Hot Topic: Will Beyonce’s New Album Be Her Highest-Selling To Date?

Published: Saturday 9th Apr 2016 by David

Here at TGJ we’re always keen to find out how you, our faithful reader, feels about matters which often spark “intense” conversations in the Popsphere.

Only right then, as the world prepares itself for the release of a new Beyonce album, that we ask you the question many can’t wait to find the answer to.

What that it is?

Find out below…

Taking the success of the ‘Formation World Tour and sales of her first five albums into consideration…

How many units do you think the singer’s new set will move in its opening week?


Could it be her highest-selling set to date?

Weigh in below!

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  1. RihNavy April 9, 2016

    This post is about to be a mess. I can see it playing out now, Molly, Jack’d Deluxe, and CuminGirl will come in here TRYING it severely with the HIVE. *grabs cranberry & ciroc*

  2. RihNavy April 9, 2016

    Anyways, I say 1.8 Million IF she releases to ALL streaming services and physical outlets, the same week

    • King Mark111 /.\ April 9, 2016

      Hahahahaha, Never.

      • Jackson 5 Nostrils (Tyler) April 9, 2016

        Why not? Self titled sold damn near 1 million copies in its first week of release. You’re just salty because Rhianna’s opening numbers have always sucked ass

    • CupidsSanity April 9, 2016

      Sorry but bey’s album sold the way it did because of the way it was released. In the end “Beyonce” didn’t sale no more in total than any of her other albums. If she comes up with another crafty way to sale herself she’ll do big numbers. Everything she does is very strategic and thought out, I’m sure there’s something up her sleeves. If her team is out of ideas she’ll do her usual opening numbers around 500k or lower. Most likely lower. It’s a new day and age.

      • YahorNah April 10, 2016

        This is the TRUTH!!!

    • Anne April 10, 2016

      I agree, since streams are now factored in, if it’s available everywhere it will most likely surpass her other releases. 1 million plus would not surprise me at all. Her singles will also chart higher. Drunk in Love would have gone to number if streams would have been counted at the rate they are now.

  3. Danzou April 9, 2016

    Bottoms in 5 4 3 2….

  4. ronnoc April 9, 2016

    I don’t see her ever outselling DIL. Maybe her highest first week, but that’s it

    • Bey Sting April 9, 2016

      I saw this and I haven’t looked at Hollywood in the same way again.

    • Janet Xone April 9, 2016

      Oh wow.

      • Highway Unicorn April 10, 2016

        I don’t know why that post has so many thumbs down. I really can’t believe this is happening in front of our eyes, I won’t lie, this has really made me think twice about watching any Bryan Singer movies.

    • B&B April 10, 2016

      Hey that video isn’t available in my country (USA), is there another way to watch it?

  5. Alex April 9, 2016

    I see her album easily shifting 1million units in the first week! This WILL be her best selling album! The anticipation is UNREAL and she is promoting this era, so she’s not here to play games with anyone. I also believe she may get a hot 100#1 this go round or multiple top tens.

  6. RihYonce April 9, 2016

    It will be her second best selling , but if you count streams it will probably be her best selling album

  7. Valerie April 9, 2016

    No but it will outsell ANTI flop that’s for sure… and without a #1. Beyonce sells REAL copies of her album *sips*

    • SWISH April 9, 2016

      lmfao pressed f**

      • Valerie April 9, 2016

        You mad?

  8. RihYonce April 9, 2016

    I can definitely see her selling 900k or 1 million first week though

  9. Keisha April 9, 2016

    Thats a good question. I think bey needs to change her style and maybe more sales will come.
    I say this because ppl are interested when a woman does something that’s different to herself. Hair color, weight gain/loss etc so in my theory I believe that more sales will come with a new image.

  10. SAM April 9, 2016

    I’d be surprised. I think that Beyonce as an artist has diminished and people are looking for the artist formally known as music and image wise. Yes she has stand but i think that the mass market appeal may not be as big as previously.

    • RihYonce April 9, 2016

      Are you dumb ? Beyoncé is bigger now than she’s ever been ! People praise her and watch her every move now more than they ever have. So your wrong . You would be a fool to believe that she won’t outsell BEYONCÉ

      • Beyonce Bowdown2rihanna April 10, 2016

        Have u heard of what is called hype? People hype her not praise her.

  11. Brandys Starr April 9, 2016

    Who knows what Beyonce has up her sleeve she always goes next level. I think this will another iconic moment of hers.

  12. The A team April 9, 2016

    it wont, because the music climate has changed. Although the beyonce fanbase is HUGE
    its still not large enough to compensate both the loss of interest in R&B and declining music sales in general

    • RihYonce April 9, 2016

      Beyoncé is more than R&B , she’s makes the world interested weather she’s doing R&B/Trap or Pop it doesn’t matter Beyoncé is the only artist that can literally pull anything off. This album has already been said to be her best musically & highly experimental

  13. Al April 9, 2016

    no. may past 4 sales worldwide thats it

  14. Marley April 9, 2016

    I would say around 350k – 400k pure sales first week not taking any Tidal exclusive or innovative release into account. It depends what style Beyonce decides to go for this era. I hope it’s not anything too urban.

    • RihYonce April 9, 2016

      350k ? ???? you can’t be serious she’s going to sell way more than that. She has the most anticipated album this year than any other artist , you tried that ✌?️

      • Marley April 9, 2016

        Honestly I’m a huge Bey stan but that’s what I see. Everythings so easy to stream now those are still great pure sales in 2016.

    • RihYonce April 9, 2016

      We had The same access to free music now that we had in 2013 when BEYONCÉ came out and her fans will buy her album regardless so I can’t agree sorry

  15. Danzou April 9, 2016

    Lol Beyoncé is selling multi-million albums. You all know it. Let’s not do this today.

  16. ♊Mølly♊ April 9, 2016

    Maybe 300k first week

    • RihYonce April 9, 2016

      ??? 300k ? Bye bishh ✌?️

      • ♊Mølly♊ April 9, 2016

        Yall swear like bey is a Adele/Taylor swift album seller.

