Peep this video of the latest line-up of the Sugababes on the set of the video for their new single ‘About A Girl’, which was shot two weeks ago in Los Angeles.

While, like most, I’m dead-set against the notion of a Keisha-less Sugababes, I’d be fronting if I didn’t say new member Jade Ewen was giving me ‘di-vah!’ in the above clip; she was working it! I actually feel she’s been placed in a group where she’s head and shoulders more talented than the other members; as a powerhouse vocalist and a trained dancer (something neither Heidi or Amelle can boast of; see ‘Get Sexy’ video) Jade, if their management has any sense left (very doubtful), should be pushed to the forefront as the unofficial ‘leader’ of the group. I won’t hold me breath, though. I envision Amelle being pushed to the front, which I’m sure will further infuriate those still p*ssed about Keisha’s departure. After all, how can the newest member of the group, who wasn’t there at their conception or even peak, be sold as the face of the group. Errr…no love.

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Breaking: MIchael Jackson Death Now Being Treated As A Homicide
Newswire’s around the world are abuzz tonight following the confirmation that Michael Jackson’s sudden death is now being treated as a homicide by police. Check out the report below:
Michael Jackson’s death is being treated as a homicide by the Los Angeles County Coroner, it has emerged tonight.
A law enforcement official in Los Angeles confirmed this evening that a ruling from the coroner’s office has deemed Jackson’s death to be a homicide.
An investigation is ongoing to determine whether anyone is to blame for Jackson’s death and to what extent, although homicide is not necessarily equivalent to murder and can include manslaughter.
In an affidavit unsealed today in Houston, it was also revealed that Jackson had lethal levels of the powerful anaesthetic drug propofol in his body when he died on June 25 and had been taking a “cocktail” of sedatives.
The court documents also revealed that Jackson’s doctor, Conrad Murray, told detectives that he had been treating Jackson for insomnia for about six weeks. Court records showed that Mr Murray had been giving Jackson 50mg of propofol intravenously every night.
Propofol is a powerful sedative drug usually used as an anaesthetic during surgery and also by dentists and veterinary surgeons.
Though the results of Jackson’s autopsy have not yet been unsealed, Dr Murray told police that he had feared that Jackson was developing an addiction to propofol. He said that he had been trying to wean the singer off the drug by lowering the dosage to 25mg and mixing it with other drugs.
On the night of the popstar’s death, Mr Murray said that he had tried to get Jackson to sleep without using propofol and had instead administered valium at 1.30am and then lorazepam at 2am.
When the singer was still awake at 3am, Dr Murray gave him midazolam, another sedative. Dr Murray said that Jackson was demanding propofol, which he then administered at 10.40am.
Although Dr Murray admitted prescribing propofol, the Los Angeles Times today reported that the LA authorities had found no record of Mr Murray purchasing or ordering the drug under his medical license or official tracking number.
In the affadavit, Dr Murray also explains that propofol had been administered to the singer by a number of other doctors, in Las Vegas, Germany, and in his cosmetologist’s office. Jackson reportedly admitted to Dr Murray that he had been given a “cocktail” to help him.
On the day of Jackson’s death, Dr Murray said he had left Jackson to make phone calls to his Houston office and returned to find the singer was not breathing. He perfomed CPR while Jackson’s staff called the emergency services. Jackson was pronounced dead at the UCLA Medical Centre later that day.
An investigation is ongoing to ascertain whether Dr Murray’s actions in administering propofol to Jackson amount to negligence, which could lead to an involuntary manslaughter charge.
However, although Dr Murray has been interviewed twice by police, he has not been named as an official suspect. {Source}
SMH. Some two months later, I still find Michael’s death so surreal. So, so surreal. As a fan, it’s been hard to come to the realisation that Michael clearly had a self-destructive streak which I guess culminated in his untimely death. That said, these doctors know better, hence too have blood on their hands. Here’s hoping justice is served.
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Mariah's 'Obsessed' NOT First Single - Apparently
With Mariah Carey’s ‘Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel’ project in disarray, it’s seemingly been put down to her network of close media contacts to ‘clean-up’ the mess that is rapidly becoming this album. Former Fox News reporter, Roger Friedman, who is in Mimi’s extended PR team, has gone on record to supposedly explain what’s going on behind the scenes with Mariah’s LP:
