism – another no-big name played-out, not even a Vampire/Wolf-man movie;'Going the distance' an, as I said, "Chick Flick" with Drew Barrymore whose NOT, "the big-name draw," she ONCE was — BooorrrriiinnnnGGGGG!
    …And last 'The Milk of Sorrow'?!!?; I'd rather stay out, in-the summer heat in-front-of a hydrant and get dark(er) …!!

    So, as y'all can see, "Takers" with it's big-name actors and glossy-catchy story-line, "OFFERS THE MOST", for these late-August "Dog Days of Summer" Movie releases ..!!

    X,Y,"and Z" — OUT …!!

  33. Jazybelle August 3, 2010

    I cant f****** wait for that Movie
    Haters betta stay mad and Pressed cause Takers`s going to slay …

  34. X,Y,”and Z” August 3, 2010

    …Again, here’s what “Takers” will be going-up-against come-the latter-weeks of THIS August: <<– "Kinda thin," 'eh? Now, let's hope the "weather and whatever-else" will force folks into the movie theaters for said weekend, if they do, 'Takers' might take the rest of 'em, "to-the-cleaners!" <— Ka-ching: 'Mo-Breezy', T.I. and three-others were the Co-producers …!!

    X,Y,"and Z"

  35. JAZ0195 August 3, 2010

    I can’t wait to see T.i. and chris brown in this movie even though I heard T.i is not that good of an actor but he still look good enough to eat

  36. ~TeAM WeeZY~ August 3, 2010

    YASSSSSSS! I’m sooooo anxious to see this movie! I can’t wait!

    L0VeS MY C. BReeZY! 🙂

    Paul Walker, Michael Ealy, T.I., AND my C.Breezy? *faints* OMGGGGGGG! And Idris Elba is the yummiest mofo EVER! *faints again*

  37. Heaven August 3, 2010


  38. PLAIN AND SIMPLE August 3, 2010

    @Teem Weezy

    And don’t forget Matt Dillon he is also good.

    @Me Thanks for that information Go Chris Go

  39. VA STAND UP!!! August 3, 2010

    @Piat: Damn…always agree with everything you say! It’s like you read my mind. You say it before I get to!

    I saw this earlier. He looks so young and goofy here. He sounds super excited too. Almost as excited as I am to see the film. I have been hearing about this movie since 2008 and I so happy it is finally coming out!

    I’m not gonna lie, I don’t see this movie being ‘critically acclaimed’ and certainly not oscar worthy, but I think it could possibly be a blockbuster. A high actgion bank heist film with a cast of fine actors is sure to do well especially with a summer release. Whoever did the casting for this film knew what they were doing. Paul Walker, Idris Alba, TI, Micheal Ealy
    Matt Dillon, Jay Hernendez and CB all in one movie! How can you go wrong?!?!

    CB is also a co-producer as well so this is a good look for him! I’m so proud of my boy! He is doing big things this year and next year is shaping out to be even better for him!

    That’s a real cute pic of him too! That boy can wear the hell out of a suit!

  40. X,Y,”and Z” August 3, 2010

    Whoever cast ‘Takers’ knew EXACTLY what THEY were doing: Idris Elba, Paul Walker and Zoe Saldana?! (her recent GQ magazine spread withstanding) ;Talk-about an “ALL-STAR CAST!”

    I’m buying a ticket for each-and-everyone in my family! This time, I’ll save the receipts; one day I’ll meet ‘Mo-Breezy’ and get him to sign ’em! … Just-too-bad I can’t do THAT with all of ’em ‘ICTY’ and ‘Graffiti’ I done purchased from Amazon and itunes!

    X,Y,”and Z” — OUT …!!!

  41. VA STAND UP!!! August 3, 2010

    @Team Weezy: You a fool! I live for your comments. You’re hilarious!

