Somebody Hit The Lights! Christina Milian’s Home Burglarised Twice

Published: Friday 31st Aug 2018 by David

Christina Milian has learned that the home she shares with her lover was robbed not once, but twice in the same week.

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Bad news below…

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The police revealed that after they were called to investigate a robbery that took place at the Def Jam star’s home on Friday they were called back to do the same on the following Tuesday.

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Why? The property was struck twice….by what appears to be the same gang of thieves.

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TMZ reports…

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We’re told the perps entered the home Tuesday in similar fashion as Friday’s burglary — by smashing a side door. The alarm was triggered when the door was broken, but by the time security arrived the thieves were gone.

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Cops don’t know how much loot the burglars got … that’s because Christina and Matt are still out of the country.

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The police are still on the hunt for the thieves and will work with Milian to locate them once she returns from Puerto Rico.

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  1. Yan August 31, 2018

    It was me. I was trying to find me a copy of the shelved “Elope” record

  2. #TheTruth August 31, 2018

    Her boyfriend is a hot Frenchie…

  3. Joel August 31, 2018

    SCAM all these entertainers going broke and doing insurance fraud. Next! It’s convenient she’s in PR.. lol

    • S.U.P.E.R.S.T.A.R.!. August 31, 2018

      @Joel – Same thing I was thinking.

  4. Sugar August 31, 2018


  5. Fanny August 31, 2018

    This is how a singer tries to be relevant in the news… Idk why ppl still writing things about her. We don’t care who she is or what she is….

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