‘Good American’: Khloe Kardashian Under Pressure To Cut Ties With Evelyn Lozada Following Racism Horror

Published: Sunday 20th Oct 2019 by David

‘Basketball Wives‘ royal Evelyn Lozada made headlines earlier this month when she claimed that her feud with co-star OG Chijindu was to blame for the erosion of an endorsement deal she was close to signing.

The deal fell through after the brand learned that Lozada posted an image of a monkey following a Instagram message directed at Ms. Chijindu who is an African woman.

Since then, her message (and the allegedly racist and featurist language she used to berate Chijindu and co-star Cece Gutierrez on camera) has seen thousands take to Twitter to declare that they will pull their support for any company which aligns itself with her.

The latest company who will soon be forced to choose between its profits and relationship with the TV star?

Khloe Kardashian’s.

Full story below…

Lozada and her daughter are longtime friends and models of and for Kardashian’s ‘Good American’ clothing company and celebrated the union with an image they hoped would help the brand shift some of its new clothing.



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My everything ?

A post shared by Evelyn Lozada (@evelynlozada) on

Alas, it outed ‘American’ as one of the companies who have chosen to stay in business with her much to the horror of consumers who have been urging them to part ways with her for over a year.


Messages threatening to boycott Evelyn-affiliated brands like ‘Good’ intensified this week…all vowing to stand against racism by giving anything she tries to sell the general public the coldest of shoulders.

‘American’ is yet to respond.





Do you think it should?

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  1. Jenna October 20, 2019

    Damn. My sister buys their clothes but I didn’t know Evelyn modelled for them. ? I hear Ivy Park calling my name.

    • ? Jasmine’s Grape Juice ? ? October 20, 2019

      AMEN. This is quite easy. Just fire Evil-lyn. I don’t see what the problem is. VH1 can fire her without Shauni’s approval. Endorsers can back VH1’s decision to fire Evil-lyn by dropping her. Simple as that!

  2. ?????‍? October 20, 2019

    Khloe probably talks about black women the same way so I’m not surprised she’s still paying this lady to sell her clothes.

    • Lewis October 20, 2019

      Not fair. There’s every chance that Khloe doesn’t know what Evelyn did. Then again, I’ve been seeing these tweets all over my timeline so I’m wondering how the first brand that dropped her saw it all and GA didn’t. I don’t know, she needs to say sorry for what she did because there’s no other way out of it. You compared a whole beautiful black woman to an a** as if slavery wasn’t based on the idea that we were closer to animals than white people were. It’s literally the oldest and most hurtful insult in the book and she used it. Used to love her but I can’t mess with her or Khloe anymore.

    • Angela October 20, 2019

      I do think khole thinks the same as evelyn, she probably would say I don’t cared what they thinks it matter what I think.

  3. And I Bloop October 20, 2019

    Late! People have been telling Khloe about this since she called the Asian woman Ling Ling last year. I stopped buying from them since then because if I saw the tweets I know they did too and the fact they’re still paying her to endorse them as recently as this week proves they don’t respect their black customers. D

  4. Ania October 20, 2019

    I saw people talking about this on twitter but didn’t get the Khloe connection. Either Khloe thinks it’s acceptable to compare black people to monkeys or she legit isn’t aware of what’s going on. Either one is bad. I’m legit not buying anything this chick is selling from now on. Stream BTS for clear skin and good credit.

  5. ????305Trill (HBD Pops) October 20, 2019

    I know what I’m NOT buying my girl for Christmas. Wack fr.

  6. NaVi Amore October 20, 2019

    and this is why Kim stays winning and Khloe stays looking like the b*** of the joke. Kim would have done the right LAST YEAR when this thing started. Ev is a dirty racist who thinks we don’t know why she used a m***** to diss that poor girl and they really think people are still going to buy what she tries to sell on that ig page of hers.

  7. Ebony Black October 20, 2019

    I need the good sis Kim
    To speak some sense into her sister.

    • NollyBabe October 20, 2019

      A waste of time honey. She’s clearly seen what’s been going on and doesn’t care. Im legit unfollowing Good American on everything now because I’m so disgusted. #TeamOg

  8. Ice Slay Slay Fish October 20, 2019

    Yo! Search Evelyn Big black circle on Twitter and see what comes up. This elderly lady is actually a whole racist .

    • Danny Maraj October 20, 2019

      I actually can’t. ?

      • Marathon Continues ‘19 October 20, 2019

        No one told her to delete this?

    • KB October 20, 2019

      Where was the lie?

    • LDJD October 21, 2019

      It’s probably her mother.

  9. KB October 20, 2019

    I will not stop supporting Evelyn for telling the truth…about Ling Ling and Toegi. ❤️ All she did was state facts. SNS

    • Marathon Continues ‘19 October 20, 2019

      We’ll see the “facts” when OG screenshots Ev’s old tweets about black people having purple skin and shows them to the judge! G’day.

