Young Buck Responds To 50 Cent Tape Leakage

Published: Wednesday 18th Jun 2008 by Sam
Young Buck Responds To 50 Cent Tape Leakage Following the controversy that ensued upon the release of a taped conversation between a teary Young Buck and 50 Cent (said to have been leaked by 50 himself), Buck has hit back hard-hitting response.
The age old adage of there being ‘two sides to every story’ rings true here, as, among other things, Buck reveals the conversation is over a year old. Hence his recent ‘F**k G-Unit’ declaration isn’t as contradicting as the tape would have one believe.

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  1. Anonymous June 18, 2008

    I sure hope this isn’t a publicity fit by both parties. I know Buck responded with the quickness.

  2. Anonymous June 18, 2008

    ^typo I wanna hear verse 3.

  3. Anonymous June 18, 2008

    1.) Why release a “recorded” phone call that’s a year old and pretend like its recent?

    2.) Why record the phone call in the 1st place, unless you had every intention on doing exactly what you’re doing now,keeping an unnecessary beef going.

    The best thing to do would be to NOT reply with a diss record but totally ignore the person!! Pretend like they don’t exist. Nothing makes a person madder than not being validated. If they continue they will both lose out!
    Fans are getting hip to this “start beef with someone so your album will do well sh*t”

  4. Anonymous June 19, 2008


  5. Da Duchess June 19, 2008

    did anyone notice what he said about Ciara? now, for the longest i wasn’t believing that Ciara and 50 are together, but i can’t help but believe it now. listen closely to the song as Buck says in the first verse

    Ciara run while you get a chance
    Let a real ni**a put a band on your hand…

    Hmmm, interesting? Ca$hville stand up!

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