    @Me: Thanks so much for the info! I was hoping it was true and not just a rumor! That’s such a good look for Breezy! Getting signed with the biggest angency in LA is proof that people are taking a chance with him! I wonder if it for more movie roles or a big tour coming up. I guess we will just have to see.

    I guess that is what Tyrese meant when he said that CB was making big moves since the bet performance! I’m so happy for him!

    Oh! Did anyone see CB tweeted an hour ago that his new album will be coming out next year or sooner! He said he might do anothe mixtape ‘In My Zone 2’ he said! I loved In My Zone so a part two woule be

    I’m so proud of Breezy! Keep doing it big! VA luvs ya!

  42. Me August 3, 2010

    PSA- Black people, STOP bootlegging films with black leads and STOP BUYING bootlegged movies.

    Seriously, it’s NOT a deal if you are helping to REDUCE the chance that people who LOOK LIKE YOU, will get to star in more movies in the future. They don’t factor in “BOOTLEG-BOX-OFFICE” earning potential, when they are choosing actors for a movie. It’s ALL about MONEY! Pass it on!

  43. X,Y,”and Z” August 3, 2010

    @VA_Stand_UP —

    … G-A-T D-A-M ..!!!!
    …That was GOOD …!! Ain’t no-better-reason, to haul a**, that when you got a bag, “heavy-with-loot” tied-on YOUR back!! S***, I was yelling at my computer-screen: “Run N**** Run,” that Ferrari dealership just-round the corner …. RUN!!

  44. X,Y,”and Z” August 3, 2010

    @ME —

    NO …!! We holding it down: “100, over-here …!!” Just like with ‘ICTY’ and ‘Graffiti’ we supporting ‘Mo-Breezy’ TILL-THE-WHEELS COME-OFF — YA HURR! I’m gonna buy 10 tickets, and those are for my immediate family; like I said, I’ll keep the receipts: “imma representin’ ..!” … Hopefully, one-day, I can get ‘Our Boy’ to sign ’em …!!

    I can think of NOTHING I’d rather see, that ‘Takers’ do $50-million it’s first-week; can you imagine what Harvey Levin will THEN have to say ’bout that? I’d rather he read ’bout that and “fall-out” from a ‘heart attack’ ….!!!

  45. Soulful Roses August 3, 2010


  46. JAZ0195 August 3, 2010

    chris just said on twitter he is doing a ur love remix

  47. piat August 3, 2010

    Waves @VA Stand UP….real recognize real which is why we agree on many things

    It would love for CB to open for Usher…some fans would look at it as a downgrade but that would allow for people to see CB in his element and fall back in love with him.

    I’m not totally against the In My Zone 2 but I would love songs from Graffiti to get a little attention like even do an acoustic version of some Graffiti songs.

  48. mishka August 3, 2010

    God bless this yummy kid.

  49. ~TeAM WeeZY~ August 3, 2010

    @VA Stand Up

    OMGGGGGG! That clip was soooooo damn awesome! I’m getting even more excited! I have the jitters, GEEZ! Shame on you for posting that having me about to p*** my pants! J/K!

  50. Misty August 3, 2010

    awwwww can’t wait!!!!

  51. Tiff August 3, 2010


    OM Freakin GGGGG! That clip was intense! I reallly can’t wait!

  52. PLAIN AND SIMPLE August 3, 2010


    Wow that other blog above was something else.

    But anyway I am so damm happy for Breezy , Bluekid said that good thing will be coming him. Now with the MTV awards I wonder will he be one of the performers. OMG that will be something

  53. JAZ0195 August 3, 2010

    @VA STAND UP That video was cool especially the part where he jumped on the car

  54. PLAIN AND SIMPLE August 3, 2010

    oops!! things will be coming to him

  55. Renae August 3, 2010

    I’m more than sure the movie will get poor reviews and not be a box office hit, but I’m still planning to support it.

