Journalist Touré’s Sexual Harassment Accusations Surface After #SurvivingRKelly Appearance

Published: Thursday 10th Jan 2019 by Rashad

If one fancies him or herself any level of “Pop culture fanatic” over the last 20 years, the name Touré Neblett is one that should ring a bell.

A respected author, music journalist, cultural critic, and more, Neblett – beyond his contributions as a television personality to MSNBC, BET, VH1, etc. –  has interviewed a number of music’s biggest acts in his tenure.  Included on his resume is a now infamous 2008 sitdown with R. Kelly where he quizzed the ‘Pied Piper of R&B’ on his alleged inappropriate relationship with underage girls.

Now, thanks to further commentary on the matter via a number of interviews and his inclusion on the explosive Lifetime docuseries, ‘Surviving R. Kelly,’ Touré may be set to answer a similar line of questioning…

In a jaw-dropping piece unveiled by our friends at Essence, the 47-year-old has been publicly accused of workplace sexual harassment. Dani, a makeup artist, alleges that Touré sexually harassed her while she worked with him on a show.

“He couldn’t stop asking me to do anal, how I  looked naked, if I had sex over the weekend, what it would be like to f–k me.”

She says the harassment eventually led her to quitting, but also says she reported Touré to human resources.

“I worked with him most of 2017, I left in October, before he got fired,” she claimed. “When I reported it to Time Inc. they terminated him that day.”

Dani claims Neblett apologized for his infraction at the time, but she is speaking up now about the nearly two year old incident because she’s seen him offer commentary on the likes of Harvey Weinstein and R. Kelly as both are facing allegations of sexual harassment.

“I accepted his apology and was ok to move on but, you can’t be a sexual predator and go around shaming other predators,” she said. “When I saw him going around as R. Kelly’s docuseries spokesman to different radio stations, the lies had to stop.”


Toure responded to the accusations:

“On the show, our team, including myself, engaged in edgy, crass banter, that at the time I did not think was offensive for our tight-knit group. I am sorry for my language and for making her feel uncomfortable in any way. As a lead on the show, I should have refrained from this behavior. I have learned and grown from this experience.”


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  1. ~The Arcade~ January 10, 2019

    Boy… everyone’s coming out of the woodworks. geesh!!

    • Jasmine January 10, 2019

      The worst part about this was that in that interview R. Kelly was telling the truth in that interview and that “journalist” was too busy engaged in his own bias that he did not bother diving more into R. Kelly the person. R. Kelly was trying to tell the world who he is as a person and the interviewer was just stuck on stupidity. R. Kelly was publicly stating he has “friends that are 19” and instead of diving into it deeper the interviewer too biased to use the opportunity to talk about why many people strongly feel 19 is still too young! A lot of people feel strongly that anyone under the age of 21 is underage despite the law stating otherwise. There is no uniform consensus among people of what age is a person an adult verses a child. Some people even think that a man is an adult when he turns 18 but a girl is not a man until she is 21. Personally, I think anyone over the age of 16 is an adult because that is when I became an adult, moved out of my parents’ home, went to college, got my first car, etc.

      • Jasmine January 10, 2019

        Some people even think that a man is an adult when he turns 18 but a girl is not a woman until she is 21.

      • Daniel January 11, 2019

        It’s quite clear from all of YOUR commentary you are a R. Kelly fanatic. It also show how vile you are in ignoring EVERY SINGLE story in that documentary. You chose ignorance and you are hiding behind that laptop because no one can check your ass and show was a base level crackerjack you are. I have a feeling you’re either in his camp or want to be and I feel you should and encounter the same things these women have gone through. Maybe then you’ll have a shred of decency and empathy. I personally think your a trashbag!

      • Jasmine January 11, 2019

        It’s quite CLEAR you are SCUM that likes to hide behind laptops and smart phones to attack intelligent women like me with opinions. I said what I said and ain’t sh|t you can do about it b|tch. Like you said, the documentary was just “stories”. I can choose to believe them or choose not to believe or choose not to care. It is my CHOICE! R. Kelly has a NEW album coming very soon. I called him on his birthday a couple days ago and he told me all about it. He is not bothered by this negative press and I told him to keep his head up and use it to his advantage to promote his new music. Stay tuned.

    • CHINA January 11, 2019

      Benny Medina (Jennifer Lopez’s Manager) also HARASSED every “WHITE” male he came into contact with. These MEN are ANIMALS.

  2. King of Kingz January 10, 2019

    ?the karma of it all, all the ppl on that doc are being exposed for the frauds they truly are one by one ??????

  3. DanYiel Iman January 10, 2019

    S*** he’s APPOLOGIZED sadly R.Pedophilia won’t apologize because he feels what he’s doing ISNT WRONG!!??‍♂️

    • Jasmine January 10, 2019

      R. Kelly don’t have to apologize cause he ain’t do anything wrong. He tried to explain himself in that interview clip but people are more interested in painting a story rather than hearing the real story at hand. He openly admitted in that interview that he has teenage friends and the interviewer kept on trying to tell him what he likes rather than listening to him. Same sh|t that’s going on now. ‘Oh R. Kelly likes his pnssy young and tight. Oh he must be a p***.phile cause he don’t like old and sloppy pnssy.’ Girl bye. Aint nothing wrong with an older man dating younger women. They are both still adults.

      • Dumb Ass H*** January 11, 2019

        How do you explain a grown ass man pissing on a 14 year old. How do you explain a grown ass man impregnating a teenage girl (15 years old) and having documents forged so that they could be married. How do you explain these 16 and 17 year old females that he was after. That man is a p******** and he is sick and everybody that assisted him and is supporting hims is sick as well. How the f*** is it Okay. They grown but yet they can’t vote till they are 18 or they can’t drink till they 21, they can’t buy cigarettes they can do a lot of things that ADULTS can do, and scientifically a child brain no matter how their body looks, is fully developed until the age of 25 so their decision making skills are not up to par and can be easily manipulated. Yet is is okay for grown ass men to stick their d*** inside of littles girls and touch them and have sexual relationships with them. Girl shut your dumb sick ass up. B**** you prolly out here touching little kids too. They probably need to send the police to your house I bet they will find all kinds of sick s***. How dare you agree with this s***. SICK F***! It’s b****** like you, that makes it hard for the victims to be believed. B**** there are FACTS that proves this man is a sick f*** and needs to be locked up.

      • Jasmine January 11, 2019

        That was 20 years ago. Name one underage accuser in the past 20 years. I’ll wait.

  4. Lmfao_Hoe January 10, 2019

    A clear example of don’t throw stones if you live in a glass house; everyone quick to bash Kelly when they ass are getting clocked too

  5. Jasmine January 10, 2019

    I agree 100 percent King.

  6. Generous queen January 10, 2019

    I thought he was gay

    • S.U.P.E.R.S.T.A.R.!. January 10, 2019

      @Generous.. – I know right! I thought the same thing!

    • Jasmine January 10, 2019

      He has a wife and two kids. Maybe bi but I never picked that up. He seems like a querky airhead.

    • King z January 10, 2019

      I thought he was gay as well

      • Jeans January 11, 2019

        I thought he was gay too

  7. Hersheyblond January 11, 2019

    That was a horrible apology. You sexually harassed her idiot. You are just as bad. Smfh…

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