Future Says Ciara Controls Russell Wilson

Future has fresh thoughts on the happily married couple, Ciara and Russell Wilson.

Read them below…

The rapper believes Wilson is doing a bad job at controlling his beloved and powerful wife and says he should ban her from talking about her exes.

He do exactly what she tell him to do. He not being a man in that position. He not tellin’ her, ‘Chill out with that on the Internet. Don’t even talk to him. I’m your husband! You better not even bring Future’s name up!’ If that was me, she couldn’t even bring his name up. She know that. She couldn’t even bring her exes’ names up. Don’t give that shit no energy.

Future is co-parenting his son with the Wilsons and feels slighted by Ciara’s fears that his dysfunctional lifestyle is affecting the child’s development when he is with him.

She is yet to respond.

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  1. Whoops ?????‍♀️ January 18, 2019

    Lmao @ this buffoon telling somebody else how to be a man. ??? He is not in any position to be giving Married folk ANY advice.

  2. Detruth January 18, 2019

    Ciara probably won’t respond at all and she shouldn’t. We know Future is a hoasis thank you next.

  3. DanYiel Iman January 18, 2019

    Man of 6-7 children concerned about another man being a great step-father to his son?!!??‍♂️

  4. XYZ January 18, 2019

    He is the father of her kid, of course she talks with and about him. That’s the problem with having a kid with someone, you can’t get rid of him/her anymore. With that being said, he is the last one in the place to give anyone an advice on how to behave in a relationship…

  5. Sd January 18, 2019

    Future is a moron, a piece of sh*t father, and a terrible example for our children within the black community….

  6. Lou-Andrew Rodriguez January 18, 2019

    This messy girl Future. GIRL bye.

  7. Latinissima January 18, 2019

    Patriarchy is not longer listened and the alfa males are shaking of fear with powerful women as Ciara. Future has no future, BYE!

  8. Yandi January 18, 2019

    I swear he keeps Ciara’s name in his mouth…geeze!!!!!!!!

    • Keith January 18, 2019

      He DOES seem to (publicly) keep talking about Ciara. He should just focus on himself and his children. That seems so hard for him…

  9. SMH January 18, 2019

    Bye Future, your claim to manhood was canceled the moment you said you want to be the male beyonce.

    • Yandi January 18, 2019


  10. iamdiego January 18, 2019

    Sounds like “providing” is the only thing future is good for. What values is he teaching his son? Not many from the looks of it. The guy continues to slander Ciara (HIS CHILD’S MOTHER) and Russel (Future’s better looking, richer, smarter, more classy, more mature, more respectful, more grounded dad) because they are happy. Why would you continue to talk down on a man who is actively raising YOUR child. That kind of man is hard to come by in today’ society so Future needs to shut up and respect it. The problem is that she doesn’t need him. He feels like his balls shrunk because C wont take her foot off his neck in court. It ain’t all about the money. Sometimes its the other principle. Understanding that you (Future) cant run your house hold and mine too. I do believe she might still have a personal vendetta (gagging in private with her friends) but its never been public. Future on the other hand thinks just feels entitled and that he’s superior. What a joke!

  11. Paulo January 18, 2019

    this fool! it’s been what 5 years and he STILL talking about them publicly? haaaa “I bet you’ll start loving me soon as I start loving someone else, somebody better than you” CiCi knows best.

  12. Parris January 18, 2019

    Obviously she controls him too, damn! Why are you speaking about her when nobody asked you. It’s weird. You obviously wish you were in that house rather than Russsell.

  13. Meme January 18, 2019

    I agree. Ciara comes off super controlling. While I don’t care for future and I think he is trash, I do feel Ciara seem overbearing.

  14. JLo GIRL STOP January 18, 2019

    Future miss Ciara

  15. The truth January 18, 2019

    I happened to think Ciara is still a little bitter about how things played out with her & futures relationship. I think she wanted what she has with Russell with Future… I think they both are hurt… however I do think Ciara controls Russell it’s that scorpio in her!

  16. dESTINY fULFILLED January 18, 2019

    A happy wife a happy life. Something Future h** a** wouldn’t understand1

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