  56. iHeartMommaMonster August 3, 2010

    nice cant wait to see this 😀

  57. JAZ0195 August 3, 2010

    I hope chris brown performs at the MTV awards

  58. PLAIN AND SIMPLE August 3, 2010

    Well let me finish voting. Chris Breezy for ever love

  59. Geronimo Deuces August 3, 2010

    hi everyone (CB fans only pls)

    go chris go, im with you on this one too….. goodluck my boy good luck

  60. Geronimo Deuces August 3, 2010


    # My new album will come next year or sooner but in the meantime i might ” I MIGHT” do something special for yall again!!! about 5 hours ago via web

    # do yall want an “IN MY ZONE 2”!!! just a thought #inmyzone2 about 5 hours ago via web

    cant wait, deuces is my s***

  61. Geronimo Deuces August 3, 2010

    @ renae

    i dont think so….. after the MJ performance many have realised that what they were doing is wrong……. i think they will be fair this time.

    sorry oprah, jayz and tyra mstzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  62. Geronimo Deuces August 3, 2010


    August 3, 2010 at 6:56 pm

    It would love for CB to open for Usher…some fans would look at it as a downgrade but that would allow for people to see CB in his element and fall back in love with him.

    chris is already established, his name is BIG he will take kerry hilson, nicki minaj and maybe keisha chante

  63. Me August 3, 2010

    Ok, I have NEVER heard of this happening before. WTF? Who would pay money to see an extra 8 minutes of that anyway?

    “And lo and behold, Fox has announced that the highest grossing movie of all-time will add even more money to its coffers when Avatar returns to theaters Aug. 27 with eight minutes of new footage. So which movies opening that weekend will stand in James Cameron’s way and prevent Avatar from reaching No. 1 at the box office for an eighth time since December?”How about none of them? Scheduled for release are the Drew Barrymore/Justin Long romantic comedy Going the Distance, the bank-robbery B-thriller Takers and the Eli Roth-produced The Last Exorcism.

  64. bluekid August 3, 2010

    Hello Team Breezye 🙂

    I’m so happy for Chris Brown! The movie is going to do good!

  65. breezybaby August 3, 2010

    Cant wait till it comes out! im over excited at the moment lol
    chris is just a supertalented guy.. he can sing dance and act!
    He is jus sooo sexyy too.. i prefer him with a shave though!
    Fk the haterz!!!
    Team breezy!!

  66. bluekid August 3, 2010

    Thanks Me for that confirmation of Chris Brown signing to CAA

    Thanks VA STAND UP!!! for that exciting clip of the movie takers.

  67. Soulful Roses August 3, 2010

    Hello Bluekid 🙂

  68. bluekid August 3, 2010

    @ PLAIN AND SIMPLE, you are correct I did say good things are going to happen for Chris Brown. and I still believe even bigger things are going to happen to him, windows of blessing will pour out on him. I believe that!

    @ Geronimo Deuces, how is it in your neck of the woods it is hot has (____) in my neck of the woods. 🙂

    Hey my dear brother X,Y, and Z 🙂

  69. bluekid August 3, 2010

    Soulful Roses

    August 3, 2010 at 10:52 pm

    Hello Bluekid 🙂

    Hello Soulful Roses, I see you are eager waiting to see the movie “Takers” me too!

  70. bluekid August 3, 2010

    Breezy sure looks s*** in that suite, Chris Is turning out to be a handsome man.

  71. JAZ0195 August 3, 2010


  72. noodles August 3, 2010

    The movie didn’t get any poor reviews at that special screening back in July at that one festival so I’m sure it won’t now. People were actually shocked at how TI and Chris brought life to the movie. Who said musicians can’t act lol? All of you hoping for it to fail can go kick rocks. I don’t think it really has any competition espically with all the eye candy in the movie. You’ll have your youngins lining up for Chris and TI of course. Now who the hell wants to see part 2 to a movie about a ship that wasnt rebuilt?….the f***? There ain’t no Titanic two lol. That s*** sounds dumb.

    And YES! For it being true CB signed to CAA. He could be working on touring and acting. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. But they represent some of the best people in the industry….

