Hot Shots: Fantasia Debuts New Hairstyle

Published: Sunday 1st May 2011 by Trent

Fantasia has new hair and a new attitude. The singer debuted a fresh hairstyle at the New Orleans Jazz Festival yesterday, shaking things up in her own special way.

More images are available below:

What do you think of the pics?

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  1. Stoney-Brie May 1, 2011


  2. PAM May 1, 2011


  3. Quinno May 1, 2011

    no to the ma’am. i love fanny…but the sooner she release the HOODNESS from herself, the better we will all be.

    whoever lied to her and told her that was cute should be shot (and then buried with that wig lol)

  4. MARQUESTQ May 1, 2011

    The 2nd pictures explains how we all feel Tasia

  5. bia May 1, 2011

    Don’t like it!

  6. Keesha May 1, 2011

    G.H.E.T.T.O. and I LOVE Fantasia… smh…

  7. TrueYou May 1, 2011

    hot and cold mess!

  8. royalkev May 1, 2011

    WTH! Fantasia, where are you going ? … I hope she can rinse that out. I don’t love her fashion sense a lot of times, but this is just upsetting to look at!


  9. Beystanbish May 1, 2011

    Gurlllllllllllllll. Barefoottasia look like a s**** fresh out of Alabama. Girl no

  10. Rich May 1, 2011

    SIT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. O leDoIt May 1, 2011

    Fantasia look like one of those Ghetto Girls tht would try to sell you sme food stamps so she can have money to get in the club..

  12. yooummaddd May 1, 2011

    from the hair to the outfit..

  13. Rich May 1, 2011


    OMG YES!

  14. Ghetto Fab May 1, 2011

    Guuuuuuurrrrrrl Booooom! What in the hell is that on her head? She has a new weave every damn week. It’s unnecessary.

    She stay looking like an around the way fillet with these tired late ghetto ass hairstyles. Get it together Fanny!

  15. QUEEN BEYONCE STANN May 1, 2011

    I Thought It Was Remy Ma Until I Saw The Title :(!
    Btw That Hair Does Not Go On Her!


  16. t May 1, 2011

    Well I like it & evidentally she does too. She’s doin’ her & that’s alright with me. As she always say she can’t please everybody. Y’all would complain regardless. If her damn hair was perfect you wouldn’t admit it just because its Fantasia. so do you Tasia cuz your true fans love it!

  17. MISHKA May 1, 2011

    If she likes it, I love it.

    Keep Doing YOU, Fanny.

  18. VFB May 1, 2011


  19. Mr. T May 1, 2011

    First Keyshia ….now Fantasia


  20. Spread this around May 1, 2011

    Lady Copycat is at it again!

    Judas ripped off the beat of Loli Lux’s “Wannabe”, and the chorus sounds very similar to “Rockefeller Street” by Getter Jaani.

    Check youtube..!!!

  21. Topman May 1, 2011


    LOL you are too much

  22. Music Lover May 1, 2011

    HOT——-ASSSSSS————–MESSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEXT.

  23. Tru Voice May 1, 2011

    I think that outfit is moreso a problem than that hair :/

  24. Keith May 1, 2011

    Fantasia will FOREVER be a diamond in the rough….just when I thought she might be ushering in a new, classy era (with the promo pics and all for the record)….I will just close my eyes and listen.

  25. MC_BFLY May 1, 2011

    im so used to the short hair, but lets just admit that she will always surprise us with her hairstyles, i agree with @keith she will always be the diamond in the rough but thats what keeps her memorable.

  26. RosaRubbel May 1, 2011

    DEAAAAAAAAAAAD @ “Barefoottasia”

  27. Anon May 1, 2011

    Lol! I didn’t know she was a member of J.J. Fad!!! That hair is Supersonic!!!! Lol!!!!

    I can’t

  28. truepeace May 1, 2011

    I love Fanny but she really needs a stylist ASAP!!

  29. Angela Wesley May 1, 2011

    That blonde wig might match her outfit but it does not look good on her. When she dresses
    classy like she did for her album she look really cute. No way Tasia!

