Justin Timberlake’s MUGSHOT Revealed After Shock Arrest

Published: Tuesday 18th Jun 2024 by Sam

Justin Timberlake made headlines today when it was confirmed that he was arrested for driving while intoxicated.

Now, he’s set to make a whole lot more because his mugshot has been revealed.

Full story below…

Moments ago, the  Sag Harbor Police Department released the singer’s mugshot.

An expression-free JT is seen looking straight into the camera with what appears to be glazed-over eyes.

As reported, the performer was detained by officials for driving while intoxicated in the Hamptons.

According to TMZ, Timberlake drove through a stop sign in his grey BMW UT and was allegedly swerving on the road. He’s said to have failed a field sobriety test and declined a breathalyzer.

The performer, who had been at a party beforehand, was then taken away by officials. He was released today and will return to court on July 26.

Peep footage of his car just before he was stopped:

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  1. Rum and Coke June 18, 2024


  2. eddie93 June 18, 2024

    clearly a publicity stunt

  3. Wendypiltonson@microsoft June 18, 2024


  4. Audiobully June 18, 2024

    I think his ego can’t handle that he’s a has been now lol

  5. CowboyCunter June 18, 2024

    And this is a photo without touch-ups, etc.
    HA HA HA
    He looks 43

  6. Flopamime June 18, 2024

    Very handsome and inspiring!

  7. Usher June 18, 2024

    He Iooks Iike a skin cr.ac/k ed DR/Y! As.h.y past.y LlZARD man.. he’II NEVER be king Usher or see a fraction of King ushers success and Iooks UGLI af and oIdddd🤮🤮🤮🤢🤮🤮🤮

    • Ho June 18, 2024

      Get a hobby. You need mental health help no cap.

      • Usher June 19, 2024

        Says the faithful troll of the site, I have two degrees dummy. It’s YOU who isn’t on my level. Congrats on worshipping an aged out grandpa face mayo bread that can’t even sell more than coi loray

  8. Usher June 18, 2024

    Funny how this site doesn’t allow UGLI flop yt men get mean comments but when it comes to bIack artists nothings censored 😆 y’all are clearly the same trolls spewing the racist stuff day to day all for traffic to the site cuz let’s face it. Thegrpejuixe fell ALL the way off in popularity and integrity

    • Dummy June 18, 2024

      What are you even talking about? You sound crazy. People get dragged equally in the comments on this site. Yes there’s a couple stupid racist trolls on here but taking them seriously makes you dumbbbb

      • Usher June 18, 2024

        Stfu you just exposed yourself! This sites WASHED up cry about it

      • Thatxjuixe June 18, 2024

        You’re like a child resulting to projecting about your denial health lmao. Get help you’re clearly sick and it’s spreading all over. You’re a flop racist biased blog writer that’s why you guys get zero traffic lol. Keep it cute idiot

    • Flopamime June 18, 2024

      Stfu h:erpes stan. Everyone knows he had H/I/V! Justin will never.

  9. Ho June 18, 2024

    Bfd. Lots of people get DUI. Hopefully he learns and moves on without issue. Not sure why press is so all over this boring story.

    • Usher June 19, 2024

      Keep making excises for this wrinkled looking flop THUG! Usher on the other hand is black excellence. As for Justina..He’s washed and will never be usher

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