    • RihYonce April 9, 2016

      No she doesn’t sell more than Adele/Swift . BUT she’s the only artist that’s right behind them when it comes to selling albums. Name another BLACK Female or ANY pop tart that sold 2 Million in this US alone in the past 3 years ? I’ll wait ………

    • Jackson 5 Nostrils (Tyler) April 9, 2016

      LOL @ maybe. Beyonce’s albums have always opened up with sales over 300K

  17. Keri Qween April 9, 2016

    She may have big first week numbers but I doubt itll be her best selling album to date especially if formation is anything to go bY

    I’m sure she has some gimmick up her sleeve though because she won’t do self titled numbers first week without one

    • XXX April 9, 2016

      Um I’m sorry but Beyoncés singles have never reflected the success of her album sales. You said she would flop after Bow Down.

  18. XXX April 9, 2016


  19. Danzou April 9, 2016

    The only thing that will hurt her sales are politics because white people have not been pleased with her lately. Or maybe the fact that she’ll probably release on tidal. Other than that she’ll be fine.

  20. Keri Qween April 9, 2016

    And I want to see her do a tidal exclusive just like everybody else first week

  21. Barb B**** April 9, 2016

    She’ll slay anti first week and in the long run. Can’t what for the meltdowns. Has it outsold The Pink Print yet?

  22. IStan4Rihanna. April 9, 2016

    If it’s released strictly to Tidal first then that will inevitably affect its sales, however if it forgoes a traditional release then I can see it doing…


    300K – 600K first week.
    If she does a surprise release instead then it may sell even more in the first week.


    Beyonce’ has always opened with reasonably high first week numbers (especially for a Black female artist) and the album itself will steadily climb to platinum or double platinum etc. over several months as they usually do. 🙂

  23. ♊Mølly♊ April 9, 2016

    Lets be real the beyonce album only sold that much because of its surprise release. Had it gone thru a regular album release process it wouldn’t of done so well.

    • IStan4Rihanna. April 9, 2016

      I agree, however she has never opened with numbers below 300K in the first week and her highest thus far (minus the surprise release) sits within the middle-500K range so it will be interesting to see.


      Anyway… I hope ‘WORK’ is #1 for an 8th week bordering onto 10 weeks. I’m so nervous. LOL.

      • ♊Mølly♊ April 9, 2016

        Work deserves 10 weeks at #1 its cultural impact is so real.

    • RihYonce April 9, 2016

      Either way she would did over 600k first week & who cares everybody is doing surprise releases now so what’s there excuses ? I guarantee you if your fav or anyone else tried it , it wouldn’t be as successful. Period. Stop being delusional it’s sickening

    • Metzo April 9, 2016

      Lmaooo. B’day opened with 540k first week. Surprise what?

  24. IStan4Rihanna. April 9, 2016

    The music climate has changed, drastically, however so we’ll see and that goes for Drake, Lady Gaga (when she releases), Katy Perry etc…


    We’ll see.

  25. Lmfao_Hoe April 9, 2016

    Very possible with everyone still talking about Bey. Formation was the best thing to happen especially spreading the song’s MESSAGE of course. Besides Bey in her field, Kendrick Lamar and J Cole are the only mainstream artists who are pro-black and aren’t afraid to let the industry know it.

  26. Danzou April 9, 2016

    Beyoncé is a force to be reckoned with. Her career isn’t going anywhere anytime soon neither are her sales. The only reason I think she’s gonna release on tidal is because her iTunes account is terminated. But with the new streaming rules she’ll go platinum in no time without physical sales anyway.

  27. Barb B**** April 9, 2016

    On a real though Beyonces ‘4’ sold 350k first week with a LEAK and an underperformance first sings (RTW). People cling to the fact she released as surprise but forget to compare all her previous first week sales which have ALWAYS done over 300k. Don’t see why this will be any different given the anticipation. Even with Tidal it will still sell imo.

    • Barb B**** April 9, 2016

      Underperformaning first song*

    • RihYonce April 9, 2016

      Exactly and “4” would’ve sold more than that first week if it wasn’t leaked a whole 3 WEEKS before it was officially released

    • Beyonce Bowdown2rihanna April 10, 2016

      Why are y’all clinging to only first week sale? First week sale don’t determine album success. At the end of the day Beyonce is no adele so she is no album saler. The only thing that will save her this time is streaming service. Beyonce is scared right now. She doesn’t know what gimmicks to use & how to rollout her album. The surprise thing is played out with self title album & flopation. Nobody is gonna be surprised anymore.

      • a name April 14, 2016

        first of all its seller dummy. secondly adele doesnt sing controversial stuff and do controversial things like beyonce. she makes people feel comfortable. let’s not kids ourselves, adele is no beyonce by any chance. Just because she sells albums doesnt mean much. her thunder came and went. the media gonna be talking about beyonce for the remainder of the year. beyonce have you haters so pressed its sad. She will do just fine with her half a billion dollar and growing empire.

  28. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    I can see this album doing close to a mill first week byt will sell led than self titled and be around 4 numbers. Self titled only sold so much because of the release style, you could not purchase that album anywhere except iTunes, and you HAD to but the whole album, and not particular tracks for the first week. She also withheld it from streaming for a while so that’s why it barely managed to scan 2x plat.I can see this album going close to 2x plat and probably 3x or 4x plantium with streaming because Beyonce does have good streaming numbers

    • a name April 14, 2016

      she’s actually in the top ten, maybe even five. do research before you post ignorance

  29. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    But what I DO know is, that Beyonce won’t outsell 25.

    • RihYonce April 9, 2016

      Who cares NOBODY is outselling Adele’s overrated ass .

      • Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

        Including your fav ki

  30. ???Chile, take this “Itty Bitty Piggy” to the market and make sure you hold her hand while crossing the street!??? April 9, 2016

    Honestly, I see Yonce’s new album being her highest first weeks sales ever, but I don’t think it’ll top her debut’s worldwide numbers to date. People wouldbhave to stream the album to heaven, hell and back to earth for it to beat her debut’s numbers. I do see it selling over 7,000,000+ worldwide, though. This tour will slay Madonna and every other female legends numbers. Yonce is not playing around this era. She has to come her hardest now that white America is against her, honestly.

