That Grape Juice Interviews Kelly Rowland

Published: Tuesday 29th Jan 2008 by Sam
That Grape Juice Interviews Kelly Rowland In this revealing interview, Grammy Award winning singer Kelly Rowland opens up to That Grape Juice about a number of issues including the highs and lows of her storied career, the forthcoming ‘Ms. Kelly’ re-release as well as her next album. That Grape Juice asks the questions you really want answers to. A great read, if I must say so myself 🙂 Enjoy.

Kelly Rowland Shouts-Out That Grape Juice

Sam: I’m here with Grammy-Award winning artist Kelly Rowland, one third of the biggest selling female group of all time Destiny’s Child.

Kelly: Wow, that’s a really cool title; nice introduction. I feel so glamorous (laughs).

Sam: Kelly, it really is an honour to finally be able to speak with you.

Kelly: Thank You.

Sam: How are you enjoying your stay here in London so far?

Kelly: I absolutely love London. I want to look for a place over here to come and camp out here for a little while. I love it. I’m really comfortable over here, I have the best fans here.

Sam: That’s great. After putting the word out on the site that we’d be interviewing you, the feedback from our readers was phenomenal. So saying that, I’m gonna fire away the questions

Sam: Your great new single ‘Work’ is doing fantastically well here in the UK – especially the Freemasons remix. With suggestive lyrics such as ‘put it in/do it baby/do it baby’ some are a little confused about what the song is really about. Could you, please, clarify?

Kelly: (hysterical laugher) Basically, the song ‘Work’ is about the dynamic between a man and a woman – whichever you prefer. You meet somebody, you have the energy, flirting with somebody and telling them ‘In order to get a girl like me you’ve got to work, you got to put in work’. You can’t just come to me and buy me a drink and dance, maybe take me home or something like that. It’s not gonna be like that, you have to work for my attention, period, because I’m a lady (in English accent).

Sam: Indeed, you’re a lady (laughs). Ok, so upon the initial release of ‘Ms. Kelly’, ‘Work’ was a huge instant favourite among fans and general listeners as well. Many of our US readers want to know if the song is scheduled for a Stateside release?

Kelly: If they make it one in the way the UK did. The UK made ‘Work’ a great single, I have to say. I put the song out, but it’s really the fans that do everything. You know, the fans made ‘Work’ a great hit and I appreciate them for that. So if the US does the same, hey we could have something great on our hands (laughs). There’s nothing like the UK fanbase, though, I must say.

Sam: Great. We have to talk about the ‘Ms. Kelly’ re-release. Following the release of your sophomore effort ‘Ms. Kelly’ back in July last year, it’s since been announced that a revamped version of the album will be released in March this year. What’s the reason for re-releasing the project?

That Grape Juice Interviews Kelly RowlandKelly: I felt like the album needed a new life; so I wanted to put some new tracks on there and give it another shot, you know what I mean. So that’s exactly what I did. I recorded an amazing track with Travis McCoy from Gym Class Heroes titled ‘Daylight’ and of course the ‘Work’ Freemasons remix. It’s giving something new and different on the re-release, which is something I really wanted to do.

Sam: Is there a particular reason why a re-release of ‘Ms. Kelly’ – which I must say is my best album from last year (Kelly: Thank you) – was chosen over doing a whole new album altogether?

Kelly: Say that one more time.

Sam: Basically, was there a reason

All: (laughter)

Sam: Was there a reason why you decided to re-release the album, as opposed to making a new album?

Kelly: You know what; I wanted to give the album another chance to be heard. I mean, I felt the first time not a lot of people knew about the album and that’s not fair to the fans, it’s not fair to me. So I wanted to make sure I released a single that would, basically, have the fans really gravitate towards the album – those who have heard it, those who haven’t heard it, those that possibly want something new as well on the release. So that’s why I made the decision.

which is very-well understandable. Many are keen to find out what the ‘Ms. Kelly’ re-release will be serving up. Who did you work with on the new tracks?