Mariah Carey—despite idiotic postings elsewhere—is gearing up for her big new CD release.
Mariah feels so strongly about “Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel” that she’s even re-hired the PR powerhouse that made her second-stage career such a success. She’s back with Cindi Berger of PMK HBH. It was Berger who made her “Emancipation of Mimi” the biggest hit of Mariah’s career. Smart move.
Of course, that means both Mariah and Whitney Houston are now being repped by the same PR company. PMK’s Kristen Foster is handling Whitney with my old pal, Jill Fritzo.
“Memoirs” was scheduled for an August 25th release, then moved to September 15th. Now it’s set for September 29th. If the regular Grammy deadline had been in place—September 30th—Mariah would have made it. But the unfortunate early deadline of August 31st cut her off. So she has some slack time to get “Memoirs” just right.
The first single from Mariah’s CD will not be “Obsessed”—that was just a summer trifle, and it was a lot of fun. The real first official single is said to be a powerhouse ballad along the lines of “Vision of Love.” {Source}
Oh Mariah. I do find it hilarious that the oh-so-used explanation for a single under-performing – ‘oh, it was a buzz single’ – is being used here. Besides, Mariah herself, as well as her label, radio programmers etc have all acknowledged ‘Obsessed’ as the first single. I can guarantee, had the song did what it was supposed to on the charts (aka been a massive hit, instead of a barely moderate one), they would have been trumpeting it as the record’s first single. SMH…
For a brief moment I got excited at the prospect of a qualitative single from Mariah – as Friedman alludes to, instead of the cookie-cutter trash she’s been putting out as of late (something she is so above making). Then I remembered how I’ve been punk’d by Mimi with everything she’s done post-Emancipation, hence my decision to be pleasantly surprised when she does deliver the hotness. At this point, though, I wouldn’t bet much on that happening.
Randomness: Is it me or is Mariah kinda dropping albums (so close together) for the sake of it now? I mean it’s not as if she’s in Janet Jackson’s predicament, where her last releases were slept on – and perhaps feels she needs to prove something. This I ask as Post-Emancipation Mariah seems to be releasing material very quickly – yet bringing nothing new to the table and consistently serving up rubbish material.
Tidbit: Check out this preview of Mimi’s ‘Memoirs’ from the UK’s Sun paper. Things are not looking good 🙁
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Mariah's 'Memoirs' Pushed Back
Mariah Carey new album ”Memoirs of An Imperfect Angel’ has been pushed back 3 weeks to September 15th and will now miss the Grammy 2010 deadline. The set originally due in stores August 25th via Def Jam is preceded by single ‘Obsessed’, which is performing well on the charts, but not great by Mariah’s standards. {Source}
While I’m sure marketing / promotional strategy, as well as the release of a 2nd single, is the cause of the delay, one would not be wrong in wondering if the so-so performance of lead single ‘Obsessed’ (which currently sits at #11 on the Billboard 100 and isn’t really doing much of anything worldwide), factors in to all this.
Interestingly, the original release date was a week before Whitney’s much anticipated comeback album hit stores; perhaps the move was to not allow for any ‘Diva Chart Battle’ media hype and/or risk losing out to the ‘I Will Always Love You’ singer in sales.
Push back or no push back, all I want from Mariah is a live performance this ‘era’ that reminds everyone why she is dubbed ‘The Voice’ and not performances that sounds like she’s been chewing on cigarette buttes or has a hangover. Come on Mariah, you can do it 😉
Randomness: I have listened to ‘Fly Like A Bird’ from the ‘Emancipation’ album almost every day since the record was released – back in 2005. A classic.
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Whitney Houston Album UpdateAs Whitney Houston continues to ready her as-yet-untitled ‘comeback’ effort for a September 1st release (August 31st – UK), more details about the LP has surfaced via Showbiz 411 columnist Roger Friedman:

I told you earlier this week that Whitney’s album was done, and would be released by the Grammy deadline cut off of August 31, 2009.

Well, yesterday Arista Records confirmed it. There’s one weird hitch: the album will go on September 1st, one day after the deadline. I know, it doesn’t make any sense. Maybe it’s a shipping thing, and the Grammys will allow a 24 hour grace period.

More importantly, here’s some news: Alicia Keys wrote and produced a track on the album for Whitney. Houston has been “working” Alicia for a couple of years, and it finally happened. The track is also produced by Alicia’s reported current love interest, the producer Swizz Beatz. (His real name is Kasseem Dean, by the way.)