  73. JAZ0195 August 3, 2010

    LOL @NOODLES Titanic Two there was never a second Titanic LOL

  74. bluekid August 3, 2010


    August 3, 2010 at 10:59 pm

    Hey JAZ0196 🙂
    I saw you killing them on that GaGa site

    Hey Noodles!

  75. UGh August 3, 2010

    Nicely said Chris. It’s good to see that you want people to separate your sining from your acting.

    I can’t wait to see this movie. it should be good. do you see all those fine men in it?
    yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  76. PLAIN AND SIMPLE August 3, 2010

    @Bluekid Good evening

  77. Soulful Roses August 4, 2010

    August 3, 2010 at 10:58 pm
    Soulful Roses

    August 3, 2010 at 10:52 pm

    Hello Bluekid

    Hello Soulful Roses, I see you are eager waiting to see the movie “Takers” me too!

    Eager is an understatement 🙂

  78. X,Y,”and Z” August 4, 2010

    @Blue_Kid, and the rest of the ‘Team-Breezy fam,’ whaatta gwaan?

    @Me — K, I read the article, the only thing I can think of, as-far-as, the demand for seeing the film, yet again?! … How did the DVD do, in sales? In any case, I think by-now, along with Vin Diesel, Paul Walker’s name/face is synonymous with ‘The Fast and The Furious’ franchise, so I think he’ll pull-in THAT crowd. Idris Elba has HIS demographic, so does Zoe Saldana! If you were standing, at THAT ticket-counter, why see Avatar again, when you can see her in something different/new? And will 8-additional minutes “be enough …?”

    I can’t wait to see it, I’m taking EVERYONE in my family; like I’d said, I’ll be keeping my ticket-stubs! If Trent/Sam will do, what-dude-over-on did, i.e., have folks take pictures of their ‘Graffiti’ CD and post ’em, I’ll be ready! But one-day I’ll meet ‘Mo-Breezy’ and get him to sign ’em …!

  79. JAZ0195 August 4, 2010

    @BLUEKID Gurl that gaga post is a mess

  80. PLAIN AND SIMPLE August 4, 2010

    Way to go Team Breezy and our other kin folks Deuces #1 106 & park

  81. annie August 4, 2010

    You people do know that top WHITE actors are in this film right?

  82. noodles August 4, 2010

    *Waves hi* HEY!

    But seriously Titanic 2? I’ve seen hella promotion for Takers more then any of the other movies set to be out that date so NO COMPETITION! ….the f*** somebody wanna see Titanic 2 for? Like what is that gonna be about? The first Titanic sunk and was not rebuilt! There is no second half to the story! Whoever even made that movie is a dumbass it doesn’t even sound right. They trynna make the Titanic which is a classic movie into a chessy never ending spin-off straight to DVD release like Bring It On and all these dance movies. I should shoot the person who came up with the idea of Titanic 2 and no I will NOT go and watch the trailer for that s*** lol.

    And since CB is signed to CAA and is gonna release another album next year you can believe he is doing big things! But he said he MIGHT do something special for us before than(probably a mixtape) but I don’t think he should. As much as I know I will love it he has to go away for a couple months before the release of the next album and it can’t be rushed. Okay he is back now and everyone is waitig for this so he has people in the palm of his hands right now basically he has to make us all miss him. He won’t be forgotten(if he still maintains his spot in the game nearly 2 years later with these non talented ass people he’ll be fine for a few months). Like with Beyonce and Kanye. They know they are loved but need to be missed before people get tired of them so that way when they come back everyone is all excited lol. But thats just my opinion. I’m not saying seeing Chris annoys me…I actually think I’ll damn near lose my mind without CB saying something crazy for months lol but its whats best.

  83. JAZ0195 August 4, 2010

    Chris is doing big things I always had faith in him

    annd he just sit and lucky me

  84. JAZ0195 August 4, 2010

    typo :say lucky me

  85. JAZ0195 August 4, 2010

    @NOODLES I agree I don’t think he should do another mixtape he should focus on making that album sound really good I hop he does more dance tracks like forever and transform ya.