Kelly: On the new tracks, of course the Freemasons did the remix to ‘Work’ as well as Travis McCoy on ‘Daylight’. I’m actually trying to get one more in. I’m in the studio right now and playing around here and there. I don’t know if some songs will make it or not, but I’m still working with different producers; Mark Feist, who did Destiny’s Child’s ‘Emotions’. A lot of different people.

Sam: There was something floating around about you working with Nate ‘Danja’ Hills, who did Britney’s Gimme More’. Is this correct?

Kelly: I wanna work with Danja, but Danja is really busy, he’s really busy with other artists. When he sees this, he’s gonna kill me (laughs). But I really love Danja, I’d love to work with him, he’s so talented.

Sam: Are there any track titles and/or personal favourites you could share with us from the new tracks you’ve recorded?

Kelly: From the new tracks, gosh I must say that I love them all, to be quite honest with you. There’s a song I recently did with Mark Feist that I really love. I have to say, though, that I love ‘Daylight’ with Travis. We had fun giving ‘Daylight’ (a Bobby Womack cover) a new, younger life, which was really cool; to introduce young people to some more soul and put a twist on it.

Sam: Will the original track list be preserved or will some tracks be replaced?

Kelly: Some tracks will be replaced. We are actually in the process of doing that now, piecing it together still. You want to make sure that you are making the right decisions for yourself and your fans, so that everybody’s happy.

Sam: That’s good.

Kelly: Great questions.

Sam: A lot of fans sent questions in; they were really hyped to be able to present them to you.

Kelly: Yeah, these are great questions, a lot of journalism going on. I love it.

Sam: Thank you. People want to know if there’s going to be a bonus DVD packaged with the album, perhaps, as you’ve done quite a few videos. There was the ‘Like This’ video, the ‘Ghetto’ video, I’ve seen ‘Daylight’ and ‘Work as well. Will there be a bonus DVD of sorts?

Kelly: Possibly.

Sam: Possibly

Kelly: (in posh English accent): Possibly

Sam: Possibly

Kelly: (still with English accent) Possibly

Sam: Possibly

All: (laughter)

Sam: You filmed a video for the single ‘Comeback’, right?

Kelly: Uh huh.

Sam: People really wanna know where it’s at?

Kelly: It’s so fly! I LOVE ‘Comeback’. Yeah

Sam: Will we be seeing the video anytime soon?

Kelly: You will see the ‘Comeback’ video, on the re-release.

Sam: Of the existing tracks, the confessional ‘Still in Love with My Ex’ is the song many are hoping to be a single. Are there such plans for this?

Kelly: Yo, ya’ll have to call Sony. Make sure that whatever you want, they make it happen.That Grape Juice Interviews Kelly Rowland First they have to, honestly, hear the fans feedback. The same way they (the fans) made ‘Work’ a big record, the fans make it happen now. Like, the artist can put out music, but look at what the fans are doing with the music industry. It’s all in their hands, so it’s really up to them. I love ‘Still In Love With my Ex’. It’s a personal confession for me, so I think that’s why it’s so close and personal to a lot of fans as well as those that, possibly, don’t even know Kelly Rowland. It’s something that really triggers and is familiar to them. I’d love for it to be a single. Anything could happen.

Sam: On ‘Ms. Kelly’ you flaunted a sassy, assertive, yet emotionally vulnerable side. What’s different with ‘Ms. Kelly’ this go round?

Kelly: For the re-release, I feel there is even more sassiness. When you think of ‘Work’, I like the fact that it was given a new life, like I said earlier. With ‘Daylight’, it brings more soul to the record, as well as the song I did with Mark Feist. It’s about me evolving as an artist and, just, trying out different things every time I put something out.

Sam: Though critically praised, ‘Ms. Kelly’s’ sales unfortunately didn’t reflect this. You’ve gone on record to say that you felt you’re label weren’t as supportive as they could have been initially; how was this so and how has it been combated this time around?

Kelly: Like I said, it takes the fans to let them see it’s a great record. They can see my passion, I think my management sees my passion, but it’s ultimately takes the label (to understand this) because they have to promote the record, they have to stand by you and be behind you. Now they are on board and everyone’s playing ball together (chuckles). So we’re all making it happen and that’s the most important thing, it’s working.

