Simone Biles’ Birth Mother Pleads for Forgiveness: ‘Please Don’t Judge Me by My Past

Published: Wednesday 14th Aug 2024 by Ryan

Simone Biles’ birth mother, Shanon Biles, is pleading with the olympian for forgiveness.

More details below…

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Shanon opened up about her past battle with addiction that cost her a relationship with her children.

“It was hard to give up my kids, but I had to do what I had to do. I wasn’t able to care for them. I was still using, and he didn’t want me coming in and out of their lives when I wasn’t right,” Shanon said.

However, she has now been clean since 2022 and has a job.

“I am a recovering addict and will always be an addict. But there’s a way [to recovery]. You have to learn to stay away from people, places and things. Change your routine and live your life. Live your best life,” she shared.

“I want her to reach out to me. She’s 27 now. She’s married. I would have liked to have been a part of that, but I just have to wait for her. I would like to make amends with Simone personally. Can we move forward? Don’t judge me on my past. Let’s move forward. … Let’s sit down,” Shanon shared about her relationship with her daughter.

Simone has not responded to her mom’s recent comments.

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  1. marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) August 14, 2024

    Bet her evil mom wouldn’t saying s*** if her daughter is living off the street. Simone needs to cut her off ASAP. Some parents are selfish af. they abandoned their kids when they were little. Now their kids got famous, these b**** ass parents wants to love them back. too little too late!

  2. Smh August 14, 2024

    Classic case of my child is famous and I was a s*** parent; but hey let me use this to get attention. No ma’am, if you want the relationship genuinely; reach out to her privately and say this. Don’t make it public, especially not after her wins at the Olympics like c’mon!

  3. Kendrick Slaymar August 14, 2024

    Cráçkhead hóè wants money and fame!

    • Ms. Ling Ling (Queen of Chinatown} August 14, 2024

      Like mother like daughter. olympianS do drugs all the time 💅🏼

      • Red Sonja August 14, 2024

        Fake Asian ladyboy…go eat elephant jiiizzz right out of an elephant’s twwat.

  4. Reality August 14, 2024

    Why is she pouring her heart out to a tabloid. Because they paid her a few dollars, that’s why. She deserves to remain cut off.

  5. Diabetes UNBOTHERED August 14, 2024

    Why NOW????? 💰 🤑 💸

  6. Rum and cocaine August 14, 2024

    Maybe she should help her mother

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