  31. Lmfao_Hoe April 9, 2016

    All I know is Bey better come slay hard asf. Cause White media and Racists America have been trying to come for her since Obama got in office ! If they came after MJ, Whitney, Janet, Mariah, Prince, ect. What makes you think Bey is safe from their hit list of black artists as targets?

  32. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    1. Fastest-selling US album ever

    Adele’s 25 swept N*SYNC’s No Strings Attached off the first week sales top spot it had held for over 15 years. In just four days. It then went on to score the highest first week sales figures in US album chart history with 3.38

    2. Biggest first week UK sales

    25 sold over 800,000 copies in its first week of UK release – more than the next 86 albums combined.

    3. Most Vevo views in first 24 hours

    Comeback single “Hello” was watched a massive 27.7 million times in its first day of release, beating Taylor Swift’s previous record of 20.1 million for “Bad Blood” in May.

    4. First to 100 million views on Vevo

    It took “Hello” five days to rack up the impressive total, surpassing the six days it took Miley Cyrus with “Wrecking Ball”. Note: No nudity needed on Adele’s part.

    5. Biggest YouTube debut in 2015

    “Hello” was viewed 50 million times in the first 48 hours after it dropped. As on Vevo, it took five days to reach 100 million views, but PSY still holds the speed record on YouTube with “Gentleman”, keeping “Hello” in second place.

    6. Most downloads sold in a week

    “Hello” sold 1.1 million downloads the week of 29 October, making it the first to reach one million. Flo Rida trails in second place after shifting 636,000 digital copies of “Right Round” in 2009. “Hello” is also in third for the week of 5 November, when it sold just 1,000 less than Flo Rida’s total. The girl is on fire.

    7. Most impressive Grammys win

    Adele became the second female artist to take home six Grammys in a year in 2012 and, cooler still, she won every single award she was nominated for. She is proud owner of the ‘Big Four’ – Album of the Year, Best New Artist, Record of the Year and Song of the Year – and has 10 Grammys in total.

    8. First Bond theme to win an Oscar

    If anyone was going to do it, Adele was, and she did in 2012 with the brilliant “Skyfall”.

    9. Most consecutive weeks spent at number one in the UK album charts by a solo female

    That’s 11 weeks on the trot with 21 in 2011.

    10. First album in UK history to sell 3 million copies in one calendar year and most downloaded album

    Again, 21 takes the glory for that one.

    11. First female to have two singles and two albums in the UK Top 5 at once


    12. First female to have three Top 10 singles on the Billboard’s Hot 100 at the same time

    Enough already Adele, cut it out!

  33. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    25 is
    – Biggest first week in Canada
    – Biggest first week in NZ
    – Biggest first week for an international artist in France
    – Biggest first week

    • Aaron April 10, 2016

      Did you miss the fact that this post is about Beyonce…?

  34. MsYonce April 9, 2016

    I think she can do very good numbers if its not a tidal exclusive. I mean she did over 300k in her second week with self titled but we’ll see

  35. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    25 is
    female album (21) with most weeks in top 10 (82 so far, only trailing Bruce springsteen’s “Born in the USA).

    female album (21) with most weeks at #1 in US (24 weeks)

    only female album (21), aswell as second ever, to top US year end sales two years in a row. Before, only “thriller” made it.

    best Selling album in UK of the Century

  36. Carmen April 9, 2016

    It will do well… especially with all this streaming s*** included now. Self titled first week sales didn’t even include streaming and she still sold 600k. I mean, look at the abysmal numbers of some artists albums (insert who who you please here) that have been saved because of streaming.

    • King Mark111 /.\ April 9, 2016

      Beyonce was a two weeks itunes exclusive. It wasn’t on any streaming sites. Apple Music didn’t even exist at the time.

      • Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

        Not to mentioned. She would t allow you to purchase individual tracks. You had to buy the whole album

  37. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    When will Beyonce even come CLOSE to touching any of those records. The only the you see Beyonce name around records broken is when you here the words “iTunes” or ” black female”

    • XXX April 9, 2016

      Lies. Grammys, Tours and #1 albums say hello.

      • Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

        18 of her 20 Grammy’s and tired R&B Grammy’s where she was basicly competiting with flops like Keri hilson and fantasia. She has the 5 best selling female tour. Not the first. Not to mention touring tickets have gone up ten fold. Number 1 albums? Okay I guess

  38. King Mark111 /.\ April 9, 2016

    400k to 500k. That’s with streams, but you know it will be a Tidal exclusive for a day or week. The pest will cry. The gimmick is dry, she can’t get a hit.

    • MsYonce April 9, 2016

      She still do good numbers without a #1 single. She never relied on #1 singles to sell her albums.

  39. ???Chile, take this “Itty Bitty Piggy” to the market and make sure you hold her hand while crossing the street!??? April 9, 2016

    Jay-Z better do EVERYTHING in his power to make sure her album roll-out on Tidal is perfect and flawless. There can’t be any hiccups because she’s clearly a threat and a target for white America right now. I really need her to clock Taylor’s first week sales. I’m gonna cry tears of joy if she does.

    • MsYonce April 9, 2016

      Lolol I feel like if she releases on Tidal ( which I hope she doesn’t) she’ll have a great ass roll out. I do think the roll out will be epic she did say she wanted to outdo herself. It will make other stans mad an they will start saying ” oh jay made sure Bey’s roll was this and that”.

      • ???Chile, take this “Itty Bitty Piggy” to the market and make sure you hold her hand while crossing the street!??? April 9, 2016

        Yep! But let one of our black women beat Ms. Swift’s record and I bet both the Navy and Hive will finally come together.

  40. Barb B**** April 9, 2016

    And Frih can’t oursell The Pink Print with a hit…

  41. RihYonce April 9, 2016

    Now that streaming is included with sales & she’s doing promo this era. She’s going to do some serious damage with this album lol I don’t think y’all understand how mean the slayage is about to be

  42. DIABETIC STROKE April 9, 2016

    Beys marketting team & beyz Saviness as a buisnessMEN is top notch A1 power lvl X 9000!!!! U hav to be out of yur head to beylive KING B wont sell more first day than rih anti thus far. Remember B REVOULUTION during the 4 era that probably was gonna be the title btw it sold 300k dispite leak & summer release. Dil sold almost 400k dispite it coming out fresh off going solo .with cil. FORMATION will sell 1 mill first wk esp if surprise released and with streaming being a factor.