Sam: What’s your response to the calls from fans, naysayers etc that you should change labels, management etc? Because, I have to be honest with you, it’s something that is passed about quite a bit.

Kelly: It is passed about quite a bit. You know what’s so sad to me is that when people don’t know what’s going on, then they are basically entitled to their own opinion; opinions are like buttholes, everybody’s got one. The thing is, people are going to continue to say something, and they are going to continue to compare myself with Destiny’s Child, Beyonce, with Michelle, with whatever. They’ll do that forever and, of course; it’ll always be seen as what they want it to be seen as. But, you know what? Misery loves company and I don’t let miserable people bother me because I still love music, I love my family and I love everybody that I’m working with. If it needs change, then I’ll change it, when I see fit.

Sam: Great. Having experienced the ups and downs of the ever-changing music industry, what are the 3 things you see as necessary to survive in it?

Kelly: Hmm. Good people around you. I don’t keep ‘yes’ people around me; if I had a bad performance, I had a bad performance. If I was rude to somebody, I was rude to somebody and you shouldn’t act like that, you know what I mean. So it takes honest people around you. Passion. I feel like this could be taken away from me tomorrow, I’m not going to treat it like ‘Oh my God I get a number one record everyday’. That doesn’t happen. So I’m blessed to be in the position I’m in. Like when I first released the record and it didn’t do what I wanted it to do, that was also humbling. There are so many different experiences you go though that, basically, keeps your feet on the ground and I think that’s a great thing. I also think it’s something from God; I feel like this is a gift, I can’t hinder my gift at all.

Sam: The U.K. is arguably home to your most loyal fanbase, why do you think the UK is more appreciative of your music than the US?

Kelly: That’s a good question. I say, everyone’s a lot more open minded to music here. Nothing’s separated, there no ‘urban here, no pop here, this here’ Everybody listens to different types of music since they were small. At least that’s the impression I get when I talk to fans and different people who love music here. They can be like ‘Oh my God I love U2’ and in the same sentence say they love Jay-Z, that they love Coldplay or a new artist such as Adele or maybe Amy Winehouse. It’s really cool that people are open to music. Here it’s a passion, rather than a trend. Is that mean?

Sam: Nope, it’s not mean at all. It’s good that you’re being honest.

Sam: Though the ‘Ms. Kelly’ is your priority at present, have you started thinking about the direction of your next record?

Kelly: Totally. I’m just boggled right now because the sky is the limit. There are so many things I’d love to try. Like doing an album and trying out different songs, but live. Not actually recording it in the studio, but doing the song live and recording that and putting that out as an album. That would be so much fun.

Sam: So live instrumentation etc?

Kelly: Oh definitely; live instrumentation, live vocals, backgrounds, everything. Doing it with the instruments, the artist and someone that puts together music, doing it live right on the spot. I saw Timbaland with Justin Timberlake at a show and he was putting together beats, like live, and I was crying (laughs) because it was just so amazing. I love creativity, like to that point, where it just moved me to emotion. I was like, ‘I want to do something like that’. I sat home and thought ‘what can I do that will be close?’ and that would be it. To put together a whole album live, doing it in front of an audience and just make it real hot and gritty.

Sam: Any producers you’d like to work with on the next go round?

Kelly: Pharrell. I’d love to work with I’d LOVE to work with I love him. I love him and Sweetback (Sade’s band)

Sam: Moving on, do you hit up sites such as to keep yourself posted on the latest goings on in music industry?

Kelly: Sometimes. I’ve just learned that in the past when I go on blog sites not everyone is happy with themselves so they have to tear you down. So I don’t go on them anymore. I just make my own little pictures books on my computer (laughs) and learn different things to do with iMovie and I make my own little world. That’s just me, that’s what I like to do.

Sam: Just to let you know, not everybody’s hating or coming at anyone from a derogatory angle

Kelly: No, no, I know. I just like to keep myself free from all of that. It seems like every time I wanna even look, just to get some news or anything, if I’m out of the country or whatever it is, I’m like ‘God darn it! I’m sorry, my shoe was too big’ (laughs). I know not everyone is like that, but I just like to protect myself.