There are tracks on Whitney’s album from Diane Warren, Stargate, and other top producers of the day. But the first single is set to be a David Foster production.

And yes, the track that was leaked last year with Akon, “Like I Never Left,” will be included in its finished form.

I am told, also, that the album is a combination of big, sweeping ballads and 80s dance music like Houston’s trademark hit, “How Will I Know” and “I Wanna Dance With Somebody.”

So it looks like we will have new albums from Whitney and Mariah at the same time after all. It’s a flashback battle of the divas, circa 1994. Bring it on! {Source}

The Swizzy and Alicia production collabo sounds real interesting. As pertains the Akon collabo ‘Like I Never Left’, the song grew on me considerably after first hearing it; the airy, laidback nature of it feels apt for the impending summer period ahead. That said, I’m gonna need the final version of the song to see Nippy batting it out of the park with the vocals, because, the end aside, she was talking through most of the track. In any case, roll on September 1st, roll on!

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Timberlake NOT Working On New Album
Though reports that Justin Timberlake has been hard at work on his third studio album, the follow-up to 2006’s ‘FutureSexLoveSounds’, the singer has gone on record recently to confirm that he is in fact has no concrete plans for a new album anytime soon:

Justin Timberlake fans, don’t hold your breath waiting for a new album. Timberlake, whose last disc, FutureSex/LoveSounds, came out in 2006, tells EW that he’s “not working” on new music right now. The singer — who’s executive producing a new MTV reality competition series called The Phone (premiering April 21) — has been hitting the studio lately, but only to produce tracks for other artists, like T.I. (“Dead and Gone”) and Ciara (“Love Sex Magic”). “Right now, I like the idea that things can just kind of pop up and if they feel right I can do them,” says Timberlake. “Committing to my own sort of project, that’s like, ‘Okay, let me block out two years of my life and do it.’ I was heavily fulfilled with the last one and I always have this thing with myself that if I can’t sleep because I need to do it, then I’m gonna do it. But if I’m not losing sleep over it then…” {Source}

While I’m sure Justin’s fans won’t be too pleased, I can’t say I’m particularly fussed. I seem to have been among the few that wasn’t big on Justin’s last effort. It’s hard to deny his ‘hit-making’ ability on the collabo front…just ask Madonna, T.I and Ciara.
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Top 25 Worst Selling #1 Albums Yahoo Music published a real interesting list recently of the Worst Selling #1 Albums. Though kinda long, it was a very insightful read; after all, labels and publicists are oh-so-quick to tout an artists #1 selling status, yet we often hear very little thereafter. Check out the full list below (which is complied from the 365 albums that topped the Nielsen/SoundScan chart from May 25, 1991 through December 31, 2006), I’m sure some of the entries will surprise some:

1. Omarion, 21, 390,000. This was the R&B artist’s second album in a row to open at #1. Omarion’s solo debut album, O, had achieved the feat in March 2005. But 21, which charted in December 2006, has sold only about half as many copies as that earlier album (see #17). The key song from 21, “Ice Box,” reached #12 on the Hot 100. This was the lowest-selling #1 album of 2006.

2. Jaheim, Ghetto Classics, 446,000. This was the R&B artist’s third album, but his first to reach #1. It charted in February 2006. A key reason Ghetto Classics is on this list: No songs from the album made the Hot 100, whereas two songs from each of Jaheim’s previous albums made the top 30.

3. Johnny Cash, American V: A Hundred Highways, 491,000. This charted in July 2006, nearly three years after Cash’s death. It was the country legend’s first studio album to reach #1. His only other #1 album on The Billboard 200 was the live Johnny Cash At San Quentin in 1969. So this wasn’t really a dud. This is the only album on this list that had first-week sales of fewer than 100,000 copies. (It bowed with lukewarm sales of 88,000.)

4. Juvenile, Reality Check, 505,000. This was the rapper’s eighth album, but his first to reach #1. It charted in March 2006. The key single from the album, “Rodeo,” peaked at #41, a drop-off from such previous Juvenile releases as “Slow Motion” (featuring Soulja Slim), which hit #1 in 2004.

5. R. Kelly & Jay-Z, Unfinished Business, 524,000. This was the second collaboration by the superstar pairing. The first, The Best Of Both Worlds, peaked at #2 in 2002. But that first album has sold a healthier 933,000 copies. This was the lowest-selling #1 album of 2004-as well as the lowest-selling chart-topper of the Nielsen/SoundScan era to that point. (It may have been undercut by Jay-Z’s collaboration with Linkin Park, Collision Course, which was released just five weeks later.) Unfinished Business charted in October 2004 with first-week sales of 215,000. That’s 41% of its total.