  43. shakira stan April 9, 2016

    Beyonce peaked 7 years ago plus if formation is any indication. Then it won’t.

    • Jackson 5 Nostrils (Tyler) April 9, 2016

      When have her singles ever been an “indication’???

    • RihYonce April 9, 2016

      Formation won’t reflect the album dummy ! It’s just a buzz single & beyonces singles never reflected her albums so cut it

  44. DIABETIC STROKE April 9, 2016

    Outside of adele & Taylor. Bey is the queen of first week sales. Actually moreso than adele & Taylor since there debuts werent impressive first week while all 5 bey albums sold MASSIVE first wk. Mariah best first wk was 400k with TEOM. Bey also has Survivor which set a record at the time for columbia which Mj was also on.

    • Hwhenindoubtthetruthwillout April 9, 2016

      How can she be the queen of first week sales if you don’t include Adele & Taylor? That doesn’t make any sense!If she hasn’t sold as many as either of them then she isn’t the queen of anything! You just completely contradict yourself!!!

  45. King Mark111 /.\ April 9, 2016

    Most of the pest can’t afford $10 a month. They live with their mom’s, don’t work and take out loans with 150% interest for $1000 tickets.

    • toeknee April 9, 2016

      #460 #<350k #downgraded/postponed/cancel stadiums #several empty seats.

  46. GurlWepa1989 April 9, 2016

    Hey will release the album with no competition as always. It’ll be number 1 as usual but will be a pale comparison to Taylor or Adele’s LP.

    • a name April 14, 2016

      beyonce wont get taylor or adele numbers because lil white low self esteem girls buy their music. even without her getting sales like them, her impact and star power is why she is Queen. know your place, earn your spot

  47. LB April 9, 2016

    My prediction is 200K to 250K and quickly fall off if the snippets I heard on “Ivy Park” <—-LMAO are anything to go by.

    • RihYonce April 9, 2016

      ??? the hate is real ! Like omg I really can’t 200k ? I’m dome

      • RihYonce April 9, 2016


  48. toeknee April 9, 2016

    All I need from bey is
    1. Tweet about it few days b4 its release(it,ll send twitter into frenzy & anticipation will be crazy) plus instagram
    2. A day or two release of a killer single with it accompanying video
    3. Right after release d album on all outlets I.e digital, streaming, physical(NO TIDAL EXCLUSIVE)
    4. Finally promote it tirelessly on magazines, TV, radio, blogs, performances etc

    • Aaron April 10, 2016


  49. DIABETIC STROKE April 9, 2016

    It is just as likely that B6 will sell 1 mill in first wk if not a matter of wks as Anti will NOT sell anywhere near 1 mill. Anti wont even sell 1 mill worldwide. Self titled did however and B6 will no doubt sell atleast 1 mill ww in wk 1. This is the most anticipated of the year by far. Only other i see pulling big numbers is drake jayz or justinT if they decide to release this year.

  50. toeknee April 9, 2016

    Lol navy STFU this is not a singles/fashion post.

  51. Jackson 5 Nostrils (Tyler) April 9, 2016

    It’ll have better opening numbers than Anti. Just like everyone else’s albums

    • RihYonce April 9, 2016

      Chile everybody is going to debut higher than ANTI lol

  52. Jackson 5 Nostrils (Tyler) April 9, 2016

    She didn’t come to play with u h***! She came to slay b****!

    My prediction:600K+

  53. The Kpop Guy, Matt~ April 9, 2016

    I dunno. I think th next album will have 4closure T’s if there are no free pornographic videos attached
    If that wig doesn’t change, I think she’ll be over.

    • Jackson 5 Nostrils (Tyler) April 9, 2016

      Beyonce’s not a mannequin head with a mic, like Rhianna is.
      She doesn’t have to constantly change her style/sound in order to sell.
      We good over here

      • The Kpop Guy, Matt~ April 9, 2016

        With the recycled choreography, tours, wigs, gimmicks, leotards- the least she could do was take a page out of Katy perry’s book and burn her blonde wig

      • Jackson 5 Nostrils (Tyler) April 9, 2016

        That recycled tour is going to go on to gross over 250 million dollars. Once again, you sound ignorant. Congratulations!

    • RihYonce April 9, 2016

      You dumb c***. Beyoncé isn’t a pop tart she doesn’t have to change her hair everytime she releases a new album .

      • The Kpop Guy, Matt~ April 9, 2016

        Nobody said anything about changin it all the time?
        How many years has it been since beyHulk has had that horse hair o her head?

  54. DIABETIC STROKE April 9, 2016

    It iz now APRIL. Bey gave RIHSCHEDULED all of 4 months to go GOLD & sell 1 mill worldwide… lmao ANTI-FORMATION PRO-ELIMINATED has stalled at 300k domestically & a dismal 700k globally. What in flop heaven??? LMAO PINKSHIIT culd never! Meanwhile Work is #1 still i think. That makes ANTICLIMAX sells sound even worse.

  55. GurlWepa1989 April 9, 2016

    Most anticipated album of the year? I doubt that. Drake’s album on the other hand, will slay and I hope he releases ethe same week as Bey to give it a healthy competition.

  56. King Mark111 /.\ April 9, 2016

    The Pest are so jealous of Rihanna. She owns her music masters, she’ll make more money on Anti than most of your label puppets faves. Like I said, Rihanna isn’t warrior bothered by a Beyonce, she’s have legends in her crosshairs. Beyonce can’t even top both charts this decade. Lol

    • LB April 9, 2016

      Rihanna isn’t even bothered by Yonce, she is one week away from tying the Beatles record.