Sam: Which is understandable. So, tell me a little known fact about you?

Kelly: Do people know I like to eat? (All: laughs). I love food.

Aide: We found that Thai!

Kelly: My cousin would always say ‘you don’t look like you eat as much as you do’. I’m pretty much a homebody, I don’t know if people know that. I like to pick up my nephew from school. Ermm, go the grocery store and cook. Oh and I love my Nintendo DS.

That Grape Juice Interviews Kelly RowlandSam: You’re obviously enjoying a lot of success this year with ‘Work’, with the upcoming re-release and whatnot, but there are also a few releases from other female heavy-weights this year– including Janet and Mariah. Whose projects are you looking forward to this year?

Kelly: I love Mariah. I really can’t wait to see what Mariah does. I was really looking forward to Alicia Keys as well and I’m definitely satisfied with the album that she brought. Janet Jackson, I can’t wait to see what she’s gonna bring.

Sam: Have you heard the ‘Feedback’ song?

Kelly: I heard ‘Feedback’; only once, but it definitely made me dance – I was in the club.

Sam: A few random bits and pieces, here. The last time you cursed somebody out?

Kelly: (laughs) (looks to aide) Was it today? I didn’t cuss you out? I’m sorry. I guess today (All: laugh). I thought you were a soldier, no pun intended (laughs).

Sam: Not sure if you’ll answer this one, but: Obama or Clinton?

Kelly: Ohh too political.

Sam: Favourite Destiny’s Child song?

Kelly: It’s from our last album, the ‘Destiny’ Fulfilled’ album, ‘Love’. I love ‘Love’, it’s so beautiful. That one, and one that goes down in history ‘Say My Name’ – that has to be one of the best tracks of all-time, if I must say so myself (laughs).

Sam: I’m sure many would agree. Your favourite Beyonce song?

Kelly: Favourite Beyonce song? Oh, ‘Flaws and All’

Sam: Favourite Michelle song?

Kelly: ‘Heart To Yours’. It’s one of the most beautiful records; I love Michelle’s voice on it and I love the production and everything. It’s just so fly and cool.

Sam: Real quick, favourite LeToya song?

Kelly: Let’s see, I liked her ‘All Eyes On Me’ record

Sam: I liked that one too.

Kelly: It was a good record.

Sam: Are there any tour plans, a live DVD? A lot of your fans want to know if you’ll be doing anything along those lines.

Kelly: I sure hope so. I’m so ready to tour; I sleep with ideas in my head. I can’t wait, that’ll be so exciting for me.

Sam: Lastly, what is your ‘Comeback’ as an artist? What makes fans comeback to Kelly Rowland?

Kelly: I think they sense I’m real, you know what I mean. I’m a real person, a real human being, a real person that loves music and they see and hear that on my records and appreciate that. I guess that’s something we identify with each other with. What you put out, you get back.

Sam: Thank you very much Kelly for your time.

Kelly: No, thank you.


Kelly’s Message To the Fans

Kelly’s awesome new single ‘Work’ is in stores & iTunes now (UK). Do be sure to pick up a copy.

Your thoughts on the Kelly Rowland interview?

Comments 41

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  1. Anonymous January 29, 2008