  86. VA STAND UP!!! August 4, 2010

    Sorry for all the typos in my previous post. I be typing really fast some times.

    @Piat: True dat, true dat! LMAO!!

    @Me: Preaaaaccch!! I just hope people actually follow what you say.

    @JAZ0195: Tell me about it! I just got out of there! I felt like I was in a time warp or something. Lady Gaga fans go harder than Team Breezy! I’m scared to go back in there but I think I got my point across.

    Hello all of my fellow Team Breezy members! *waves* I am glad that you all enjoyed the clip! He really looked like he did his thang didn’t he! I have seen several tweets about his performance in the movie from people who were at the Essence Musice Festival at the special screening. According to them he did his thing! I don’t really think that his previous movies really gave us a chance to really see what he was capable of. He was in Stomp the Yard for all of 10 min, and in ‘This Christmas’ he got some screen time but I dont think it was enough to see what he could really do on screen. I just hope that we really get to see what he can do in ‘Takers’. I can’t wait!

    Like I said before, I doubt it will be critically acclaimed, but I am sure it will do well at the Box Office. It only cost 20 mill to make and I am sure it will bring in more than that at the box office. Technically, any movie that brings in over 50 mill is considered a blockbuster, though I do hope that it will bring in more than that.

  87. VA STAND UP!!! August 4, 2010

    @Piat: I think that CB going on tour with Usher would be amazing! I understand that some of CB fans might think that would be a ‘downgrade’ for Chris but I came to the realization along time ago that CB has to work his way back to the top. It won’t happen over night which is obvious by the rough year that he has had. Mainstream has basically ignored all positive things that he has done and only harped on the negative and exaggerated the silliest things. He hasn’t been winning on his own.

    I don’t that think even the most delusional CB stans can argue the fact that Usher is still a huge international star who is more popular than CB, especially right now! Usher lost some of his hype with his last album, but he never had a career altering scandal so his image is still in tact and he never lost his good standing with his mainstream audience. Opening for Usher would be great for CB especially since Usher’s audience is slightly older than CB’s. It will help introduce CB to a older more mature audience and that could really help when he releases his album next year.

    I think that Usher is like a big brother to CB. It is obvious that they have gotten close over the last year or so, and it kinda seems like he has taken CB under his wing. With all the drama that CB has been through this past year and some change, Usher would be taking a risk having Chris on his tour. It proves that Usher is a real friend. He is willing to recieve possible backlash by having CB on his tour. Usher can help CB ease back into mainstream.

    Of course it be great if CB could headline his own tour, but that probably won’t happen for a while and we as his fans just have to accept that. This is the next best thing! Can you imagine Usher, CB and CIara all on one tour! It will definitely sell out! With three truly great performers, you can’t go wrong!

    Plus if it is true that CB and Usher recorded a song together than that would be even better. They could perform it together on tour! It would be amazing! We thought that that crappy lil video of them performing at Sumfest was something, wait until we see them hit the stage together on tour! EPIC!!!

    I do agree that ‘Graffiti’ should have gotten more attention. He had some hits on that album. I always thought that he should have capitalized on Trey’s success and released ‘Wait’. Not to say that he needs Trey to have success but the two of them on a track together certainly would have gotten them some spins. It was a great club record.
    ‘Movie’ was a great r&b record, ‘Brown Skin Girl’, ‘I Love You’, ‘Sing Like Me’ all could have done well on radio. His whole album is a thousand times better than most of the sh*t that passes for music these days. Ke$ha, Wack Flaka, Justin ‘annoying ass’ Bieber, Jason DeHELLno. Need I go on?

    IMO ‘Graffiti’ the bonus track was his best song on that album! I love that song! It has that rock sound that I love! his voice is amazing on it. I just think that if had released it he would have gotten slack from critics saying he was ‘playing the victim’ again. *shrugs* All of his songs are over analyzed now and some how tied back to the ‘incident’. It’s so annoying!

