Lil Nas X Hits Back At Homophobic Bullies After Coming Out

Published: Tuesday 2nd Jul 2019 by Sam

The masses may not be able to get enough of Lil Nas X‘s #1 smash ‘Old Town Road,’ but the artist himself is fed up of the homophobia heaped his way.

As reported, the 20-year-old appears to have come out over the weekend during an aptly timed and toned tweet that arrived during LGBTQ Pride.

In the time since, many have commended the riding star for his bravery – vowing to support him whatever his preference. Yet, a pocket of others have pelted the young talent with insult after homophobic insult.

Well, clearly irked, Lil Nas took to social media to clap-back with…

It’s crazy that in 2019 people are still so tickled by other’s living their lives.

In any case, Lil Nas has plenty to smile about because this week saw ‘Old Town Road’ notch its 13th week at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. 

Your thoughts?

[Photo credit: Teen Vogue]

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  1. Lil nas tee aws July 2, 2019

    We can’t tell if he’s a top or bottom. I’m gonna gonna guess verse.

    • Jasmine July 2, 2019

      Who cares? He can’t even legally drink yet . The problem with black gays is that they never support their own.

    • Lmfao_Hoe July 2, 2019

      Wtf ? Why I mean why is his sexuality the main focus than his music? This type of madness needs to end. Whether he should’ve kept this to himself or not nobody deserves this negative attention especially since he is still young and wanted to live by his truth yet people are condemning him like an savage person smh the times we’re living.

  2. LUCKI July 2, 2019

    “Home of phobic”
    I hope that was a joke.

    Anyway … people need to leave this young man alone. He bothers no one and will probably disappear into the one-hit-wonder abyss soon anyway. Let him have his moment and make his coins.

    It saddens me that grown-up’s are bullying him due to his sexuality. The jokes are lame and dated. I also wish people would stop sexualizing everything when it pertains to homosexuality. Grow up.

    • Danny Bey July 2, 2019

      It is a joke. If you follow him he’s very sarcastic with his delivery and posts.

    • del July 2, 2019

      Not surprised by the ignorance that has been attacking him for who he is and I no that blacks are the main ones I I get dirty looks and comments when I’m minding my business and the sad thing is its 70% black that does this

  3. Dc July 2, 2019

    1 hit wonder

  4. July 2, 2019

    We.. he got to sell more records and the gays are tired of being used. So let’s see how this coming out stunt works out for him.

    • SMH July 2, 2019

      My thoughts exactly.

  5. Clarkson July 2, 2019

    He is so ugly and so handsome at the same time. He is special, we should protect him at all cost.
    He isnt a one hit wonder. Rodeo feat the empress of rap cardi is hitting the top 10 when the video drops.

    • Lana Del Fan July 2, 2019

      How is he ugly? He’s very handsome. Nice lips. Beautiful skin tone. Strong jaw line

      • ??? July 2, 2019

        lmaooo hes ugly chile, and you know damn well you would say the same if he was just another kid on the street lmfaoooooo

      • Lana Del Fan July 2, 2019


        Actually I would say the same because I like dark skinned men. And he’s 6’2

    • DIABETES UNBOTHERED July 2, 2019

      Damn I can’t believe u said what my mind was unable to articulate on it’s own. He is ugly AND handsome!!!!! LMAO ?

      • ??? July 2, 2019

        lmaoooo girl please, he dont want your fat ass even if you was man lmfaoooooo

    • DIABETES UNBOTHERED July 2, 2019

      I finally put my finger on why he’s so interesting to me even on Mute. ? there’s a guy at my old job like that, that I concider Ugly and Cute as opposed to handsome.

    • ??? July 2, 2019

      lmaoooooo lies, flopeo has already flopped and been outsold & outcharted by Queen Nicki’s MEGAHIT, sorry bout it lmfaoooooooo

      • Dc July 2, 2019

        So rodeo debuted at number 22 Megatron at 20 with a video and rodeo is a flop ??? rodeo not even a single and only 2 places behind megaflop ????

    • Lmfao_Hoe July 2, 2019

      Ugly ? B**** where you a damn lie he is very handsome and looks 100 times better than these r&b, rap, and pop dudes by a straight default.

      • ??? July 2, 2019

        lmaooooo stop lying bisshhh, you only saying that cuz hes a famous rapper, sit your groupie ass down lmfaoooooooo

      • BYISI July 2, 2019

        Now that’s a lie. Dude is ugly compared to other rappers, singers and entertainers and it has nothing to do with his complexion(Which is beautiful). Most of yall wouldn’t give this dude the time of the day if he wasn’t who he is now. Which is why he kept sending his nudes to randoms when he was just an angry nicki stan on Twitter . Dude has a very special face with a nice body. He looks like he’s misty all the time.

  6. Moti25 July 2, 2019

    Whatever! You didn’t have to say anything. ?

  7. Danny Bey July 2, 2019

    Can y’all stop calling this boy a one hit wonder and just give him a damn chance to make a name for himself?? Y’all did it with Rihanna and now look at her. Don’t yall ever get tired of being negative all the damn time? Cuz at the end of the day, he’s got one hit more than you and millions more than so sit down and shut up in that cubicle of yours!

  8. Robert A Hajnal July 3, 2019

    I am a 63 year old Baby Boomer who just loves this song!!! Mariah Carey turned me away from Pop to Rap in 1991. Also Hammers big classic LP in 1990 helped too bringing the genre to mass crossover appeal. Recorded three rap songs in 1996 and have them and two sets of Rap Album Lyrics copywrited and registered with ASCAP. Wrote my own weekly pop charts from 1970-1991. Rap Singles Charts from 1991-present. A 1978 UCONN graduate andd recently retired USPS employee 1987-2018. I am a huge, huge music fan. Followed American Top 40 every week. Most of all I was, is and always will be a fan of the greatest band ever THE CARPENTERS. I had the honor of seeing them, in their prime at The Oakdale Theatre here in Wallingford. This is 1.5 miles from my apartment here in Wallingford CT. Nas X you are welcome any time @ 12 North Turnpike Road ot C-1 Wallingford CT 06492-3041. 1(203) 393 5343. Old Town Road is a classic that has broad appeal to ALL GENERATIONS! Nice job. Would love to see you. I am single and retired. Continued great success! What a great song. Has it all like Top Of The World-AFA. BOB H

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