    I have been a Kelly Rowland supporter since the very beginning. When she was apart of Destiny’s Child,she was the one I noticed first,she stood out to me (even though Beyonce sang most of the leads). When the group line-up changed,I was O.K. because my favorite D.C. girl (Kelly) was still there. When the girls became a trio I was happy to see all three getting vocal shine (although Beyonce still had to dominate in that area). When the girls broke away from one another briefly to record solo projects I supported all three (especially Kelly). I always look foward to what Kelly does and I BUY albums. I don’t download or burn music. I never have. I never will. However,I recently heard Kelly make a comment about U.S. fans (although I do not call myself a fan,I’m a supporter). She said that U.S. fans are finicky and disloyal; AND SHE’S ABSOLUTELY RIGHT;but I live here in the U.S. and I have been an outstanding supporter. Kelly seems to be giving up on the U.S. altogether,but what about those of us who have been WAITING on her projects,WAITING on her videos,WAITING on her tour, WAITING on her re-release;the key word is WAITING, patiently,only to be dissapointed half the time. Still, we wait for and even look foward to what she’s planning next. How dare she give up on people who haven’t given up on her. I am a U.S. resident,and I was personally offended by that comment. Kelly Rowland is one of the only young artist that I’m checking for,and I feel like pretty soon I wont even have access to her music because she seems to think her U.K. audience is better than her U.S. audience. It saddens me that we may not even get a re-release and if I want to see or hear about new music or new videos from Kelly I have to search the net. Kelly should consider her supporters in the states as well as over seas.
    A peeved supporter.

  2. leon January 29, 2008

    oh kelly you’re so lovely…
    I can’t wait for the re-release and I loved this interview.
    All the success for you.

    Leonardo, Brazil 🙂

  3. Taz January 29, 2008

    Great interview, thanks for asking one of my questions! I love Kelly, i wish the rest of the world would stop sleeping on her talent!!

    Everybody go buy work this week!!

  4. Quick January 29, 2008

    …this was very informative. I’m glad you asked the questions that everyone wanted to know about. I love Ms. Kelly and can’t wait to get my copy of her re-release!

  5. DA January 29, 2008

    Great interview. Very Informative. I am very happy to hear how confident Kelly sounds because that was one of her main problems whenever she took the stage to perfom(& do interviews as well)she always seemed uncomfortable and insecure as a solo artist .

    I agree with 10:00 that Kelly does have loyal supporters in the US (and Canada too) but we cant buy or request what your label doesnt put out. I mean Sony doesnt even update the Ms Kelly site, I have to scour the net searching blogs to find out what Kelly is doing, where she is performing, etc. And I do this DAILY! The fans are “frustrated” not “disloyal”.

  6. Anonymous January 29, 2008

    really great interview. all the good magazines n tv presenters don’t ask lol!!!!! made me laugh when u mentioned Toya

  7. tristo07 January 29, 2008



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  8. T January 29, 2008


  9. Anonymous January 29, 2008

    I completely agree with the peeved and frustrated US fans!

    It took how long for the UK to catch on to her album? Did she forget the “loyalty” in the UK got her album shelved the first time around.

    US fans have been BEGGING for the label to release “Work” and “Still in Love With My Ex”. It was never done. She could have had more success here if her team took the time to listen to her fans.

  10. Anonymous January 29, 2008

    great interview, she’s so down to earth!

  11. Anonymous January 29, 2008

    This interview was amazing 🙂
    I really really hope your label don’t sleep on your album cause to be serious your album was one of the best albums i have ever got i consider it the best album 🙂
    I can’t wait for your new album and new videos
    please don’t let us down oh and i really wanna see “Still In Love With My Ex” as a single i mean have you seen the song on youtube it has been viewed over 300,000 views without a video!!!
    your most viewed song without a music video

  12. Anonymous January 29, 2008

    Reading the interview, Kelly seems so rejuvenated and ready to unleash. I, for one, can’t wait for the re-release.

    To the disgruntled US fans, this website is UK-owned so I’m sure that’s why she was showing so much love. Plus, she does better there, so the appreciation for her fans there will obviously be a lil more. Not to say she doesn’t love us, her US fans. She does. If the label back her in the US, the way she said in the interview, I’m sure she’ll be ‘working it’ over here just as much as in the UK.

    Thanks Sam for this AWESOME interview…you’re going to go far.

  13. ww4p ( January 29, 2008

    Sam you rocked this interview. You really did. KUDOS!


  14. Souldja January 29, 2008

    Great Job! Nice interview!
    She is such a beautiful lady!
    Like this and Comeback are AMAZING songs!
    Keep up the good work!

