New Video: Katy Perry – ‘Not The End Of The World’

Published: Monday 21st Dec 2020 by Sam

Katy Perry may be on maternity leave, but that hasn’t stopped her visual output.

The singer has enlisted actress Zooey Deschanel to star in the video for new single ‘Not The End Of The World.’
Lifted from Perry’s recently released album ‘Smile,’ the clip sees extraterrestrials having trouble telling the ladies apart. A tale of mistaken identity, the visual gives a nods to Sci-Fi films and Perry’s own ‘California Gurls.’
Answering instructions to abduct the singer, two aliens accidentally beam up Zooey instead. From there the fun unfolds.
Watch below…

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  1. Check Ur Lipsticks B4 U Come 4 Me! December 21, 2020

    More like the end of your career that’s for sure
    Na na na na hey hey hey goodbye

  2. Karen Maren December 21, 2020

    What was the point of this? Is she dumb? The album fell off the charts after 5 weeks. Why waste money? HANG IT UP!

  3. Charli+Cheer+Up December 21, 2020

    Awesome 2020 is bringing a lot of ppl together even Katy and Zoey. I remember the jokes about them being look a likes lol and now Zoey is helping fill in for Katy 😂 bravo good job to the New Girl star 👍🏼🔥 hope to see a music collab next😉

  4. HELLOKITTY December 21, 2020

    Poor Katy. She’s just throwing crap up against the wall at this point.

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