Must See: 9 Year Old Malaki Paul Performs Beyonce's 'Listen' On 'Britain's Got Talent'

Published: Sunday 29th Apr 2012 by TGJ

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Last night’s episode of Britain’s Got Talent saw the spotlight shine (and shine bright) on 9-year old singer Malaki Paul.

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After an initial bout of nerves, the youngster overcame his worry, going on to deliver a rendition of ballad ‘Listen’ Beyonce would be more than proud of.

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  1. Whitney RIP April 29, 2012

    So to be on the site, you gotta sing some s***** beyonce songs ?

  2. naira April 29, 2012

    he is so adorable…good luck young one, great talent

  3. Mary-Ann Tatum April 29, 2012

    Ummm sorry but NO! He is not good at all! Nine years old or not.

  4. NX127 – شبيح بيونسي April 29, 2012


    “Listen” the BEST, STRONGEST and most intense and passionate Beyonce performance. EVER.

  5. chikita April 29, 2012

    you have some sad people here, @whitney rip and mary ann tatum,please get a life cos you would have been so frustrated to hate an innocent 9yrs this much that you have to come all the way to express your sadness.
    this boy is working his way to sucess you are there moaning,shame on you 2.

  6. chikita April 29, 2012

    Please get a life this boy is working his way to success and you are here moaning.

  7. Michieboo May 7, 2012

    @whitney rip and mary ann tatum….you two need to go to an early grave….you are badminded and envious…the bible says “a litle child shall lead them” and you two are scared Malaki is gonna be that child…..i applaud him , love him and i’m very proud of him and i hope he’ll continue to shine like the star he is….you two go get a life

  8. Erinpinkcupcake January 13, 2016


  9. Erinpinkcupcake January 13, 2016

    Great job

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