  15. Anonymous January 29, 2008

    I agree with Kelly. I live in the US and you all have to admit in the US one min you’re hot and the next you’re not. That’s just the way it is here. Plus the majority of US fans are only looking for one sound, they are very 1 dimensional, if it’s not Chris Brown, T-Pain or Beyonce it won’t sell (only exeception is Alicia Keys and Kanye but their sound is very different which tells me US listeners want more, but they are cash cows for their lables so they will always be promoted better than Kelly, which isn’t fair) . There a more artists sharing success in the UK than in the US. We only have a handful of huge artists while the UK had tons. Kelly’s sound is original and that’s why people aren’t checking for it (especially urban listeners – Kelly’s target audience in the states- who would rather hear crap like Soldier Boy, than a song like SILWMX and The Show) If it doesn’t sound like what’s out now it won’t sell. She is a trend setter and lets admit it, most trends in fashion and music start in the UK. Look at Amy Winehouse…soon you’ll have US artists immitating it. She’ll be okay. Call and request her songs, bug Sony maybe it’ll get better if everyone tries.

  16. DA January 29, 2008

    Could Kelly put on her Myspace or could some of the fansites please explain to us, give us the # or email link to “the powers that be” in Sony, since she says that they are the ones the US fans need to get to. Please let us know. Could we start a petition?

  17. Tee January 29, 2008

    Great interview, but Kelly could stop bashing her US fans who go out of their way to support her when there are other things their money could go towards. She can act like she don’t want to release something over here, I’ll just get my UK friends to rip the new songs for me. No biggie.

    I love you Kelly. I can’t see your label not releasing the most LOGICAL singles from your album. They started out great with LIKE THIS but WORK should have followed with Still in Love with My Ex as number three. The singles choices were just weird. And Daylight is a nice album track but it’s not single material in this day in age. What makes me wanna buy that song off of iTunes as opposed to say Feedback or Damaged by Danity Kane. Try something DIFFERENT. Different not just for you but for what’s the norm now.

  18. Anonymous January 29, 2008

    I feel you Tee. “Comeback” was getting spins on US radio but the powers that be pulled the single before it could get started for “Ghetto”. Even when “Ghetto” started to do something, they scrapped it. That’s not US fans being fickle, that is her team royally f****** up– excuse my language!

  19. websince1982 January 29, 2008

    REALLY solid interview…. i hope kelly finds the success she deserves




  20. JB January 29, 2008

    I agree with a peeved supporter and anonymous at 2:10 about the whole US fans. I am a loyal supporter of Kelly and have always been since DC and like many other supporters we do get lost in the crowd with the fickle fans. Of course Kelly knows she has supporters in the US but she doesn’t acknowledge them as much b/c the disloyal fans overshadow us ands she notices them more. Even if the album didn’t do any better in the UK than the US, she still feels like she gets more support and loyalty from the UK.
    And part of it is what makes the UK different from the US.

    Like anonymous 2:10 said the UK allow artists to share success while the US has made the industry more competitive. Why can’t several R&B female artists be supported instead of having only one or two artists dominating the genre? I don’t get it. It only leads to artists expected to have one sound.

  21. Anonymous January 29, 2008

    I have wanted to start a petition since last year. I want Kelly’s label to know how upset we are that they are constantly $#!**!^& on our girl;but I’m not that computer savvy. I don’t know how to start an online petition. Is there anyone who does?

  22. Anonymous January 30, 2008

    I loved the interview. It really exposed a side to her that we don’t often get the opportunity to see…she’s a great person. Well done! Loved the questions. x

  23. Anonymous January 30, 2008

    GREAT interview!! I cant wait for the re-release and hopefully a tour in the US!

  24. Anonymous January 30, 2008

    Why are the US fans getting so defensive? You can’t say even ONE bad thing about the US and they start on your case. Jeez, calm down. If you’ve supported her since day one, she’s OBVIOUSLY not talking to you. She’s talking about the DC fans who bought DC albums and probably Beyonce’s, but ignore Kelly.

    If you’ve supported her of course she appreciates it. I would be acting the same way as she is. I’m not gonna stick with the country just because I started there/was born there, I’m going to go where I’m a bigger success e.g.1st album going to no1 instead of 12 or whatever it was.