    I just think it is obvious that with the release of two mixtapes and now he has announced that his new album is coming out next year, that ‘Graffiti has run it’s course. It’s okay though cause every artist has had a down period and a failed album. Chris is too talented to let one failed album hold him back. It is time to move on from ‘Graffiti’.

    I definitley wouldn’t mind him releasing a ‘In My Zone’ part II cause I loved the first one. I just hope that he is saving his hot material for his album. Besides, his mixtapes are more gritty. Too much cussin and sexually explicit language. They are for the underground. His albums are for mainstream. I think he releases albums to keep his fans pleased between albums. With all the hype they have gotten, it is sure to help with the sales of his albums.

    He has really kept the details of his album under raps. I really think this album will put him back on top! I predict 2011 will be a great year for Breezy. I cant wait!!

  88. bluekid August 4, 2010

    When is Chris Brown movie Takers is coming out!

  89. VA STAND UP!!! August 4, 2010

    @Noodles: Co-sign!

    Sorry for the long ass post! I just had a lot os stuff to get off my chest!

    @Piat: Where you at??

  90. PLAIN AND SIMPLE August 4, 2010


    August 27th

  91. bluekid August 4, 2010

    @ VA STAND UP!!

    I agree with you, CB should tour with Usher until his new Album come out than he can headline again. But I don’t see a backlash after this movie people will want to see him.

    But for this year I can see him touring with Usher, but when his album comes out, I think it will be time for him to headline his own tour.

    I’m repeating myself! LOL

  92. bluekid August 4, 2010


    Thank you welcome!

  93. Tiff August 4, 2010

    @ Plain and Simple I know! I had to duck up out of there! It was becoming to much..even for me! lol

  94. noodles August 4, 2010

    That Gaga/VMA post is a hot ass mess. I had to click off of that page before my ass died lol cuz I have been rolling holding my side for nearly a damn hour now at half the s*** they are saying. They are some delusional people lol. And Lady Gaga and Beyonce fans are about to snatch each others wigs off through the computer…smh…its funny though lmfao.

  95. piat August 4, 2010

    @VA Stand Up My computer has been acting up….I agree with him opening for Usher especially if the tour leads up to the release of his album next year. Humility is probably the lesson Chris and his fans have had to learn throughout this whole process.

    I still need to hear an acoustic set of I’ll Go and Movie before I can move forward. I liked the mixtapes but I still prefer the Breezy on Graffiti…I tolerated the cussin on the mixtapes but I could do without it.

  96. noodles August 4, 2010

    I don’t agree with the Usher tour thing because I feel he has to make people miss him before he releases his next album so people are more excited. If he were to like disappear for a few months before his next album releases and then come back and get ready to release it and join someone on tour thats fine. I just think that he needs to disappear cuz that will defiently remind the industry that its a mess. He has kept himself pretty relevant despite what haters say. A few months without Chris and we’ll have the mess that can’t dance that is Jason Derulo and Justin Bieber little under-developed self and Trey yodeling about s** (no shade to any of those artist though I love them…well except Jason). Like Beyonce even on break she shits on everyone and people miss her already. Kanye took a break and now everyone still loves his crazy ass. Chris is said to be over but shits on all three of those male artist combined. So a 2-3 month break sounds good. Lord knows TeamBreezy will damn near die and thats exactly what we need lol.

  97. famousgirl August 4, 2010

    #1 in the box office I can just smell it
    Both T.I & ChrisBrown have a large fanbase
    there’s a bunch of s*** men so a lot of females will go and see it
    it also have action/drama so boys will also go to see the movie
    It’s a hit there’s no doubt about it.
    I think chris should release his album next yr. I dont want him to rush it & I dont want him to release it during competition I just want his album to go to #1.
    But he can do whatever wants Im sure he knows what he’s doing

  98. JAZ0195 August 4, 2010

    Hey who in teambreezy have a twitter you go there and tell him how you feel about a another mixtape

  99. Geronimo Deuces August 4, 2010

    ^^ true but i hate little ms no talent for all this bs, seriously ……………….