  30. None Ya May 1, 2011

    *rattles chains* Massa gon’ be upset by Monktasia usin’ his honey n’ stealin’ from the bees.

  31. mobwife (im a s&m lovin’ billy goat) May 1, 2011


    This girl needs a stylist deperately. She always looks bad I just don’t understand. This girl can sing though but that 2 tone crap is just old and played out at this point!!

    On a positive note: Her rendition of “Summertime” rivals that of the late great Ella Fitzgerald…. real talk!!

  32. BREEZYTHEBEST May 1, 2011

    Tasia has always been ghetto if she started acting bougie then y’all would really go in on her, do you Tasia but truth be told that hairstyle is outdated.

  33. DC Thats Me May 1, 2011

    I pray to God that that’s a Lace Front.

    Fannie, Please take that ISH OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  34. YOUR Queen! May 1, 2011

    Ugh!! Illiteratetasia really needs to stop! I can’t!

  35. soul2soulbrotha May 1, 2011

    She looks like Remy Ma

  36. POULDZ May 1, 2011

    at least she can SANG, unlike all your faves! GO TASIA! SING!

  37. woodlumboy May 1, 2011

    she is a black woman im sure this not gonna be a monthly/yearly look we got other things to worried about then her hair. She changes it up everyday. TGJ HOW DID SHE DO AT THE FESTIVAL IS WHAT YOU SHOULD BE POSTING

  38. Schiebe May 1, 2011

    She has had short hair throughout her entire career…. There is nothing wrong with trying something new… I think its cute.. Maybe a bad color but I’m all for change. I think she should go with it maybe solid black would be even more cute

  39. noodles May 1, 2011

    See the outfit I’m here for but tasia girl…..

    …..that hair is not for you. I understand you were trying to switch it up but maybe a solid black. Because that is just….nuh uh.

  40. ImgunnacheckUboo May 1, 2011

    Judging by her hair, I better hurry up and lay my clothes out for elementary school tomorrow CAUSE IT’S 1995!!!

  41. ~aMaZiNG.Lee~ May 1, 2011

    NO. NO. NO. I love Fantasia, but she really needs to cease with the STANKNESS! Ugh!

    LMAO @ Barefoottasia! I CANNOT!

  42. Jasmine May 2, 2011

    Hot ass mess. And she should stop ghetting those hood ass tatoos. Some people need to just love the skin they are in. That is how you get a natural glow. Hood tatoos and crazy looking wigs only distract people from seeing your shine.

  43. Dave May 2, 2011

    Oh Fanny.. lol

  44. CURLY SUE May 2, 2011


  45. deangelo May 2, 2011


  46. roberto May 2, 2011

    you can take the girl out of the hood…..u can finish the rest

  47. Robier May 2, 2011

    WHAT THE…………NO

  48. deangelo May 2, 2011


  49. Hudson Morrigan May 2, 2011

    You know what she should wear on her head instead? A paper bag! In fact, make it 2.

  50. James_9481 May 3, 2011

    LMFAOOO!!!! F*** that s*** had me laughing!!!

    Dead!!! Fantasia WTF!!

  51. larrissa74 May 3, 2011

    First of all I think long or short hair looks good on her. She can change up if she wants. If she were somebody else you same haters would be saying it’s the business. She has said so many times already that she is done pleasing people and she is gonna do her so yall need to get over yourselves. I saw a certain celebrity on here in another thread with a busted hairdo and half naked but you same people said she looked s***. Come on now. One thing about it whatever Tasia wears how ever she does her hair you will sure get your moneys worth at her shows,and she is laughing all the way to the bank,can you say CHING! CHING!!!

  52. ranny ordonio May 11, 2011

    she grown big…

  53. doingme May 11, 2011

    yall is a trip always looking for the negative in people just leave her alone and let her do her thing ive seen far worse things on celebritys i like fantasia and the fact that she is staying true to her self and not worrying what people think …….. so with that being said im gone and to all the peple that had nothing negative to say TY because its not the style were in love with its the VOICE and Personality 🙂

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