  57. Stephon Jackson April 9, 2016

    Stephy’s Predictions
    What it should be off of her hype:
    B6: 2016 (8,000,000+) WW (4,000,000+) US
    1st week sales: 1,000,000+ US & 2,000,000+ Globally
    What it will be in REALITY:
    B6: 2016 (4,000,000+) WW (2,000,000+) US
    1st week sales: 800K+ USA & 1,000,000+ Globally
    Bey will never outsell Dangerously In Love (which has sold 11 million copies to date). But, it will outsell 4 & possibly outsell The Visual Album
    Good luck BeyHive! Make Momma Bey proud. My coins are ready to purchase!
    @Sttephy Speaks, Bye!

    • GurlWepa1989 April 9, 2016

      Take a snapshot of your post and compares it once B6 releases. One can dream, I mean her last album is at 2.3 mil domestically.

  58. Theman April 9, 2016

    800k to a million. If she is to get a 3x platinum plaque, she needs a few pop hits.. But it will at least go 2x platinum….

  59. DIABETIC STROKE April 9, 2016

    Bey has a GURANTEED # already set regardless based off hype & lack of of competition. All she needs is 2 top 10 hits and its GAMEOVER for R8.

  60. LB April 9, 2016

    Still looking for a receipt of Dangerously in love selling 11 million

  61. Coolness April 9, 2016

    I think if she doesn’t make it a TIDAL exclusive, she could beat Usher’s Confessions record for the highest first-week sales for an R&B artist (1.1 million sold in its debut week). Before self-titled was released, TGJ wrote an article about whether her she could earn a Diamond certification with what was then her upcoming album. Of course we all saw how that turned out. B6 will probably end up outselling self-titled since I’m hearing she’s actually going to promote the conventional way.

    • King Mark111 /.\ April 9, 2016

      Ha! The delusion.

  62. DIABETIC STROKE April 9, 2016

    500k based off hype & lack of ANTIcipation for anyone else alone. The rest will depend on a DIL or even 7/11 sized hit. But one thing for certain it will outsell anti & Apolegetic. I say 5 million by DEC.

  63. LB April 9, 2016

    OMG Rihanna is one week away from tying the Beatles record. I hope it happens.

    • Nina April 9, 2016

      You’re a big losing queen if you think Rihanna will come anywhere close to the Beatles

  64. LB April 9, 2016

    According to HDD, Zayn experienced an 86% drop in album sales only. 86%? Crazy.

  65. Stephon Jackson April 9, 2016

    Hi, @Lovelybird. Realistically, the album sold 9 million copies in pure sales. But, it shipped an extra mill. So, overall it’s safe to say it’s 10 million at the most. If you wanna be so a*** (every pun-intended). love you 🙂

    • Stephon Jackson April 9, 2016

      A-N—A-L geesh, you can’t say SHHHIT on this blog. Bye Sam

    • LB April 9, 2016


    • King B April 9, 2016

      I can’t with you guys tho. Y’all said Aaliyah sold Thirteen Million but her highest sales is in US, 2.6 million, and 300k UK. But Dangerously In Love that sold double to triple in both countries (5 million, 1.2 million), y’all refuse to believe it is at twelve million? Not to mention, DIL outsold it in Japan, Germany, France, and I heard it was diamond at Philiphine and 100k in Indonesia. If AK sold 12 million and Janet sold 14 million even though they are more local, it does not make any sense that DIL sold 10 million, furthermore she gain new fans worldwide with new releases. I bought mine in 2013 for example.

  66. Yeah April 9, 2016

    Maybe she’s not even releasing a new album this month. The only thing we heard are rumours about her releasing a new album, but nothing official. Maybe she wants her fans to hear the new songs at her world tour before releasing her album, maybe she’s not even going to release an album soon.

  67. King Mark111 /.\ April 9, 2016

    Told You So Saturday.
    February 6, 2016 at 4:09 pm
    King Mark111 /.\ says:


    Well well well. Look at what we have here, like I said, mid 30s with trap music. Girl grow up. This is it pest? This is the Strom that was coming? Meanwhile Rihanna gave her fans an album, free as you uneducated pest calls it, full of greatness. I can’t! This won’t chart, pest dugged a hole. Now jump in. Some queen. Hahahahahah a

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  68. King Mark111 /.\ April 9, 2016

    Stupid Pest Saturday:
    February 6, 2016 at 8:47 pm
    Cinnamon Girl says:


    This won’t chart? This is already number 1 ! I think you need to quit talking for now because you speak the dumbest things!

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  69. DIABETIC STROKE April 9, 2016


    The funny thing is… bey not releasing b6 anytime soon would be both a smart and dumb move. Kinda like how kanye only released to tidal & still went #1 wks later. REAL artist win regardless these days.

  70. Kyle April 9, 2016

    I think it could have very high first week opening sales for sure, but I don’t think it’ll be her best selling album to date. Times haves changed and people aren’t really buying albums anymore. Regardless though, anticipation for it is high and she is about to embark on a major tour so everything right now is in her favor.

  71. King Mark111 /.\ April 9, 2016

    When I called it!
    February 6, 2016 at 4:28 pm
    King Mark111 /.\ says:


    They came for Four Five, BBHMM. AND EVEN American Oxygen. And their roach queen gave then This! Bad week for the pest. Next lowest ratings at the Superbowl halftime this decade, then Work dropping and to top it all off, work becomes #1. Y’all going to get this whooping.

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  72. #JACKIE April 9, 2016

    215-295K first week.

    • BEY>RIH April 9, 2016

      Lmao she is not Heara. She can actually do #’s first week.

    • #JACKIE April 9, 2016


  73. ♊Mølly♊ April 9, 2016

    I can’t with insecure fans

  74. DIABETIC STROKE April 9, 2016

    While @SKIDMARK continues to seeth. I bet beys team is still in serious debate over weather they want a conventional/traditional rollout or just like B5. I hope for both. That being a RELEASE DATE but nothing else until that date. Lol

  75. HailBeysus April 9, 2016

    I think she will def outsell Self Titled. So many people who arent typical Beyonce fans are anticipating the album. People want to here what she has to say after Formation. But im also worried this could be a low selling album. If we look at the receipts she has a pattern.
    Dangerously In Love 12m
    B-Day 7m
    I Am Sasha Fierce 9m
    4 3.4m
    Self Titled 5m
    B6 ???