6. Marilyn Manson, The Golden Age Of Grotesque, 526,000. This album, which charted in May 2003, was Manson’s second #1, following Mechanical Animals in 1998. Both of these releases were the lowest-selling #1 albums of their respective years. The Gothic shock rocker is the only artist to have the lowest-selling #1 album of the year twice in the Nielsen/SoundScan era.

7. LeToya, LeToya, 529,000. This was the solo debut by LeToya Luckett, a former member of Destiny’s Child. LeToya left the group in early 2000, after the release of its top 10 blockbuster, The Writing’s On The Wall. LeToya has sold about one-twelfth as many copies as that album has. The album charted in July 2006. The single, “Torn,” reached #31 on the Hot 100.

8. Prince, 3121, 530,000. What’s a legend like Prince doing on a list like this? Anybody can have an album that under-performs, to use a favored industry euphemism. 3121 charted in March 2006. It was Prince’s fourth album to reach #1; his first to do since Batman in 1989. “Black Sweat” was the only song from the album to make the Hot 100. It spent one week on the chart at #60.

9. Private Parts soundtrack, 562,000. The rock soundtrack to the Howard Stern comedy/biopic charted in March 1997. It was that year’s lowest-selling #1 album. In fact, it was the lowest-selling #1 album between May 1991 and May 2003, when a Marilyn Manson album did even worse (see #6). It’s also the lowest-selling #1 soundtrack from 1991-2008 (except for the two-week old Twilight, which will quickly surpass it). Apart from the four oldies on the album, no songs from the album made the Hot 100.

10. Gridlock’d soundtrack, 585,000. This soundtrack charted in February 1997, five months after the movie’s star, 2 Pac, was shot to death. The album features two 2Pac tracks, one a collaboration with Snoop Doggy Dogg. No songs from the album made the Hot 100.

11. Busta Rhymes, The Big Bang, 613,000. This was the rapper’s seventh album, but his first to reach #1. It charted in June 2006 with first week sales of 209,000. A single, “Touch It,” had run its course by the time the album was released. The follow-up, “I Love My B***,” stalled at #41 on the Hot 100. By contrast, five Busta Rhymes songs from previous albums made the top 10.

12. Bruce Springsteen, Devils & Dust, 650,000. This was The Boss’ seventh #1 album; his first since The Rising in 2002. But it has sold less than a third as many copies as that album has. Devils & Dust charted in May 2005 with first-week sales of 222,000. It was that year’s lowest-selling #1 album. The title song stalled at #72 on the Hot 100. It spent just one week on the chart, compared to 11 weeks for the title song from The Rising.

13. Madonna, American Life, 674,000. This was Madonna’s fifth chart-topper; her first since Music in 2000. But this has sold less than a quarter as many copies as that album has. American Life charted in April 2003 with first-week sales of 241,000. That’s 36% of its total. The album included Madonna’s 2002 hit “Die Another Day” from the James Bond movie of the same name. The problem: No other songs from the album cracked the top 30.

14. India.Arie, Testimony: Vol. 1: Life & Relationship, 688,000. This was the R&B artist’s third album, but her first to reach #1. It charted in July 2006. The single, “I Am Not My Hair,” had one fleeting week on the Hot 100 (at #97). India.Arie’s 2001 breakthrough hit, “Video,” logged seven months on the chart.

15. Diddy, Press Play, 700,000. This was the rap icon’s first #1 album since 1997, when, as Puff Daddy, he topped the chart with No Way Out. But Press Play has sold less than one-seventh as many copies as that album has. Press Play charted in October 2006. The album’s key track, “Come To Me” (featuring Nicole Scherzinger of the Pussycat Dolls) went top 10 on the Hot 100. (By contrast, No Way Out contained four top five hits.)

16. Rod Stewart, Still The Same…Great Rock Classics Of Our Time, 719,000. This was the English star’s first pop/rock album following four million-selling Great American Songbook collections. It charted in October 2006. The Songbook albums were trending downward in sales, from a high of 3,221,000 for the first to a low of 1,112,000 for the fourth. A fifth Songbook outing would probably have sold about what this did. So this wasn’t a bad showing, just not as good as many figured. It was Stewart’s fourth #1 album.

