Iggy Azalea Covers ‘Seveteen’ Magazine

Published: Tuesday 4th Aug 2015 by David

“I’m not denying it. Denying it is lame. I don’t think you should be ashamed if you made a change to yourself, which is why I’ve spoken about the changes I’ve made, like with my breasts.”

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Iggy Azalea has taken to ‘Seventeen’ magazine to bare all on her recent surgical work for the publication’s September issue.

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Yes, earlier this year saw the star unleash her new look at the Billboard Music Awards where she performed the number ‘Pretty Girls’ with the artist Britney Spears.

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The quote above was pulled from her interview with the magazine.

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On her surgery:

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Your perception of yourself can change a lot over time, so I think it’s important to wait and make sure it’s the right choice. Plastic surgery is an emotional journey. It’s no easy feat to live with your flaws and accept yourself—and it’s no easy feat to change yourself. Either way you look at it, it’s a tough journey. There are things that I didn’t like about myself that I changed through surgery. There are other things I dislike but I’ve learned to accept. It’s important to remember you can’t change everything. You can never be perfect.

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On social media:

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It’s hard to be a woman in 2015 with social media. There’s so much more emphasis on taking pictures of ourselves and the ‘likes’ or people commenting on them. There’s a lot more pressure to look beautiful. Some days I just want to look like s*** and feel okay with that.

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Thirsty for new Iggy music? 2016 will bring with it her second studio album following the 2014 unveiling of her debut offering ‘The New Classic’ which recently crossed the 500,000 unit sales mark in the United States.

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  1. Queen Riah August 4, 2015

    This is why I Fu** with her!

  2. Chile Please!!! August 4, 2015

    Gurl Bye!!! Ain’t nobody checking for Kangaroo Katherine & this dry ass cover! She needs to hip hop her ass right back to Aussie with that ish!!

    • Queen Riah August 4, 2015

      U sound madddddd. How bout U hop on the BITTER TRAIN

  3. Jackie August 4, 2015

    Good for her. So true about social media. I’m not sure how the masses will respond to this new music but if it’s dope I think they’ll all silently bop to it. She gotta come with some fire though or else she’s done. Guess we’ll see.

  4. Rosie August 4, 2015

    I like how she’s so honest and open about things without sounding hypocritical, unlike others who complain about “European standards of beauty” being against them while dragging a random commenter on Instagram over their (natural black) hair.

    • Molly August 4, 2015

      You’re still claiming Iggy sis? loool

  5. Molly August 4, 2015

    She looks cute… she’s still an annoying talentless flop.

    • Iconic Iggy August 4, 2015

      Weren’t you a fan a few months ago lol? Those are the very words used to describe the woman in your Gravatar but ok.

      • Molly August 4, 2015

        I regret ever supporting this trash tbh

      • Rihyeezy August 4, 2015

        She’s a world class flip flopper. She only was a fan of Iggy because she thought Iggy was going to take Nickis spot.
        Now it stans for Nicki. ???? Molly is a flavor of the month type of b****

      • Molly August 4, 2015

        @RihFaggot Um bitchxx what??? I would never stan for that ugly ass ghetto piece of trash Nicki Minaj…… Flavor of the month? Yet im a Ciara stan which according to everyone on here she’s an “irrelevant flop” so that comment is invalid Rihttard!

  6. Iconic Iggy August 4, 2015

    She looks gorgeous as usual. It’s hilarious how people thought she was trying to hide her face at the Billboard Music Awards though. Unlike most celebrities in Hollywood, Iggy owns up to the work she had done. It’s her body and her choice and as long as she feels comfortable that’s all that matters

  7. Ms Beykim wants Bieber,One Direction,Miley Cyrus,Gaga and Beyonce (I wanna marry Bieber) August 4, 2015

    I’ll be honest. There was a time I was the ONLY girl in my entire school who knew who Iggy was so yy’all can tell why I defend her so much. I rod with her from nothing and once I jump on a fan base I don’t jump off. Artists Isaw before they became mainstream are the once iI ride harder for and I saw Iggy before the hype so I’m here for baby doll

    • ENOUGH ONIKA August 4, 2015


  8. AnnaliseKeatingsNewWig August 4, 2015

    Uggly B*tch you look cute! Just don’t open your mouth again.

  9. Chaelin Lee (p.k.a – CL) is coming | 재 이현 김 August 4, 2015

    Plastic surgery isn’t a big deal and I don’t get why people gave her grief about it.
    Just because some of the people NEED it but can’t afford it, they feel they need to drag the people with the cash to do so.
    Stay bitter

    • ENOUGH ONIKA August 4, 2015

      Hahahhaha!!! Kill em

  10. Oscar The Grouch August 4, 2015

    Album: Jackie
    #14 Swaziland
    #15 Fiji
    #61 Vietnam
    #79 Kenya
    #85 Lithuania
    #122 Cape Verde
    #130 Kyrgyzstan
    #149 Nigeria
    #161 Antigua and Barbuda
    #163 Moldova
    #179 Mongolia
    #182 South Africa
    #194 Russia
    #198 Estonia

    • Quinton251 AKA Lil Wayne Stan August 4, 2015

      I was coming here to drag Iggy, but lmao????????

  11. xtina fan August 4, 2015

    Why is my comment being held for moderation, everything I said was a compliment to Iggy? Lmao

  12. JT August 4, 2015

    She looks good in the 2nd photo, I don’t like her but she should stick to modelling, doing ad campaigns and being the face of brands because that music life ain’t for you in 2015

  13. Fancy BISH August 4, 2015

    STILL feel like she didn’t need plastic surgery…but it’s her body and her face! Happy to hear new music is coming…I still have faith in ha to deliver a stronger album than TNC…one thing ya’ll can’t say about me is that I’m a flip flopper lol…I don’t think that stanning for Iggy is a popular thing to do on TGJ…but I’m not changing honey lol Iggy needs to think Beastie Boys and Pink’s second album M!ssundaztood when it comes to a different appeal and approach…take chances musically, Iggy! Add some pop-rock…M!ssundaztood sold 13 million and Beastie Boys’ debut album sold 10 million chile…not saying she’s gonna do those numbers…just saying anything is possible! Def Jam, promote ha!
    lol 🙂

  14. Londontru August 4, 2015


  15. What now August 4, 2015

    I HATE HER MUSIC, but she looks beautiful and seems like a genuinely sweet girl

  16. Barb-wire August 5, 2015

    Bye bittch!!!

  17. Christian August 5, 2015

    The new Classic went gold back in April. As usual, TGJ is LATE

  18. StrawberryMuffin24 August 5, 2015

    I love IGGY IGGS she’s pretty and very talented bitter ass haters just mad cause she’s a white female that can rap and do her thang! I CAN’T WAIT FOR HER NEW SINGLE AND ALBUM I STILL ROCK wit Iggy! I love all her mixtapes and her debut album was good too!

  19. Jamie Boarman September 3, 2015

    I don’t think you should be ashamed if you made a change to yourself, which is why I’ve spoken about the changes I’ve made, like with my b******. I read a lot about nose jobs online, Iggy said.

  20. SEO Townsville October 14, 2016

    nice shot… so beautiful… so amazing….

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