Janet Performs At America United

Published: Tuesday 9th Sep 2008 by Sam
Pop superstar Janet Jackson performed at the America United concert in support of the US troops back in June. The event, which also featured performances from the likes of Ne-Yo and Snoop Dogg, aired on ABC early this week. Check out Ms. Jackson’s performance of ‘Rhythm Nation’ and ‘LUV’ below {Thanks Josh!}:

Janet nailed it! The intro was real cool too. This has me amped to see what she’ll be serving up on her forthcoming ‘Rock Witchu Tour’, which kicks off this Thursday in Vancouver.

What do you think of the performances?

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  1. Anonymous September 9, 2008

    Janet always rocks! I wonder how that illusion of her and the dancers all of a sudden appearing on stage worked. U can’t see anything that shows how they got there. Maybe it was a hole in the stage that raised up or something. Anyway, Luv Janet!!! Bring on the tour! I hope to see some teasers Thursday morning!!!! šŸ™‚

  2. Anonymous September 9, 2008

    She nailed it!! Like always
    I hope to see her touring in Europe also

  3. Anonymous September 9, 2008

    How can she perform on a show celebrating the US military? This is such a slap in the face to her gay fans.

    She clearly did it because she needs the publicity, but, seriously, this is just hurtful.

  4. Anonymous September 9, 2008

    I luv Janet. She still got it.. Can’t wait to see her in concert..

  5. Anonymous September 9, 2008

    YESSSSSSSSSS! WORK JANET! WORK!! To piggy back on what everyone else is saying SHE NAILED IT!!! 1 more day til she unleashes b******!!


  6. Anonymous September 9, 2008

    Supporting the troops is not a slap in the face to this gay fan.

  7. Anonymous September 9, 2008

    WERKKK Miss Janet…u betta WERK!

  8. Anonymous September 9, 2008

    ugh shut the f*** up about her performing for the military. shes supporting the 180,000 troops overseas fighting for no purpose and losing their lives. I hate when the gay community tries to find offense in everything. Janet loves the gay community more than anyone else. And she of all people is the last person that needs publicity..dumb asses

  9. Anonymous September 9, 2008

    Whoo go Janet! Tour starts 9/10 (Wed.)

  10. Anonymous September 9, 2008

    Urrm… ya’ll getting excited over this? Did she actually sing any of it un aided?

  11. Anonymous September 9, 2008

    Luv’s it. I can’t believe that her tour starts Sept 10th!!!! WoooWhooo

  12. Anonymous September 9, 2008

    Same ole, same ole. She is tooooo tirrrreeeddd!!!!

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