Lil Nas X Claps Back At Critics Of His BET Awards Performance: “Y’all Pretend Homosexuality Didn’t Exist In African Culture”

Published: Monday 28th Jun 2021 by Sam

Lil Nas X has hit back at those slamming his raunchy performance at the BET Awards 2021. 

The Pop provocateur wowed with an Egyptian-themed showing of his #1 hit ‘Montero (Call Me By Your Name),’ which climaxed with a passionate kiss with one of his male dancers.

Since achieving breakout success with ‘Old Town Road,’ the 22-year-old has been open about his queerness and consistently championed the rights of the LGBTQ+ community.

And it’s clear that’s a trajectory that will continue.

See what we mean below…

Following the broadcast of the performance, one irate Twitter user denounced the performance saying:


Retweeting and replying, Nas clapped back with:

“y’all really like to pretend homosexuality didn’t exist in african culture”

Doubling down on his sentiments, in trademark witty form, he added:



With that, what are…

Your thoughts?

[Photo Credit: Getty / BET]

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  1. Hand Sanitizer June 28, 2021

    Omg he’s so annoying. He lacks in the talent department so depends on tired ass shock value. This is what happens when you turn a twitter troll into a celebrity.

    • Blue June 28, 2021


    • Slick June 28, 2021

      He’s disgusting.

    • C**-ila June 28, 2021

      He’s fighting for acceptance for the black LGBTQIA+ community if you have a problem with that, you’re the real problem!

    • AVirgoMood June 28, 2021

      If people actually did their research then they wouldn’t sound like ignorant, brainwashed Neanderthals…

  2. Clarks0o00ñ June 28, 2021

    Black people are so intolerant towards black LGBTQ people.

    • Tip June 28, 2021

      F****** are annoying ASF. They think the world revolves around them. Especially those traññys like Meg. Blacks f***/traññys and white Lezbos are the worst.

      • Tip June 28, 2021

        Sorry I didn’t mean to exclude white f****** and traññys. They are the ABSOLUTE worse. Abominations!!!

      • WeCameWeConquered June 28, 2021

        You weren’t saying that when I was banging your gay ass last night and you were slurping on a homie!!! #Gapio

      • Tip June 28, 2021

        See what I mean! Nasty insufferable f******. All they do is b******* and catch A***. No depth and that’s the agenda they wanna push 💀💀💀💀💀

      • J June 28, 2021

        TIP just needs some d*** in her life 🥺

        “Women” that haven’t been dicked down properly are the worst. Yikes

        Girl go and get you some and calm the F*** down. Don’t get mad at gays cause they get more d*** than you

      • Tip June 28, 2021

        There goes an AIDed gay talking about penis again. NO DEPTH😭😭😭😭

  3. Bam June 28, 2021

    Many of the same people upset are the ones to not say sh*+ about songs that glorify gangs, drugs, and violence. I saw multiple performances with chicks in little clothing doing se xual dances. But people wanna be worried when a man kisses another man…b*+ch please.

  4. Clarks0o00ñ June 28, 2021

    Lil nas x, I just hope u dont make ur entire career about u being gay cause that’s gonna get old real quick.

    Call me by your name is a bop. It would have been a hit with or without the scandal attached to the song.

  5. Hdvsj June 28, 2021

    He seems to not understand that some people just don’t like him because his music is wack and really has no talent. It has nothing to do with being gay. And he uses tired shock value to get attention. We bored and it’s quite redundant at this point that every time he performs he feels the need to do something shocking.

    • Fufu June 28, 2021

      He is lame. I wish he pushed his homoerotici agenda in a more tasteful way. whats next, he’s gonna suck a giant d**** on stage, get buttlicked on stage? the shock factor is really played out and he is already played out to me. I did enjoy the video for the song, it got ppl talking, but theres nothing new he’s proving at this point. Its not newsworthy anymore. just cringey and gross.a straight couple kissing on stage is equally as gross to me, like why should I care? if I wanna watch p*** I just search for p***.