  25. Bambiladys_love January 30, 2008

    I love u kelz. Come back to the 7 trey and see me.

  26. Mateo January 30, 2008

    T4P! The interview was nice. I’m a HUGE, HUGE , HUGE “Destiny’s Child” fan and a Kelly Rowland fan. Ms Kelly has all the power in the world to put herself out there, but she’s obviously not doing. You’d think she would have learned from Beyonce after all these years. Come on Kelly! I would love to see you at the top, but if you’re too scare to rise above all, then what’s the point? You don’t go looking for success, you have to go and get success! You don’t go looking for success, you have to go and get success (that’s very important!)

  27. Anonymous January 30, 2008

    so basically does kelly meant that she ain’t workin with Danja or she’ll b workin with him soon! SAM please reply to this question!!!!!!!!

  28. D slim January 31, 2008

    One large mistake in this post- TLC is the best selling female group of all time

  29. Anonymous January 31, 2008

    keep up the good work Sam….wudve loved to see a few more personal questions in there tho m8! lol

  30. Anonymous January 31, 2008

    I’m a Kelly Fan, She’s very sweet, but not very smart. Why does she think no one new she had an Album comming out??? Little to NO Promotion, that’s why. Duh. Those who say she needs to switch labels or at least management aren’t haters, they are supports. Personally her U.S. fans and all those on the fence people, won’t find her interesting or give her a chance unless she does something major. Until she does we know they won’t release the right songs or make a stand out video for her. I don’t think she’ll get the support she needs as long as she stays with the knowles bunch. That’s is probably why Her career is headed overseas like Amerie, if she doesn’t wake up soon. Or perhaps that’s what she wants. I love her music and she has always been a favorite of mine in DC, but she won’t make over here they way she should, as long as she keeps the same management. It’s tainted and viewed negatively just likes Janet after the superbowl. She gotta make some major changes to get noticed.

  31. JB January 31, 2008

    Anonymous at 10:47 the US fans know Kelly isn’t directly talking about her loyal fans. Some of the supporters in the U.S. like me just feel we aren’t acknowledge as much. We don’t get acknowledged as much anymore. I don’t think Kelly is doing it intentionally so I’m not knocking Kelly 4 that. It’s the fickle fans that r 2 be blamed. This goes for every artist that say they have better fans overseas than here. Of course the U.S. has fickle fans which is true but what about the loyal ones that don’t get as much recogniton as the UK fans. That’s all we’re asking for. We’re just fustrated for being underappreciated. Some a little more than others like the lst person who commented. Lol.

  32. Anonymous January 31, 2008

    Whoever said TLC is the best selling female group of all time is very WRONG. It’s DC did you not watch the WMA’s? DC is the best selling female group of all time.

    As for Kelly I wish her luck. Bee will always be my favorite but I”ll still support Kelly. Good luck Kelly!

  33. new-kreation February 1, 2008

    Great interview – insightful, interesting, enganging… Luv ya kelly!!! Love ‘Better without you’… keep doin ya thing n ‘thatgrapejuice’… keep us updated

  34. Anonymous February 1, 2008

    Kelly should include a DVD of videos and interviews. She should also redo Bad Habit like Beyonce did Dangerously In Love. And not trying to compare you to Beyonce but please please PLEASE give us at least 3 videos and singles BEFORE your album release. Overseas and in the US.

  35. Anonymous February 1, 2008

    Kelly is a cool chick and she’s beautiful and rich !! SheeSh!! God is good. I liked the gogo sound to Like This and im really feeling Work too. Really creative and s*** music. Love It!!

  36. madlem February 2, 2008

    I really enjoyed the interview, Kelly is the best, keep it up 🙂

  37. Anonymous February 5, 2008

    That was a very good interview highly informative lets not forget to appreciate the source mr sam, well done and keep doing what your doing cus ur good at it xxx( o yeah sams nigerian brap brap) ade

  38. Anonymous August 10, 2008

    hopefully sam will actually interview someone who is actually relevant in the music industry

  39. donna December 9, 2009

    The last person above me is a jackanus.

  40. fabbrica peuterey lucca December 16, 2014

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