As her latest album, ‘Quantum Baby,’ continues to score high marks on the year-end lists of some of entertainment’s top publications, Tinashe is giving music lovers yet another reason to spin the project by lifting the lid on visual for fan favorite ‘Cross That… Read More
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she looks good! cant wait til the next album…she should release a single now if its due in november!
Good for LeToya. I am so happy and proud of her. If she’s releasing her second album in November, then her first single will be out somewhere in October. I am sure we will have clips of the songs by September, but her first single will probably come out inn October.
To the owner of this site, thank you for the info.
I really love how Diddy is still releasing singles from HIS album, but none of his artists can get more than one or two out, if they are lucky.
Maybe she’ll have a verse for the music video only. O.o Who knows but she’s looking hot as usual. =D
he needs to stop with these weak ass singles.
diddy you so s***!!!! but you need to stop! press play is over and done with! it cannot be ressurected! letoya is looking hot! can’t wait for her new album! also sam you promised us kelly’s video was coming out yesterday! what’s up with that? i wanna see kelly put in some WORK!
letoya working on a new album?thought she only realised one single?torn?or she realise more cause ive never seen anything but that
she had 2 single out “Torn” & “She Don’t”
She’s cool, but someone stop Punk Daddy from making wack music, sell the clothes man. Making the band is only good telvision, not real music. He needs to stop playing with people’s careers. “Why would most people want to work for him.? He would be the last person I would want to sign a record deal with.”Where’s making the band 1 at?” Is Punk Daddy helping people sell their records? Are they recording? SAD, SAD, SAD People think of your careers when you sign with Puff. He could of had Ms. Keys, but she wasn’t what he was looking for. Thank God. She has real talent.