      • KB October 20, 2019

        Indeed, we will. ?
        And some black people are Blurple.

      • You tried October 21, 2019

        Why did you respond to this dumb troll…this person is using a public library computer to taunt people

    • Dark Child October 22, 2019

      You are just as stupid and a racist too..

  10. Cut The Shits October 20, 2019


    Khloe is no better. Fetishizing black people is still racism. No matter how people try to skew and distort this narrative to make the kardashians/jenners the Black women their plastic surgeons created. Theyre far worse.

    • J October 20, 2019

      Birds of a feather.

      • Tyree October 21, 2019

        You hit the mail on it’s head..my ex husband used to always say.. Show me your friend and it will show me who you are.

  11. Pat Smith October 21, 2019

    Her childish thinking got her in trouble.if a Caucasian person said and, did what she did everyone would be upset so what is good for the goose is good for the gander

  12. Michelle October 21, 2019

    Everyone she is Afro Latina she is half black Puerto Rican hello peolple and was married to a Blackman her son is black
    and her daughter is too so how can someone say she is a racist!!!!!!! OG was a bully making it worse and let’s not cry and have people feel sorry for you ……………
    I love basketball wives all I have to say is Evelyn Keep on girl you n shawnie are my favorite BBW’s

    • Linda October 21, 2019

      You do know that Latin people committed some of the worst atrocities during slavery and that the reason so many “Afro latinas” look mixed is because the Latin r**** African women to “clean the bloodlines.” Look it up. Evelyn is only following in the Footsteps of her forefathers. Dirty swine she is.

      • LDJD October 21, 2019

        Be glad when the right person come forward and tell shaunice the truth a out her ex and the racist.I know her son is not allowed to watch the show. Feel sorry for kids with Mother’s like them.

  13. Yvonne Poole October 21, 2019


  14. Tania Sky October 21, 2019

    And to think I was considering purchasing my first Good American Jeans….. NO WAY!

  15. Sharon October 21, 2019

    Evelyn is garbage, always have been and always will be. OG gave it to her and she doesnt know why to react. Black is black, white is white and latino is latino. She is not biracial so, therefore black latino, does not exist. Also, she probably will not throw rice at a wedding, softee, like the ice cream.

  16. Cleatrice Mitchell October 21, 2019

    You are so dam dumb no wonder u don’t have a man calling people out their name just take a look at urself u know Karma always wins and u are gonna get it. I hope u lose everything for what u are you are everything but good until u do right by people u disrespect ur world won’t profit Amen

  17. Candy October 21, 2019

    Am going to be honest about this show shaunie o’neal is the one to blame she is the one let evilyn act a fool on that show shaunie never tell evilyn when where she go wrong and in shaunie eyes evilyn is always right shaunie i understand u are CEO but has her bestie u let her no when she cross the line evilyn should leave the show if ##OG ## evilyn should go cause she is bad for business # real talk evilyn is dead wrong

    • Chocolate October 21, 2019

      B**** bye! Your simple too! Just like her

    • Chocolate October 21, 2019

      Shaunie really acts like she is going to kick her ass or something because she don’t have the nerves to stand up to her. ALL OF THEM NO IT’S WRONG BUT SCARED OF HER!

  18. Tee October 21, 2019

    This girl Evelyn is immoral. Period! She always been allowed to bully and get rewarded. I believe she wants to change but that will take a life time! This here should be. a lesson . STOP supporting immature behavior.

  19. Laura October 21, 2019

    Evelyn lozada, I’m was always a fan of yours and still are but girl , your taking dogs too far . I can’t stand OG at all but & the TOEG is hilarious suits well. But you calling CECE ling ling is wrong .. she’s beautiful . This season your taking to far and butting into Kristen & cece business not good … that’s family your not. You always say mind your buisness. Stay out of family matters. Kristen don t need you to cheer for her. At the end of the day your bruising your image alone. Has any of your housewife friends called you out about your choice of words . Also you running after CECE to give her your partying gift clip was hilarious you falling into the bushes . Girl you look ridiculous.. get it together cuz you have your children to go home too… hope the show or Shaunie O’Neal dont habe to boot you out … I say clarify things and get it together cuz people want to see you in the show … I bet Tami Roman is ?? at you . Love you

    • LDJD October 21, 2019

      Anti speaks alot a out a tone on a show calling a person a name. What if it was your sister. O G and CeCe people are just jealous anyone Evelyn can’t bullied or jump off a table to have to leave the show. CeCe looks marvelous a d so do O G .

  20. Lex October 21, 2019

    I love the way the public is hating on Evelyn and telling her she ain’t s**t and not letting up on her. She was dead wrong for her nasty disgusting a** behavior and letting that racist crap fall out of her traps. She deserves all these negative feedbacks from the public. She made her own bed, now she shall lay in it.

