Towanda Braxton Denies Fraud Allegations

Published: Tuesday 19th Nov 2019 by David

Towanda Braxton is fighting claims that she has been engaged in fraudulent activity.

Full story below…

The entertainer is at war with her former landlord Michael Wagoner who says she owes him $76,000 in unpaid rent and damages to the property she was renting from him.

The drama reached new highs when Ms. Braxton was accused of filing for bankruptcy to avoid paying her creditors the $547,056 she owes them and hiding assets she feared would be seized to reimburse them.

She says that is an outrageous lie and is ready to take Wagoner on.


In newly filed documents, Wagoner brings up new allegations against Braxton. He claims to have recently learned information about her beauty company T. Braxton Beauty Company.

Braxton previously testified the company was generating no money. She claimed her business partner, Adam Tran, owned a 50% interest in the business. Braxton said Tran had been depositing money into the business account but claimed it was not her money. Wagoner has questions about this set up especially with the amount of money going in and out of the account. He obtained bank records showing around $50,000 being deposited into the account every month. The records show the same amount being spent during the month.



As a result, she is to be questioned under oath on November 21st.

Her debts were listed as $417,715 to a mortgage company, $76k to her ex-landlord (Wagoner), $982 to Comcast, over a thousand dollars to collection attorneys, $8,480 to the Covenant Christian Academy, $6,211.30 in medical bills and $35,000 to her sister, the singer Tamar Braxton for a personal loan.

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  1. Happy n Rich November 19, 2019

    Way’ment — her landlord didn’t evict her before the back rent reached $76k? And Comcast didn’t turn her services off a long time before the bill reached $982?

    Well, if you know how to work it like that, okay.

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