In what must be a record for the 21st century incarnation of Bad Boy, roster members Day26 actually have actually released their…wait for it……..third single (yes, you read right!) ‘Girlfriend’, with the song’s accompanying clip premiering today. That’s pretty much where the ‘good’ starts and ends…
Boring, uninspired, pointless and undeniably a product of the recession, the vid offered little to nothing of interest – only further serving to highlight the many problems which underpin Day26 as a group as well as their label Bad Boy.
For too reliant have Diddy and the label become on Making The Band to push their top acts that nothing seems to go on promo-wise when the show is not on air. More so however, the sh*tty handling of the Danity Kane drama was IMO was the last straw as far as the public perception of Bad Boy as a label, as well as Diddy as a label head goes. Therefore, there is much ground to argue that the disbanding of Danity Kane is a major factor in the lack of public interest towards Day26 – a shame, as the guys are immensely talented. SMH…
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