Chris Brown – ‘Superhuman (ft. Keri Hilson)’ Video

Published: Thursday 16th Oct 2008 by Sam
*Apologies about the slowish updates. As you know, That Grape Juice were onsite and backstage at the 2008 MOBO Awards. Some interesting updates coming up in a bit!*

Review in a bit…

In the meanwhile…

What do you think of the video?

Comments 13

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  1. Anonymous October 16, 2008

    Well, with all the hype i thought the video would have been a bit better… 6/10

    Havin said that i wonder what Miss Ree Ree thinks of it!! HaHaHa, did any1 see her face when Criss was dancing with Ciara??? A while back now, ooonnnn i think it was B.E.T Awards??? Funny s***!

  2. Anonymous October 16, 2008

    I liked it glad 2 see they didnt over do it…

  3. Anonymous October 16, 2008

    So in love with Keri’s voice NICE VID

  4. Anonymous October 16, 2008

    OMG i love this song and the video!!!Great great song and video

  5. Anonymous October 16, 2008

    so cool!! ive been waiting months for the vid and its great!!
    i love the part when he saved keri from the car she is so s***

  6. Anonymous October 16, 2008

    This song is so nice, that I don’t really care if the video doesn’t blow me away although I did expect more. I hope this song is a hit for both Chris and Keri, they deserve it and their actually singing, no gimmicks, no heavy background beats, just pure talent, if other s*** records can do well, why can’t this song

  7. Anonymous October 16, 2008

    boring song…boring video…*YAWN*

  8. Anonymous October 16, 2008

    I’m a fan of both, but the video doesn’t really make sense to me. 1.) they’re singing about how they make each other feel, but in the video they just met (not even a flash bck scene to make you think they have romantically progressed. 2.) the crash takes place in the daytime, but the burning truck scene is at night. Almost like some scene from Terminator. 3.) the rescue take wasn’t nearly as dramatic as the crash/explosion after…so did all this happen w/the car traveling 20mph. Just thinking…

  9. Anonymous October 16, 2008

    oh…and since there were some pics of Ciara on the set w/C. Breezy a while back I thought she might have a cameo…butI didn’t see CiCi anywhere in the video..Sooooo, why was she on the set again?????? I must admit..they make a interesting couple.

  10. SamIsA… October 16, 2008

    *gag* Do they don’t, lol. *cough*ciarasanuglyman*cough*

    Stupid ass, lame video.

  11. D.Mincey October 16, 2008

    Why does Keri Hilson feel the need to constantly wear no clothes in her video but everytime we see her out and about she’s fully clothed? Hmmmm…I Wonder! SMH!

  12. Anonymous October 18, 2008

    kinda boring..LOVED the song but the video doesn’t cut it for me.

  13. Anonymous November 10, 2008

    Keri Hilson has such a nice voice. I think that she is going to do big things.

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