Christina Aguilera Blooms In New ‘Lotus’ Promos

Published: Tuesday 6th Nov 2012 by Sam

With Christina Aguilera‘s ‘Lotus’ LP due in stores next week, the Pop priori has released new promotional shots in support of the album.

Peep Xtina pose it up below…

‘Lotus’ arrives in stores on November 13th.

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  1. Auntie_Jackie November 6, 2012


    She looks beautiful.

    • Trev November 7, 2012

      She is very beautiful! and am I the only one that noticed she’s been serving Nicki Minaj teas lately? weeerk Xtina

  2. the real xoxo November 6, 2012

    she has been photoshopped within an inch of her life!

    • BIG COOCH November 6, 2012

      The unphotoshopped pics are online, she looks exactly the same.

    • Auntie_Jackie November 6, 2012

      Yeah, but she actually looked the way the photoshopped her at one point, so whatevs.

    • mr.m November 6, 2012

      your whole life photoshopped .. bye

  3. JAKE November 6, 2012

    So……. From these shots, it looks as if this era is looking like it’s going to be a 2012 cross-section/revamp of her ‘Christina Aguilera/Stripped’ era’s. ‘Innocently-S***’ tes is what I’m recieving.

    “Your Body” was her ‘Come on Over (All I Want Is You/Dirty’ and “Blank Page” is her ‘I Turn To You/Beautiful’.

    I see you Tina. I see you.



  4. BIG COOCH November 6, 2012

    She wears all that heavy makeup usually for fun, but when she strips it all back like in these pics, she’s one of the most beautiful girls in the music game truly.

  5. MC (Benron is a flop like his fave) November 6, 2012

    She looks beautiful in all the pics. Good luck Xtina with this album…

  6. mr.m November 6, 2012


  7. mr.m November 6, 2012


  8. checkingbitches November 6, 2012

    She has arrived B******!

  9. S****** Blonde November 6, 2012

    She looks great, specially in the last 2 pictures, good luck with the album.

  10. LILO November 6, 2012

    Thank god pictures can’t grunt, scream and growl.

  11. ENOUGH ONIKA November 6, 2012

    Now she could’ve picked between these pics for the album cover versus the one she chose! The last two along with a better logo and graphic design could’ve slayed album packaging for 2012.

  12. Truth November 6, 2012

    TGJ Wants to slam Britney and Mariah in thier promo’s yet Xtina is photoshopped more than anyone….Especially her refurbished perfume ads….they dropped her 5 dress sizes in a single click!!! Such a fake…Shes says shes proud of her “curves” yet she does this s***…!!!

    • jamie November 6, 2012

      I assume you’re talking about that ‘recent’ picture of her in the pink dress with the bob sitting in the chair. Guess you didn’t notice that that picture is her perfume ad from 2010 and the idiot press (a couple outlets) idiotically posted that it was new and acted like it was photoshopped. Some website literally pulled that old ad out of their ass and made an article about it and tried to make a ‘photoshop’ scandal about it, when really, it ‘s old as hell and is in no way relevant to her new perfume campaign (which has been posted and she is at the weight she is now). Research, sis, and don’t believe every single thing you read online.

  13. king bey November 6, 2012

    Her promo has been a bit s*** hope album does well

  14. @THE_MALEMADONNA November 6, 2012


  15. bibi93 November 6, 2012

    Beautiful shots!!

  16. Who Is STERLING INFINITY? November 6, 2012

    Omg! Please love my body and my soul!

  17. Kyle November 6, 2012

    I think this is her worst era in terms of photography. The album cover is beyond cheesy and ridiculous. She should’ve picked the last one as the cover. She doesn’t look good in the first two pics with the pink hair either. But as long as the music is good I’ll be happy. “Back To Basics” is her best era in terms of EVERYTHING. The album packaging was on point as well everything else!

  18. That B*tch (God loves Obama) November 6, 2012

    Christina is too stunning.
    Pres Obama has been reelected b******!!

  19. ronnoc November 7, 2012

    why does she have no neck in the 4th pic?? apart from the floating head, i love them!

    • LaLa November 7, 2012

      lol I thought the same thing. but then I realize that she’s wearing shiny golden choker on her neck (which is not needed)

  20. Dave November 7, 2012

    This looks brilliant as far as photography. & her promo has been going, just because she hasn’t perform doesn’t mean she hasn’t been promoting. There are various forms of promo, do your research. She’s been doing national interviews talking about her album & she did do an acapella of “Your Body” on Jimmy Fallon, which now has multiple hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube, on Fallon’s official channel,

  21. MRDIVABITCH November 7, 2012

    beautiful photos

  22. Realest November 8, 2012

    Looks pretty, but why does she look like “Pink Friday” outtakes with that pink wig? Xtina youre so much better than that.. And her.

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