    • HailBeysus April 9, 2016


      • Jackson 5 Nostrils (Tyler) April 9, 2016

        What are RLate’s worldwide numbers looking like? Excluding the 1 million copies that were dished out for FRIH?
        How many people spent there valuable money, time, and energy on that album ?

      • Jackson 5 Nostrils (Tyler) April 9, 2016

        What do you think? Because IDK if it’s even sold half a mill yet lolol

  76. Mimi Carey April 9, 2016

    Beyonces Anti is coming

    • Jackson 5 Nostrils (Tyler) April 9, 2016

      Hahahaha OR NAH!

  77. King Mark111 /.\ April 9, 2016

    What the hell is a B6 or B5? Stop trying to be like the Navy, come up with yo own. But you clowns do stan for Beyonce, no shock there. R8 is a Rihanna thing.

  78. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    “Outside of adele & Taylor. Bey is the queen of first week sales. Actually moreso than adele & Taylor since there debuts werent impressive first week while all 5 bey albums sold MASSIVE first wk” wjsjjssjhsjshs I don’t know if all that fat is preventing oxygen to going to your brain cells. But how are Beyonce first week sales more impressive than Taylor’s and Adele? Taylor is the first artist to have 3 consecutive albums debut with a moon copies first week. And Adele sold 3.38 million which is the biggest first week ever ( out selling your favs last 2 albums) beyond doesn’t even have 1 MILLION first week at all. So how is her debut numbers more impressive?

    • King Mark111 /.\ April 9, 2016

      And Alicia Keys says hi. lol

  79. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    It’s always funny how the hive love to compare her album sales to rih. But when it comes to Adele and Taylor they have a thousand and one excuses

  80. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    And if Beyonce is the queen of first week sales how come she’s never even come close to beating brittney record for oops I did it again that she held until Adele snatched that. The closes Beyonce got to that was selling a million on 10 days

  81. ???Chile, take this “Itty Bitty Piggy” to the market and make sure you hold her hand while crossing the street!??? April 9, 2016

    Y’all, can we please just have the C-squad, Barbs, Hive, and Navy come together for once and put out focus on Bey. This is bigger than us…it’s about one of our black women being successful in the midst of treacherous adversity and ultimately beating a white woman’s record.
    I’m calling for all people, whether you like Bey or not, to support her and buy her album to help a fellow black woman out. Look at the SACRIFICE to her career she made for us to be heard and matter, y’all?! Please make this the defining album of her career!

  82. HailBeysus April 9, 2016

    Lmfaoooo!!! Why is the Navy hiding behind Adele!?!??! Like lets be real, Adele’s fatass doesn’t have stans kiii!!! If she does GAWDDAMN!!! They must have depressing lives LMFAO!!!!!
    Beyonce sold like Basic Swift forher first 3 album’s FACT!
    Basic Swift has yet to have an album surpass DIL FACT!
    Beyonce is an all around well grounded artists. FACT

    • ???Chile, take this “Itty Bitty Piggy” to the market and make sure you hold her hand while crossing the street!??? April 9, 2016

      Sis, the curse of “Fearless” is still upon us. It’s 7x platinum already and I’m sure it’ll eventually go diamond with streaming included. “1989” will be sure to follow soon. I’m buying four copies of Bey’s album. I gotta practice what I preach.

    • Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

      Adele Stans are the GP. And all of Taylor Swift albums are certified 4x plat or above. They only sell around the same world wide but Taylor has out sold her in the Us since 2006 ( when she debuted) kii. And all that shouting Beyonce is doing won’t get her two diamond albums like my fav. At least depressed Adele stands can go or and purchase her albums

  83. ♊Mølly♊ April 9, 2016

    Why are hives getting mad over realistic predictions? Yall swear like 300k is bad numbers for first week.

    • LB April 9, 2016

      They don’t want to accept the fact that only outliers are selling like they used to. Yonce is not an outlier, unless she harnesses another gimmick.

      • ♊Mølly♊ April 9, 2016

        I cant w delusional flee bags

  84. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    Adele 25 also out sold self titled in a week kii
    If she’s the number 1 chick why isn’t she out selling Taylor and Adele who are “beneath her”

  85. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    Adele 25 sales after 5 months : 18 million
    Beyonce sales after 2 1/2 years : 3.8 million kii

    • ♊Mølly♊ April 9, 2016

      But bey is the king of album sales

  86. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    Adele 21 album sales : 30 Beyonce career album sales :31 or 32 <????

  87. HailBeysus April 9, 2016

    Lmao Adele stans are the GP??? Girrrl there is a difference between a Stan and a Fan. Anyway it’s clear you’re Navy hiding behind Adele. Getting WhatNow/ElusiveLamb teases kiii!!!

    • Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

      Yes. It’s the GP. Adele fans/Stans don’t have time to argue on the internet because they have jobs and lives. They just support the music. Hence why my Fav is about to go diamond Again. While your FSV has to do hocus pocus magic trick just to go 2x plat ?????????? and I am a Adele Stan. I bought 25 the week it was released and bumped tf out of it. My favorite songs are send my love, water under the bridge and sweetest devition

      • ???Chile, take this “Itty Bitty Piggy” to the market and make sure you hold her hand while crossing the street!??? April 9, 2016

        You don’t like “I Miss You”? Every authentic Adele fan stans for that song and wants it to be a single.

      • HailBeysus April 9, 2016

        Idgaf when you bought the Album. I bought 2 copies Physical and Digital. That don’t make me a stan. Idc what you say. You appeared out of Nowhere coming for Bey. Ill stand by my comment. The NAVY always hiding behind others.
        Beyonce 152 million records
        Adele 92 million records.
        I don’t ever see Adele doing $200m in Touring.
        Beyonce Queen of Grammys
        Beyonce top selling female act of the 00s
        Unless adele can start pushing singles like Rihanna and Basic swift I dont see her owning a decade or staying around in the light much longer. She had 3 #1 on her last album. Only 1 #1 this album. Lets hope she’s not gunna be another shítney and be paid dust her next album.

  88. Marlo April 9, 2016

    What Album? It’s never coming. At least that’s what it feels like.