  21. Shay W October 21, 2019

    Evelyn is wrong on so many levels. Referring to Cece as “Ling Ling” and she knew damn well what she meant when using a “m*****” on her text regarding OG. Both were racist and bigoted remarks. Whatever she claims her DNA to be doesn’t excuse bad behavior. Shaunie supporting bad behaviour and making allowances for racist comments to gain ratings for a reality show, reveals her character, and not in a positive fashion. BBW should be cancelled for allowing such oulandish, unnecessary racist comments, and violent behavior.

  22. Milagros October 21, 2019

    Leave her alone..only the real racist are bothered here always looking for a race war..have you seen ToeG last picture in the pink body suit….about 10 shades lighter with good hair looking like an afro latina!!!

  23. Unknown October 21, 2019

    I believe people are blowing this way out.
    PERSONALLY I DIDN’T LIKE She always waited attention.

  24. Coco October 21, 2019

    Evilynn is a bully and always has been. Like OG said; She looking for the next athletic to sleep with. That m***** thing was very racsis. She thinks she better and cuter than any one else. Shaunie, she most likely did try to sleep with Shaq. She’s gonna screw your name and brand.

  25. David j.McKire October 21, 2019

    I will not watch basketball wife again until she is gone,

  26. David j.McKire October 21, 2019

    Why is that favorite produce not standing up for what’s right’ fire her because she’s killing a good show with her mean ways.

  27. TJ October 21, 2019

    I think this is ridiculous. These ladies have gone for the throat since the show began. Now, everyone has an issue with there antics. I dont believe colorism exist on this show. There had always been an array of hues. People learn your history, where do you think the hue of color comes from, Africans you invaded a number of countries centuries ago. If you watch the show back. All OG did was caused conflict between the ladies by telling this and telling that, she had no story line. So let it be. If you dont like the show, then dont watch. The drama hasn’t changed.

  28. Faith October 21, 2019

    Wow, I would think that someone as vain as Ms Lozado appears to be would have at least one mirror in her home, and therefore would see a woman of color starring back. Please review your history Ev and remember that not all of the s**** ships landed in Plymouth. Also, you have Black children, are they monies too? Just saying.

  29. LDJD October 21, 2019

    Why won’t vh1 put her off they will be the next to lose the endorsement all be cause of racist. It speaks alot about shaunice. She really dont need to be on the shoe cant anyone speak there apenion about her. Evelyn will never own up to nothing. She didnt own up to head budding Chad. She need to go alone with shaunice the show will get better then.

  30. Maybelline Fudge October 21, 2019

    I myself as a African American woman gets sick to my stomach everytime I hear her name. It’s sad that over the years she’s been allowed to bully another person like that. What or who gives her the right or authority to treat someone like that? OG and all the other women Evelyn has bullied don’t forget that you’re beautiful inside and out. I have much love for you all. OG and Tami I applaud you for not taking crap off her. Another thing when she made fun of Tami about her weight talking about her neck. I understand the weight loss for diabetes for am am a diabetic also. Keep pushing girl. Godspeed!!!

  31. Sindy October 21, 2019

    Throw her away with your daily trash.

  32. Susan Olawale October 21, 2019

    What racist remarks…Evelyn needs to check her background she is afro- Latina herself so she is calling out her own self….Study your history just because she is Puerto Rican she has African decent in her background , just cubians, dominicans, Panamanian, just like me…

  33. Kathleen Gillespie October 21, 2019

    Ok who cares that s*** was just for rating and who would buy Kardashian crap anyway you’re wasting your time with the little people you should be going after much bigger racist assholes smh

  34. Rosierose October 21, 2019

    Agree from mee… we must strive to be the best being. Always.

  35. Nicky October 21, 2019

    No I don’t cause I don’t believe it was about color I believe that OG didn’t win in the end and now she’s pissed and so is her African friends African people don’t even like black people sad but true

  36. Bronze October 21, 2019

    Evil lyn is a POS would never buy anything that she sells.

  37. Malisa October 21, 2019

    Is this a PR stunt? I mean, who is cruel and stupid enough to post a m***** image to insult an African American women?? I reviewed the comments to get more background info as to why, but all I saw was a LOT of anger. The root of anger is actually pain (ask any therapist). This is a sad story. Shameful.

  38. Joann October 21, 2019

    Khloe, if you dont fired Evelyn we will boycott you and your family. This kind of behavior is nasty. Calling an africa American woman a m***** is crazy.

  39. Evelyn Sucks October 22, 2019


  40. Dark Child October 22, 2019

    Lozado is a horrible person. Shame on Shaunie for letting OG go and keeping this disgusting p** who slaps her p**** to prove a pony that is mute. Chad saved receipts just like OG but her ass blocked out most of his. I’m glad Tammy distanced herself and Lozada is the reason. She is racist!!! Stop kissing her ass Shaunie.

  41. Angie T November 2, 2019

    First of all !!!!!!!! for all u fans that like OG . She was wrong for making the comments about Evelyn. Evelyn is one of my favorites on the show!!! Keep makin that” dough”!!!!!

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