17. Omarion, O, 758,000. This was the R&B artist’s solo debut album, following a pair of top 10 albums with the teen group B2K. O charted in February 2005. The title song reached #27 on the Hot 100. Omarion is the only artist with two albums on this list. (There’s another dubious distinction.)

18. Nas, Hip Hop Is Dead, 764,000. This was the rapper’s third #1 album, following It Was Written in 1996 and I Am… in 1999. But it has sold only about a third of what those albums have sold. Hip Hop Is Dead charted in December 2006, with first-week sales of 355,000. That’s a whopping 46% of its total. The title track, featuring, peaked at #41 on the Hot 100, lower than such earlier Nas hits as “Street Dreams” and “I Can.”

19. Incubus, Light Grenades, 773,000. This was the hard rock group’s sixth album, but its first to reach #1. It charted in December 2006. The key track, “Anna-Molly,” peaked at #66 on the Hot 100, a far cry from the top 10 showing of the band’s “Drive” in 2001.

20. Godsmack, IV, 815,000. This was the hard rock group’s second consecutive full-length album to reach #1, following Faceless. But this has sold about half of what that 2003 album has sold. IV charted in May 2006 with first-week sales of 211,000. The key track, “Speak,” reached #85 on the Hot 100.

21. The Isley Brothers featuring Ronald Isley, Body Kiss, 815,000. This was the veteran R&B group’s second #1 album; its first since The Heat Is On in 1975. Body Kiss charted in May 2003. R. Kelly wrote and produced the key track, “What Would You Do?,” which stalled at #49 on the Hot 100.

22. Led Zeppelin, How The West Was Won, 818,000. This live, three-disk compilation charted in June 2003. (It’s the only album on this list that comprises more than a single disk.) This was the legendary hard-rock band’s seventh #1 album; its first since 1979’s In Through The Out Door.

23. LL Cool J, G.O.A.T. Featuring James T. Smith The Greatest Of All Time, 822,000. This was the rap superstar’s ninth album, but his first to hit #1. G.O.A.T. charted in July 2000 with first-week sales of 209,000. It was that boom year’s lowest-selling #1 album. “Imagine That” was the only song from the album to make the Hot 100. It peaked at #98.

24. Various Artists, The Neptunes Present…Clones, 827,000. Pharrell Williams was featured on six tracks on this hip-hop collection. One of them, “Frontin'” (featuring Jay-Z), went top five on the Hot 100. The album charted in August 2003 with first-week sales of 249,000.

25. A Tribe Called Quest, Beats, Rhymes And Life, 828,000. This charted in August 1996, making it the oldest album on this list. It was the lowest-selling #1 album of 1996-and the lowest-selling chart-topper of the Nielsen/SoundScan era to that point. (It took the unwelcome title from Depeche Mode’s 1993 album, Songs Of Faith And Devotion.) Beats, Rhymes And Life was the New York-based rap trio’s fourth album, but its first to hit #1. No songs from the album made the Hot 100.

Granted some of the names/releases on the list have stories behind the poor sales, it’s still pretty compelling stuff all the same.

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Jennifer Hudson Thanks Fans Speaking out for the first time since the burial of her mother, brother and nephew, Jennifer Hudson has thanked fans for their support via her official MySpace:

Jennifer Hudson has told fans that she takes “great comfort and strength” from their messages following the fatal shootings of her mother, brother and nephew.

The Dreamgirls actress wrote the thank you note on her MySpace page ten days after her slain family members were laid to rest.

She wrote: “I want to thank each and every one of you for your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. My sister and I take great comfort and strength from your love and concern.”

Darnell Hudson Donerson and Jason Hudson were found shot dead at the family home in Chicago on October 24. The body of Hudson’s seven-year-old nephew Julian King was discovered in an abandoned vehicle three days later. {Source}

It’s our prayer that God gives Jennifer and her entire family the strength to overcome this terrible occurrence.

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'Before I Self Destruct' Pushed Back According to a press release from 50 Cent’s label, Interscope, the rapper ‘Before Self Destruct’ LP – originally due December 16th – has been pushed back to early 2009:

Interscope says the artist was “rushing” to meet the December date but “with the deadline to secure advertising and retail placement for the album imminent,” the rapper opted to wait until next year.

The album boasts production and guest turns from mentors Dr. Dre and Eminem; producer Scott Storch helmed first single “Get Up.”