  89. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    I just find it funny that the hive have no problem coming forrih but when it comes to Adele and Taylor they don’t have s*** to say

  90. ???Chile, take this “Itty Bitty Piggy” to the market and make sure you hold her hand while crossing the street!??? April 9, 2016

    Y’all, “B’Day” didn’t stall at 7,000,000+ copies worldwide. It sold 8,000,000+ worldwide. Let’s stop using that false tea.

      • ???Chile, take this “Itty Bitty Piggy” to the market and make sure you hold her hand while crossing the street!??? April 9, 2016

        Sis, Mediatraffic is known for selling fairy tales, lies, and fallacies to the general public. On which planet would anyone really believe that “B’Day” sold 6.5 million copies when that album holds her longest-running, and probably most famous worldwide, Hot 100 #1? Even NE-YO knows the album sold way more than that.

  91. .:: Centurion ::. April 9, 2016

    The bigger question is when is she getting #1 record? Isn’t she like the biggest recording artist in the world; the Queen of music; someone who’s comparable to Michael Jackson himself according to the no-life-having-āss-høe-hive?
    She hasn’t even had a hit record since 2008. It’s so sad that the RoachHive thinks that way, but one should never forget how delusional the hive are. “Queen” they call her. “King” (even though she’s a woman, or allegedly) they call her. ? ZZZZzzzzZzzzzZzzz

  92. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    @chile I only use I miss you when I’m feeling s*** ? but that song is nice but my top 3 are definitely those songs above. Which songs do you rock with ?

    • ???Chile, take this “Itty Bitty Piggy” to the market and make sure you hold her hand while crossing the street!??? April 9, 2016

      But “I Miss You” isn’t a sad song. It’s simply a song of sexual longing and emotional belonging. Hence the following lyrics: “I want EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF YOU. I want your heaven and your oceans too.”
      I’ve seen EVERY Adele Stan rave and go on and on about how important this song is and why it needs to be a single. I even read that if you don’t stan this song, there’s no way in hell that you can be a truly genuine Adele Stan. Have you seen her perform it on the tour? The backdrop is absolutely beautiful and breath-taking. It’s very befitting for the mood and tone of the song. Her tour’s creative concept is so classy and sophisticated. I love it.

  93. .:: Centurion ::. April 9, 2016

    Beybøla is not comparable to Adele, let alone Taylor Swift in album sales. Unlike Adele and others, they don’t rely on album re-issues and re-releases to boost album sales.
    Her opening week sales will be good, but then she’ll be sailing on streams from there on just like every artist right now. A date for an album re-release would also be set internally by her label. That’s always been her thing. Look at 4 which had no re-release.

  94. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    @hailbeybola jajsjsjsjsndnddn not you bringing up record sales hahahahs. Whenever reputable list do best selling artist they always use PURE album.sales! Not records. Adele has would 68 albums world wide while Beyonce is around 31 or 32 ???? also, Beyonce has.more Grammy’s than Adele BUT addle has won the bigger/ more.competive categoris like album of the year, song of the year, record of the year and best new artist. Only TWO of Beyonce 20 grammys are non R&B Grammy’s
    So Adele grammmy are more impressive. Also, Adele is on tour right now and is.preforming to sold out aernas, she could has daily done stadium. And y’all said the same thing during her break during 21! But yet she came back and slaved your blonde m***** Fav kii. Also Adele doesn’t need to pish singles because she Sells albums! Try again

    • ???Chile, take this “Itty Bitty Piggy” to the market and make sure you hold her hand while crossing the street!??? April 9, 2016

      Come on now! Don’t make fun of that. That’s the same mess that MJ tried so hard to change. They don’t wanna give Bey or Rih pop Grammy’s simply because they’re black, but they have no problem with reducing then to the R&B categories. It’s really sad, to be honest

  95. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    Y’all have been saying Adele won’t last ever since 21 but she clearly proved you wrong with 25. She has almost a decade on the business. How is she not lasting?

  96. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    @chile I typed sexxxy,it got censored out. And really? The forums I be on raved about love in the dark and water under the bridge. And yes! I’ve seen cottage of her tour and she looks so on her element

    • ???Chile, take this “Itty Bitty Piggy” to the market and make sure you hold her hand while crossing the street!??? April 9, 2016

      I know it’s pretty much sold out but you NEED to go see her. She cracks jokes all throughout the show and she even says the F word like every 5 minutes. Its so funny, but it gets annoying cause she talks so fast. She even brought a little boy up on stage and took some of his popcorn. It was so cute and funny. YOU HAVE TO GO TO A SHOW! She let’s everyone sing “Someone Like You” with her.

  97. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    Lol Adele has 4 number 1 singlesx almost the same as Beyonce. Also, Adele her self said she does t want to be a single focused artist. She wants to perform all of the songs on her album. Plus the point of single is to sell the album. Seeing as Adele has sold 18 million she has done her job kii

  98. Adeles flip phone. April 9, 2016

    @hailbeybola if you wanna compare achievement Adele will make Beyonce look like a insect!

    • HailBeysus April 9, 2016

      DEATH!!!! ARE YOU CENTIPIED!?!?!? That thing is the only one who calls Beyoncé Beybola on this site kiii!!!
      The Navy be doing the most Hiding behind Janet, MJ, Mariah, Basic Swift and now Adele ?????

  99. HailBeysus April 9, 2016

    Lmfao Adele did not sell 68 million album’s!
    19 (10m)
    21 (31m)
    25 (18m)
    Also Adele wasn’t really known to the GP until 21. Her first album was paid dust but quickly gained momentum with the success of 21.
    Not only are giving me WhatNow/ElusiveLamb teases

    I am now getting MooriahTheLegend/Linda teases KIII!!!
    If best selling artists list was solely based off of Album sales Beyonce would not have made the top. That would have probably gone to Shítney Spears.
    Singles Sold
    All Adelephant has on Bey is Albums.
    There is a reason so many people and music publications have dubbed Beyoncé a QUEEN. She is a well rounded artists.
    Has maintained mainstream relevancy for 18 year’s and counting.

