Morgan Freeman BLASTS Black History Month Again: “I Detest It”

Published: Sunday 16th Jun 2024 by Sam

Morgan Freeman is doubling down on his disdain for Black History Month.

Last April, the 87-year-old made headlines when he claimed that he hated the concept as well as the term ‘African American.’

According to the veteran actor, both are “insults.”

Now, he’s unpacking his stance the more.

Full story below…

Speaking with Variety while promoting ‘The Gray House’ (which he executive produced), Freeman said of Black History Month:

“I detest it. The mere idea of it. You are going to give me the shortest month in a year? And you are going to celebrate ‘my’ history?! This whole idea makes my teeth itch. It’s not right.

My history is American history. It’s the one thing in this world I am interested in, beyond making money, having a good time and getting enough sleep.”

With that, what are…

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  1. Flopamime June 16, 2024

    Black people are pushing it…

  2. Diabetes UNBOTHERED June 16, 2024

    Black History Month is designated to annually honor ALL of black history from past to present. C*** freeman is just trying to Detest it to align with his delusional alternative narratives.

    • DaAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa June 16, 2024

      Why not celebrate it all year? And how do you even celebrate? How is it different than every other month of the year?

      Truly wants to know, because it seems like he got some point..

      • Diabetes UNBOTHERED June 16, 2024

        WHY not celebrate it all year?…

        We don’t celebrate ANYTHING all year officer duffy.

        You can jump on the C O O N wagon with Freeman of you’d like.

        Mental illness is all it takes to disagree with something as precious and sacred as BHM

  3. Megan The Horse Manure June 16, 2024

    Morgan CoonMan is just off….

  4. Y’all Dumb asf June 16, 2024

    Lmao he’s so real for that and he told no lies. You cünts are too stupid, brainwashed, racist, and/or insecure to understand what he is actually saying.

    • DaAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa June 16, 2024

      What do you think he meant by that? Please elaborate

      • Kevin June 17, 2024

        He’s actually saying black history is America’s history and one month of it isn’t enough to understand our past.

    • Ho June 17, 2024

      They really are stupid around here. You said it.

  5. Curt June 16, 2024

    He’s just mad because he’s older than all of black history and has gingivitis.

  6. Kendrick Slaymar June 16, 2024

    Didn’t this old dǐckhead sleep with his family member?

  7. Huhas June 16, 2024

    White woman lover and self hater

  8. Ho June 17, 2024

    He’s more interesting and intelligent than the 10 or so people who haunt these comment sections daily. That I do know.

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