Donald Trump SHOT at Presidential Rally in Pennsylvania, Joe Biden Condemns Shocking Act

Published: Saturday 13th Jul 2024 by Sam

In a developing story, Donald Trump has been shot at a presidential campaign rally in Pennsylvania.

Full story below…

In shocking scenes, the former US President was hauled off stage after a shooter – now confirmed dead themselves – opened fire in his direction.

Taking to his Truth Social platform shortly after, Trump confirmed he was shot in the ear, writing:

“[I was] shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear.

I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin.”

A rep for Trump confirms he is “fine” and is being treated in hospital.

Reacting to the news, current US President (and Trump’s rival in the upcoming election), Joe Biden said:

“I have been briefed on the shooting at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania.  I’m grateful to hear that he’s safe and doing well. I’m praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally, as we await further information. Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety. There’s no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it.”


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  1. DaAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa July 13, 2024

    The left is ki…ling america

    • Bigolbitties July 13, 2024

      Sure are. Leftists are modern day nazis and too stupid to realize it.

    • TrollDetector July 14, 2024

      You failed a trolling sir. FYI the shooter was a registered Republican voter not a left. Now go back your swamp right winger.

      • DaAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa July 14, 2024

        It is the left that incited and poisoned against Trump and dehumanized him as if he were the devil. But you are so blind and senseless that I don’t expect someone like you to understand

  2. Tino July 13, 2024

    Almost made my damn year but unfortunately they missed SMH

    • Shaniqua Toprameneesha-Kochria Bonifa July 14, 2024

      I hope your whole bloodline is next.

  3. Nino July 13, 2024

    It’s a hoax

  4. Kendrick Slaymar July 13, 2024

    They almost got that fat piece of s****! They should’ve aimed better, so close.

    • Ms.Ling Ling 🤰🏻🥠🥡🥢 July 14, 2024

      STFU. If it is Biden, He will be long gone! Trump doged the bullet like a CHAMP!. Sleepy Joe will never nor your Black ass master Obama

      • Kendrick Slaymar July 14, 2024

        Go choke Trump’s wrinkly old dícķ bítçh. I’m not a Biden support you fucçking idiot. You f****** chíñký àśś gook. .

  5. Bigolbitties July 13, 2024

    Funny that the lefties always resort to violence, riots, or crime. You ever see a riot outside the democrat convention where conservatives are rioting? Ever see a conservative group burning and looting?

    Ever see a conservative shout up a Biden rally? Why is that? Yet the magas are the scary ones? Mmmk 👌

    • Yep! July 13, 2024

      January 6 comes to mind. And people were actually killed.

    • DaAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa July 14, 2024

      You are so right

  6. Kendrick Slaymar July 13, 2024

    Whoever shot Trump is an American hero 🇺🇸
    At least he tried to kill him 👏 👏

    • S*** from the valley 🤣😭 July 14, 2024

      I love you

    • Rum and cocaine July 14, 2024

      F**** YOU

    • Ms.Ling Ling 🤰🏻🥠🥡🥢 July 14, 2024

      stfu y’all need to be reported. FBI is gonna find you! #TRUMP 2024. Y’all Black ass can cry about it.

      • Kendrick Slaymar July 14, 2024

        I’m gonna find you and slit your throat. You Asian trâñňy. People like you should ďíe.

    • Shaniqua Toprameneesha-Kochria Bonifa July 14, 2024

      He would had been a true hero if he got your mom when she was pregnant with you, and the bullet hit you both.

      • Kendrick Slaymar July 14, 2024

        He would be a true hero if he exterminated all people like you. You’re nothing but a leech and a bum àss welfare h***!. I hope your shack you call a house gets sprayed with bullets.

      • Shaniqua Toprameneesha-Kochria Bonifa July 15, 2024

        I can’t wait for your younger family members to get sprayed in the head, one by one.

  7. Diabetes UNBOTHERED July 13, 2024

    This is actually Trump’s FOURTH (4TH) assassination attempt, here’s the FIRST…

    ‘June 16, 2016: Michael Steven Sandford, a British national, attempted to grab the gun of a police officer at a Trump rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. After his arrest, he stated that he had aimed to assassinate Donald Trump with the gun. He was sentenced to twelve months and one day in prison,[122] but was released and deported to the United Kingdom after eleven months’

    • Ms.Ling Ling 🤰🏻🥠🥡🥢 July 14, 2024

      TRUMP is a survivor
      He is not gon’ give up
      He is not gon’ stop
      he is gon’ work harder
      TRUMP a survivor
      He is gonna make it
      He will survive
      Keep on survivin’

  8. Diabetes UNBOTHERED July 13, 2024

    The first Presidential Assassination attempt…

    January 30, 1835: Just outside the Capitol Building, a house painter named Richard Lawrence attempted to shoot President Andrew Jackson with two pistols, both of which misfired. Later somebody tried the two pistols and both worked fine. Lawrence was apprehended after Jackson beat him severely with his cane. Lawrence was found not guilty by reason of insanity and confined to a mental institution until his death in 1861

  9. Paulo July 13, 2024

    So his team took a lesson from Bolsonaro’s ugly sons’ playbook… phony conman pulls another stunt

    • Delusional July 14, 2024

      The bloody ear and the person that died are a stunt? You guys are literally braindead at this point

      • DaAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa July 14, 2024

        They are dum.b to the core don’t try to understand them

      • Paulo July 14, 2024

        And you’re a gullible piece of s*** if you think a thug like Trump wouldn’t let a person or two die to win the election

    • Ms.Ling Ling 🤰🏻🥠🥡🥢 July 14, 2024

      dumb ass Paulo, you can take Joe to HELL with your ignorant naive uneducated ass

      • Paulo July 14, 2024

        Stay mad expired c** guzzler ho

  10. Chlöe Bailey July 14, 2024

    I blame Normani

    • DaAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaa July 14, 2024

      😂 Lol

    • Ms.Ling Ling 🤰🏻🥠🥡🥢 July 14, 2024

      I blame Stormy Daniels.

  11. S*** from the valley 🤣😭 July 14, 2024

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually planned all this himself

    • marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) July 14, 2024

      Democrats lie your selfish c u n t ass are so EVIL! Republicans will never.

  12. Rum and cocaine July 14, 2024

    This is NOT A JOKE
    Stop the violence

  13. Ms.Ling Ling 🤰🏻🥠🥡🥢 July 14, 2024

    slow ass trashy blog… We already knew Trump is still ALIVE and will make America GREAT GREAT again!!!

  14. marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) July 14, 2024


  15. marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) July 14, 2024

    Don’t tell me Sleepy Joe hiring a hitman for Trump. He wanna win the election so bad but this trick is DIRTY! Trump is Invincible.

    • Doesn’t Matter July 14, 2024

      Presidential immunity granted by Trump’s Supreme Court.

  16. KAREN July 14, 2024


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