Report: Chico DeBarge’s Son Dies After Stabbing

Published: Monday 6th Apr 2020 by David

Chico Debarge‘s son Dontae Debarge has passed away.

Full story below…

News coming out of Los Angeles reveals that Dontae passed away in the Van Nuys area after he was attacked and stabbed multiple times.

He was 35 and was believed to be homeless at the time of his passing.

The LAPD explained…

“Per Sgt. Fisher, Van Nuys Area Watch Commander, a homicide occurred at the above location. The victim (M/B/35 yrs) was found with multiple stab wounds. He was pronounced deceased at the scene by LAFD.”


Our thoughts are with his loved ones.


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  1. Kel April 6, 2020

    I was about to say how did he get s*** during lock down? But if he was homeless especially in Van Nuys Sepulveda Blvd it makes sense! I would never go out there in my life unless it’s for the 99 ranch market! RIP!

  2. Honut Sinti April 6, 2020

    Sad. Rest in Peace. ??

  3. Fast Persuader April 6, 2020

    Ugh this is awful.
    The DeBarge family has endured so much tragedy over the years. ??

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