“Before I Self Destruct” will be bundled with a full-length feature film of the same name, in which 50 Cent plays a budding basketball star who becomes a criminal after his mother’s murder.

Early pressings of the album will also include a second DVD with the documentary “Two Turntables And A Microphone: The Life And Death Of Jam Master Jay,” which 50 Cent executive produced. {Source}

Is anyone actually checking for this anyway?

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Confirmed: Body Found Is Hudson NephewThe news we were all dreading has been confirmed: the child’s body found in an abandoned white SUV has been confirmed as that of Julian King – the 7 year old nephew of Jennifer Hudson. See the full report via Fox News below:

CHICAGO — Oscar winner Jennifer Hudson’s 7-year-old nephew was found dead in the back of an SUV on Monday, ending a frantic search that began after the shooting deaths of her mother and brother three days earlier.

The singer and actress was among seven family members and close friends who cried and held hands as they identified Julian King’s body from a live image on a television screen at the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office Monday afternoon.

Chicago police spokeswoman Monique Bond said the boy, like his grandmother and uncle, had been shot. The medical examiner’s office planned a Tuesday autopsy.

Chicago Police Superintendent Jody Weis said a motive remained unclear Monday but added, “It wasn’t a case of a stranger-type homicide.”

Police have characterized the slayings as “domestic related” and authorities have been questioning Julian’s stepfather, who has been estranged from the boy’s mother and is being held on a parole violation. No one has been charged in the slayings.

Julian’s body was found shortly after 7 a.m. in the rear seat of the SUV, which matched the one mentioned in an Amber Alert for the boy and was parked on the street in a neighborhood of brownstone homes and apartment buildings.

The vehicle was about 10 miles from the house where the other victims were found, which was where Julian lived and where Hudson grew up.

Hudson had offered $100,000 Sunday for information leading to the safe return of her nephew, the son of her sister, Julia Hudson. Hudson’s publicist did not immediately return calls and e-mail messages Monday.

“Miss Hudson wanted to request privacy,” Cook County spokesman Sean Howard said after the family left the medical examiner’s office. “This is a very trying time for her and her family.”

Hudson’s aunt, Dorothy Hudson, said the Chicago funeral home she owns with her husband will handle arrangements for the family, but details were pending.

“We’re just sad. We’re going through this stage where we’re just sad and in shock,” Dorothy Hudson said.

The Amber Alert had listed William Balfour, the estranged husband of Julia Hudson, as a suspect in a “double homicide investigation.”

We continue to hold the Hudson family in a our prayers during this unquestionably painful time.

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Tina Turner Talks Beyonce, Aretha & Ike While promoting her brand new 36 date world tour, legend Tina Turner spoke with US Today about performing with Beyonce at this year’s Grammy’s, Aretha Franklin’s anger at her being introduced as the ‘The Queen’ at the same show, as well as her thoughts on the death of controversial ex Ike Turner:

On Performing With Beyonce:

People said, ‘You looked better than Beyoncé.’ Well, that’s not possible. It’s nice that young people hold me up as a model. Beyoncé is elegant and is handling her career well. A lot of new stars go overboard on sex. They’re half-naked up there. My dresses were a bit short, but I stayed respectable.”

On Aretha Franklin’s Declaration ‘I Am The Queen!’:

She was mum at the time, but Turner now says: “Aretha has always been like that. We’ve always accepted that from her. She’s the queen of soul, and I’m the queen of rock ‘n’ roll. There were so many kings and queens there that night. Her ego must be so big to think she was the only one.” Turner laughs. “That’s how queens are!”

On Ignoring Ike’s Death:

“It meant nothing to me,” she says. “He had been dead to me for 20 years.”

While it’s good to see Tina give kudos to those after her in the form of Beyonce and handle the Aretha situation with class, I’m a little shocked at her response about Ike though. I guess it’s a case of ‘each to their own’.

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Undeterred by the latest pushback of her debut LP ‘In A Perfect World’ (now due October 7th), Keri Hilson recently performed at San Diego radio station Channel 933’s AJ’s Playhouse gig. Hilson performed a new cut from the album called ‘Do It’ – which from the sounds of it, samples LL Cool J’s classic ‘Doin’ It’.

Though the crowd were deader than dead (why go to the show in the first place?), Keri done her thing. Is it me or did anyone else not think she was the choreography type? Nonetheless, good performance.

What do you think of the performance?
