Lupita Nyong’o & Joseph Quinn Dish on ‘A Quiet Place: Day One’

Published: Thursday 27th Jun 2024 by Sam

Today (June 27) brings with it the theatrical premiere of ‘A Quiet Place: Day One’ starring Lupita Nyong’o’s and Joseph Quinn.

Powered by Paramount Pictures, the film follows events after New York City comes under attack from an alien invasion.

A woman and other survivors try to navigate their way to safety. However they quickly learn that they must remain silent as the mysterious creatures are drawn to the slightest sound.

In celebration of its release, head below to see what Nyong’o and Quinn had to say about the film.

Join us after the jump…

Nyong’o on Preparing for the Role:

“I was fortunate enough to do some very intensive water training when I did Wakanda Forever. I brought that training to this.

I was really excited I got to use my training again, so soon. One of the things I had to do for Black Panther was learn how to free dive, to hold my breath for over two minutes. It made me very comfortable on this because you don’t ever want to be swimming through a flooded subway, because it is grimy. It means you have to navigate in the dark and hold your breath for long periods, to get the shot quicker, so my training came in handy.”

Quinn on What He Learned From Working With Nyong’o:

“Conviction, compassion, fearlessness, decisiveness. Lupita has all those qualities. She’s Number One on a call sheet on a massive-scale movie. And that comes with certain traits you need. She has them all in abundance. Learning the way that she carries herself with this level of elegance through her life – both professional and personal – was incredible. She is such a wonderful person to be around.”

Nyong’o on What Magnetized Her to the Project:

“I was curious to see how New York would shift as everything changes with the creatures’ invasion,” Nyong’o says of what enticed her to the project. “To see that set was uncanny. [And then to] see it so beautifully destructed was fascinating.”

Lupita Nyong’o on Her Favourite Moments From the Orevious Two ‘A Quiet Place’ Movies:

“What I loved on those is how little you saw the creatures. Especially in the first film. In that, your imagination is doing most of the horrifying work. It’s so tense and the performances are so brilliant that as an audience you find yourself right in their perspective. And then there was the baby in the cradle! Excruciating! That and the birth scene. In that you are very, very viscerally in that mother’s body. I really appreciate that.”

Nyong’o on Djimon Hounsou’s Return:

“First of all, it was great to have that connective tissue [Hounsou plays the leader of the survivors on the island in A Quiet Place Part II] between the movies. And I have been an admirer of Djimon’s work for a long time. To be able to meet him and share the screen with him and work beside him and opposite him was a dream come true. It did not disappoint. Nor will it on screen!”

Quinn on What He Took Away From Working with Nyong’o:

“Extraordinary. She’s formidable, fearless, very kind. A master of her craft. I was watching her do her thing and learning from that. It’s an experience I’m very grateful for. She has been so generous with her time, advice, and experiences. She’s a wonderful friend, ultimately. And that’s the best thing about all this. Whenever you meet someone on a job, you’re strangers. Then, when you leave, you’ve made something together. And if you’ve created a friendship as well, that’s the very best thing about my job.”

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  1. marilyn+monH🪩E+®+👠(#1+DIVA) June 27, 2024

    boring… another stupid ass movie is about Black woman twerking on a White man,,, Next please yawn

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