MNEK Defends Ariana Grande After She Is Accused Of Exploiting The Gay Community

Published: Thursday 28th Feb 2019 by David

The Pop prince MNEK is sticking up for the Italian superstar Ariana Grande.

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Grande is set to perform at this year’s Manchester Gay Pride event to support her new set ‘Thank You, Next’ and has faced claims that she is exploiting the LGBTQ community to sell records.

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She used this statement to ease her critics’ fears.

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Then MNEK  weighed in the matter.

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  1. DanYiel Iman February 28, 2019

    The gays are a lot of these folks fan base…ask Nicki McFraud ✌??

    • Kara February 28, 2019

      Don’t you ever get bored hating on Nicki Minaj. Smh #getalife

  2. Whoops ??‍♀️??? February 28, 2019

    Im not invested in this “issue” at all but, I just got a question. What if they had a white artist headlining a black festival because she’s “an ally”?? Would that be okay too, because y’all know damn well it wouldn’t fly. ??‍♀️

    • StarXavi February 28, 2019

      If that artist had a huge black following and was accepted by the black community , I don’t see why it would or should be a problem.

      • Whoops ??‍♀️??? February 28, 2019

        How many white artists do you think black people wouldn’t mind headlining a black festival? That would never happen. And with good reason. Having black fans doesn’t mean anything. And I don’t know what being “accepted” by the black community means either. Accepted as what? Being accepted by a community still doesn’t make you a part of it. What’s the point of creating a black festival only to have a white artist headline it? That defeats the purpose, because black people literally created their own events to highlight and celebrate THEMSELVES when no one else would. A “non-member” of that community headlining would be the complete opposite of why marginalized groups like black people and lgtbq people had to create their own spaces in the first place. And them being able to do it speaks to privilege. Because for someone like Ariana for example, there is no stage in the industry that she doesn’t have access to. But a platform that was specifically designed to highlight a group she isn’t even a part of, still isn’t out of her reach, while actual members aren’t given the same opportunity.

  3. truthtea February 28, 2019

    Yeah, MNEK is also the same dude who collaborated with Xtina on Deserve then publicly trashed her on social media over her Whitney tribute and still made it on her album. I don’t care for this dude at all!

  4. Sweetnothings78 February 28, 2019

    Hate to write in blocks but have to:

    Something terrible happened in a city she played in and now she plays there to MAYBE JUST MAYBE make them have a better time!
    I’m from Manchester and in the last 20 years I’ve only seen a handful of good headliners (just my opinion) and everyone’s having a b**** fit now, GROW UP. She has wide appeal and I have to say I’m SICK OF KYLIE! Not all gays have bad taste in music and want to see Kylie it Britney, the last one CANNOT SING YOU MORONS PAYING TO WATCH HER!

    Also now the organisers in Manchester have to find an alternative venue because they can’t use the car park they usually do and this makes it now her fault, HOW?

    Seriously the gay community (I’m gay also) need to grow up! Get out of the 80’s/90’s tacky phase. Gay clubs have been stuck in those two decades for years! It’s tacky and embarrassing! Straight clubs are on the pulse with music trends. When has a gay DJ been relevant on a global clubbing scale since when?

    Gay community leave the 80’s & 90’s behind and grow up! Stop biyching and enjoy what the organisers have worked HARD to organise!

  5. Big Momma February 28, 2019

    I used to like MNEK before he came out as queeeer…when he used to sing soulful dance music instead of trashy, forgettable white gay music

  6. Chillitsjustpizza February 28, 2019


  7. Lana Del Fan February 28, 2019

    Wait. Don’t the geys look up to and worship female singers? I don’t see what the problem is

  8. jem March 1, 2019

    Whatever age of society we are moving toward, I think it is becoming a bit too much when it comes to how we expect a specific type of human to represent a specific thing. Comparing a POC event to an LGBTQ event is comparing apples to oranges.

    Rather than dragging Ariana Grande, how about you reach out to your local LGBTQ pride organizers to demand someone of the community to headline for 2020s pride? People love complaining, but seldom take action to change anything.

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