  100. ♊Mølly♊ April 9, 2016

    All this true tea… Its not hate its THE TRUTH that some boys and girls can’t handle #TheMeltdownsWhenRealityHits

  101. HailBeysus April 9, 2016

    DEATH!!! What did I tell y’all! This bitxh back at it again even tho he was playing victim and throwing around fake ass apologises yesterday kiii!!! Not it talking about meltdowns when that’s exactly what it displays 24/7 on TGJ ?????

    • ♊Mølly♊ April 9, 2016

      Your seething over the truth babe

      • HailBeysus April 9, 2016

        No body is seething? What truth did anyone’s comment hold over Beyoncé first week sales? She has always done 300k or more. I also said she would probably outsell Self Titled based off of all the anticipation from the GP. They’re numerous comments on social media left by none typical Bey fans that admitted they were interested in B6 after hearing Formation. But like I said I worry if History repeats itself B6 won’t do ST numbers but maybe 4. There is no seething or delusion.

      • Jackson 5 Nostrils (Tyler) April 9, 2016

        Molly shut the hell up!
        You say the exact same s*** every post. Find a new punch line

      • HailBeysus April 9, 2016


  102. ???Chile, take this “Itty Bitty Piggy” to the market and make sure you hold her hand while crossing the street!??? April 9, 2016

    You know what? I’m so tired of people saying that Bey and Rih don’t do Taylor numbers? Since when? Taylor’s just more consistent at getting over the six million worldwide hump, but Bey and Rih get over that hump too. Y’all KNOW that Taylor is local and nonexistent outside of the U.S. Stop building her up. If Bey went full force power pop music and worked with Max Martin, she’d sell way more than Taylor.

  103. tld April 9, 2016

    Adele and Taylor are the game when it comes to Album sales, PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    If Beyonce even comes near their sales, Tidal lied!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry B fans but all that bouncing around the stage can’t kill these two ladies album sales, never!!!!!
    Sorry to the celebs who are saying she’s the best while side eyeing her after the camera turns off because her music sucks!!!!

    Formation fell off the charts and Work is still #1.
    B music isn’t good, Period!!!!!!!!

  104. King B April 9, 2016

    My prediction is 500k-600k if she release the physical and digital copy. She’s 19 years in the game. Her older fans will buy the physical copy while her younger fans will buy digitally and stream it. The radio station in my countries refuse to play her songs. They didn’t play anything since telephone. But this year they played Formation even though it just a buzz single, Hymn For The Weekend, I’m sure she will be in the spotlight again like halo. She also cover Elle magazine in my country.

  105. Tran anti bloper honey love but it okay girl April 9, 2016


  106. Thando April 10, 2016

    By highest to date for Beyonce you mean she has to top Dangerously in Love which has sold 10 million copies. By highest first week she’d have to beat BEYONCE and sell more than 1 million in first week.
    High first week sales don’t necessarily translate to high album sales, BEYONCE did a lot first week and ended up with 5 million worldwide (her fourth best selling album).
    If she releases traditionally and doesn’t do that TIDAL exclusive nonsense yes she can do highest first week.
    Statistically I do not see her making her best selling album overall, in otherwords I don’t see her selling 10 million+. For that to happen there must be strong singles accompanying the album, if not no.
    Also quality of album helps, her only problem is that she tends to believe that society will automatically like what she releases. Major Lazor warned her about the out dated-ness in sound of Girls Run the World but she released it as a single and it failed spectacularly. This is why singles were invented, to test out if public likes sound of album. Highest first week YES because of fanbase anticipation and the influence technological advancement has had on people’s impatience, highest of all her albums NO because I don’t think she has ability to churn out fire singles anymore.

    • King B April 10, 2016

      Beyonce doesnt listen to anyone.This is shown when she refuse to release End Of Time that clearly screams hit singles. She proves that she can sold million of singles in IASF era, believe it or not, Halo, SL, and IIWAB really makes Rihanna look bad in singles department, but she chose not to, she’s willing to take risk. Lastly, no number one hit doesn’t stop her getting platinum and multiplatinum singles .

  107. Rihboy April 10, 2016

    She is an album seller. Not expecting anything less than one million. She is no Adele but I see a great opening week seeing no lucrative artist are releasing

  108. Annalise April 10, 2016

    And even with all that seething and delusion the SLAVI still know that Yoncé will do higher first week numbers than Rihanna, and bigger overall figures. LMFAO glad to know those hœs haven’t completely lost it like I thought they did.

    • Rihboy April 10, 2016

      Loud era! Bey is still outsold tho!

      • Annalise April 10, 2016

        Sis you just had to go and f up the fun didn’t you ?. We are talking about ALBUMS hun, and if we calculated the mean average of album sales, (ignoring the fact that rih has 3 more albums), Beyonce’s is still higher. I’ll give you singles tho ?

  109. Theman April 10, 2016

    She’ll sale close to a milli. She needs a smash single. She doesn’t need streaming.. She sales albums!!!! Her album sales will exceed the streaming by far….

  110. Theman April 10, 2016

    Mariah’s highest sales were 468k with a eighteen yr. career. Thats nearly 500k..That’s huge too…..

  111. JOHNVIDAL April 10, 2016

    What a retarded question to be honest. Why would anyone think about the possibility of an upcoming Beyonce album being her best seller to date? Like you don´t have anything else to do? 🙂 Plus her best seller is Dangerously in Love, which was in 2003 already. Chances are so small that she´ll sell more than that ever (not just in her case but in anybodys case).
    She is very successful overall, and for nowadays standards she is definitely an album seller. So no shade from me. But the post is ridiculous and there´s no reason why anybody should think she´ll sell more than ever now.

  112. BlueIvy April 10, 2016

    Best selling? I don’t think so but it will probably be her most contraversial album in her career.

    I’m sure it will sell but you guys have to remember since dropping formation, she alienated a good percentage of her fanbase and if she keeps up with this pro black imagery then her non black fans who seethe at black opression will probably not support her. I think her streams will do fine though.

  113. Royalkev April 11, 2016

    First week (without Tidal): 1 million+
    First week (after a Tidal release): 500 – 700 (numbers somewhere around the mark that rival the self-titled release).
    Albums ww grand total: between 5 – 8 million

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