Cardi B Defends Kamala Harris: ‘Do You Hire People Based on Their Personal Lives?’

Published: Thursday 25th Jul 2024 by Ryan

Cardi B is defending Kamala Harris.

More details below…

Harris has recently faced derision for previously dating television host Montell Williams and, allegedly, former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown.

One such critic was Megyn Kelly who said that Harris slept “her way into politics and into power.”

Now Cardi B is hitting back at the critics of Harris’ previous dating life.

“What does Kamala Harris husband or relationships have to do wit her credentials? Do y’all hire people based on who they f–ing?” Cardi B tweeted.

Harris has not responded to Cardi B’s defense of her. It is also worth noting that Harris has been married to Douglas Craig Emhoff since 2014.

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  1. marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) July 25, 2024

    As they should! who would want their employee always struggling at work based on their personal lives. Just like they checked their criminal background, family history, medical record etc. STFU Cardi, you didn’t even graduate form high school. You are kissing that Indian auntie ass just because she is a female.

    • Normani July 25, 2024

      Cardi graduated valedictorian b**** know what you speak of🤡

      • marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) July 25, 2024

        you mean she had a major in “H o e ology” and minor in “Twerkology” U dumb ho

  2. Interesting July 25, 2024

    Even though I agree with her, I really don’t want to hear political commentary from rappers and ex-strippers.

  3. Ok but….. July 25, 2024

    As for past relationships, it shouldn’t matter. However, since cardi doesn’t know what a real 9-5 is like, she doesn’t understand many employers hire based of personal history as known as a background check 😂 Kamala Harris isn’t the person for the job regardless! She has done absolutely NOTHING for our country. Not one single piece of legislation has come from her office, she tanked at global conferences and has done a terrible job with the boarder that Biden placed her in charge of. Anyone can speak publicly, but what has she done to support or back the issues she speaks of is the question. As much as Biden is struggling right now, I can at least say he did something as President and Vice President regardless of my views or opinion about him.

    • Whatever July 25, 2024

      Her VP credentials alone maintain the integrity of the office of president, unlike the felon. If a highly qualified civilian applicant can be refused a federal job that includes security clearances due to a criminal history, so should the president. Kamala is the BEST person for the job when compared to the convicted felon.

      • marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) July 25, 2024

        At least Trump gave us 3 stimulus checks when the world is doomed. Her evil ass and Biden didn’t give us s***.

      • Ok but….. July 25, 2024

        Nobody is talking about trump! And if you base your political choices off the fact she was simply the VP, that’s sad! Tell me what she has done as VP? What policies have been put in place, what legislation did she push or pass? I’ll wait……

      • Whatever July 25, 2024

        Ma’am, my opinion in this instance is based off the FACT that the 2024 choice is between Harris and trump. Me being black, one of the most important initiatives she’s led as VP is pushing congress to codify voting rights protections, which would withstand the proposed anti-black vote initiatives outlined in Project25. She’s also broken several ties in congress pushing through the appointments of several federal judges, despite the felon filling the federal courts with conservative judges during his tenure who’ll gladly wipe away your civil rights with the swipe of their gavel.

      • marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) July 25, 2024

        well, then you should’ve be voting WHATEVER! you don’t look back to the history but just focusing on this year. Wow! She is already f****** useless when she is a VP, what else she can do when she is a president… Absolutely nothing! There is not much a “Anti Black vote” after Civil Rights Act of 1964.

      • marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) July 25, 2024

        you shouldn’t be voting

      • Whatever July 25, 2024

        Here’s a pro tip for both of you: Sit some discussions out because you sound much smarter when you don’t say anything.

      • Ok but….. July 25, 2024

        VP Harris led NONE of those things in which you speak of. She simply sat on stages across the country to talk about them. There are several congressional committees addressing the whole project 25 ordeal, which was not created by Trump by the way! And, Harris has not participated on any of those committees. And you pretty much made it known that you’re simply voting because you are a black person looking to support a nominee that has not even been confirmed by the Democratic delegation. Any person can still run for president, in fact it’s very concerning that people are willing to just go along with the idea of Kamala Harris and not go through the proper protocol to even select a nominee. And if you don’t know anything about elections, the Democratic and Republican nominees are not confirmed until convention. And if you’re unaware of when the Democratic convention is, that will be in Chicago and a few weeks during August. One thing is abundantly clear by your response, you are ill informed, and you vote based upon color and gender and what people say not their overall actions. You speak of voting rights, yet you forget that the very Democratic party that you’re willing to support is the very party that created the kkk, is a very party that restricted overall voting rights of African-Americans to begin with. So again there is not a single piece of legislation that, Harris has put forth nor past as a VP. And you speak about being a black woman, well maybe you should also look at the fact that the very person you are going to vote for, spent most of her time in California falsely imprisoning black people for years! Per usual, the Democratic party as a whole will utilize the minority and black vote for elections that is filled with unfulfilled promises. I understand it is down to Trump and whoever is the nominee for the Democratic party, and just because Kamala is at the forefront it doesn’t mean that she will be the overall nominee. But just like your username WHATEVER!!!

      • Whatever July 25, 2024

        Save your energy and your dissertations. My responses are very informed and CORRECT. They just weren’t what you wanted to hear due to your own biases. Also, I am very well within my rights to vote for whomever I want for any reason that I want. I don’t have to justify my vote to you or anyone else. Furthermore, I’m very familiar with the US election process and the Democratic party has coalesced around Kamala Harris because she’s qualified. No other viable contender has contested this, nor will one! So, she will be the nominee. Your attempts to sow discord on black entertainment blogs will have no effect on the ground swell around her inevitable nomination.

      • Ok but….. July 25, 2024

        Whatever, please show us the legislation, show us the committee she’s participated in to support the claims that you’ve made, provide us the data that showed how the American people chose her to be the nominee. She went through zero primaries and was not selected by the American people as Joe Biden was. The last time she was in a primary, she received zero delegate votes and didn’t win not a single primary. She’s being pushed upon the American people not because she’s qualified, because by the simply dropped out. The world is not going to be the place you think it is under, Harris especially with her given track record but if you will ignore that simply because she is a mixed woman. This is still very much an open process, and there is still a high probability someone else will enter, and if an individual like Michelle Obama enters this campaign before the DNC, Harris will be automatically out! The last thing we need is Harris or Trump as president. Sadly the country refuses to recognize the other political parties who are out there simply because they don’t have enough percentage points.

      • Whatever July 25, 2024

        It sounds like you’re frustrated with the process and under normal circumstances I probably would be too. But time is of the essence and as I see it the stakes are too high, which is why I’m choosing to unite behind Kamala Harris. This is not an ideal lineup but I simply cannot run the risk of trump gaining momentum and winning because of party infighting.

  4. True Tea July 25, 2024

    It’s getting late, where’s your husband Cardi?

    Kamala know where her man is.

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