  100. Geronimo Deuces August 4, 2010



  101. noodles August 4, 2010

    Oh no…ya’ll ain’t right for that link to ticketmaster lol. I can’t. I always thought when this all came back and hit her fans in the face(I have nothing against her really just her dumbass stans) I’d be jumping around screaming “THANK YOU JESUS” but now its like whatever lol. This is what karma is. And they are gonna get more karma cuz there dumb selves are running around boycotting cuz she only got ONE nomination. BOO F****** HOO….they lucky she even got that one…ungrateful asses. To be honest the facts behind her “success” proves alot. But I won’t go in on that I’m too happy for Chris too care about the ish she is on

    You are damn right that is gonna be #1 in the box office espically with Chris and TI’s fan base. And isn’t Chris also like an executive producer on the film with TI? He is making that money lol!

    Chris is on a roll lately!

  102. JAZ0195 August 4, 2010

    Yall make sure yall hit chris brown on twitter @chrisbrown to tell him how you feel about inMyzone2 anyway karma is a b**** the rihanna stans kept wishing death upon chris and his mom and wishing for him to flop.

  103. Keesha August 4, 2010

    @VA Stand Up I agree with you long post. So true. I can’t wait to see this movie!!! I won’t speak on the ‘karma’ of some other stans. Too bad for them. Moving along…

  104. Bacqui August 4, 2010

    I luv me some C Breezy,,,,Blockbuster in da making!

    TI on Chris Brown’s acting ability : “Chris was cool, man. I think Chris gonna impress a lot of people. He does a lot of high performance, action sequences. He shows his ability. I think people will actually be presently surprised with his performance.”

    Cant wait to see da movie…

  105. JAZ0195 August 4, 2010

    I’m taking my family to go see the movie.

    I’m getting tired good night Teambreezy

  106. bluekid August 4, 2010

    Good morning Team Breezy

    I just came from the Lady GaGa page I didn’t leave any comments I was just reading some of the post there. ROFL!

    That S*** and BADD are funny has hell over there.

    BEYDABESS (DA REAL ONE), OMG! The way she spell words, Tiff and noodles are right you could die laughing over there.

    FLOPRIHANNA stan, are at a lose over there catching it from all ends LOL.

  107. JAZ0195 August 4, 2010

    @BLUEKID I just left from over there it is a mess

  108. PLAIN AND SIMPLE August 4, 2010

    @Good Morning Bluekid waving

    @JAZ0195 Good morning wavin

    Yes that blog is a hot mess .

  109. smartee August 4, 2010

    I’ve seen the trailer for this movie and surprisingly, it looks good. T.I. is a cool cat LOL! I really do think that I will go and see this movie and I also think that it’ll do well. At first, I didn’t think this movie would be anything to go see since it has a couple of music artists starring in it, but it looks pretty cool. Chris Brown is a very smart and articulate young man but he just needs to work on presenting himself in interviews. It was very candid, so maybe that’s why he seemed so lax when explaining it, but I want to see him more as a grown man instead of a young boy.

  110. JAZ0195 August 4, 2010

    @BLUEKID I just left b***** I saw you over there killing them

  111. bluekid August 4, 2010

    @ JAZ0195

    Gurl that “Bobby B. & FURIOUS STYLES”! those two silly, crazy cows. I got to keep my eyes on them two chicken heads.

  112. NAS ( B Rockah Stan 4eva) August 4, 2010

    Oh what can I say?? This guy just turn me so onnnnnnn…lol!

  113. BENJAMIN August 5, 2010

    That’s great, but I won’t be checking on this movie. Movies like these do nothing but promote rappers egos to make them think they can really act, but they can’t.

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