      • J June 28, 2021

        S** tape/n*** leak will be his most desperate moment

      • Slick June 28, 2021

        Lmmfao 😂😂😂😭

  6. Tip June 28, 2021

    He’s so gross. Nobody wants to see two strong ass men tonguing each other down on live TV. F****** want to be accepted so bad but keep throwing their nasty sexuality in our faces. Lil Nas F** is nothing without his gay publicity stunts. Don’t catch A*** little m*****! F****** love drugs and barebacking. Nasty mentally disturbed nastys!!!!

    • RnBee June 28, 2021

      You are a leech on society

    • WeCameWeConquered June 28, 2021

      You love the b*******

    • J June 28, 2021

      This my friends is an example of “projecting”

      He described the gay kiss with so much detail. I can tell you been thinking about this for a while 😈😈

      Not taking up for LNX annoying ass, but the main ones that spout that homophobic s*** be the ones beating their meat to it when the lights go down…

      No need to project your self hatred on to this blog (where there are mainly LGBTQ men commenting 👀👀)

      Hmmm 🥴

      • Tip June 28, 2021

        Here we go. F*** always think someone’s gay or wants to be with their miserable ass lol who said I was a man or had a penis? Go b******* a random gay in the club and catch the clap. That’s all you’re good for.

      • Shayla Queen™ 👑 June 28, 2021

        @Tip you’re disgusting

      • J June 28, 2021

        TIP nobody called you gay or said you were a man. I just used your words against you. You seem to be an expert on all things gay. If that makes your demons go off on me then you might need to check yourself SIS

        Not my fault you describe gay s** so vigorously 🥴😂

  7. Are You Kidding Me? June 28, 2021

    It definitely did exist, along with people who flipped gender roles. I don’t want it commodified and made mainstream so I won’t specify, but with research you realize there are trans and non-binary deities in African spiritual systems. Not to mention countless Nubian and Kemetic murals depicting polyamory and same-gendered couples.

    Yet people cling to the pedophilic pederastery of the Romans to justify being gay, smh.

    If you don’t want to be grouped in with actual deviants, perhaps use the first people to grace this Earth..but no. Africa is mud, huts and was complete darkness until unwashed Europeans came…right?🙄

  8. Shayla Queen™ 👑 June 28, 2021


  9. Ace Blanks June 28, 2021

    This n**** is just so f***** whack!!!!! He is a HORRIBLE performer!!!! S*** literally looked like he was count “12345678” while walking through the choreo. Notice I said walking through. S*** looked a dry ass rehearsal with costumes. Idiots out there hyping him up just because he gay. No b**** I’m gay myself and I will out perform him and make better records. His talent is wayyyyy beneath mine but yet I struggle everyday to make it but he gets to be extremely mediocre and keep being out there. I can’t wait til I make it and show is boring ass how it’s really done!!!! Like b**** you not the first gay mainstream artist and none of them had to rely on shock and sexuality!!! He’s f***** wack. Just another talentless ho. And ppl be trying to bring his age into it but I’m like b**** when I was 22 I blazed stages in my sleep. Hell even in high school I was killing stages so his age ain’t got nothing to do with it. He is just wack period!!!!!

    • Shayla Queen™ 👑 June 28, 2021


    • Credits June 28, 2021

      drop that link to your music. let’s hear if you have heat.

      • Ace Blanks June 29, 2021

        @Credits Just type in Ace Blanks in any of your streaming platforms. Better yet go to my IG @_aceblanks so you can see me in action too. I bleed talent so I can definitely back it up which is why I’m talking so much s***. Lol But yea if you type my name you’ll see my album “A.C.E. (All Current Emotions) and my newer single “Same Old Game” that’ll be on my SOPHOMORE album this year. Trust Lil Nas X can’t see me as a music maker or stage performer. He just got famous first which was by PURE LUCK! I’m gonna show how it’s really done being a black gay music artist and I WRITE ALL MY S*** SOLO EVERY SINGLE WORD! I was here for him at first til he started showing me how dry he is talent wise!

  10. Danny Bey June 28, 2021

    He’s literally the black Madonna. Uses shock value and s*x to hide the fact that he actually had no talent. I’m beyond annoyed at this point.

    MJ didn’t die for this.

    • Shayla Queen™ 👑 June 28, 2021

      Madonna actually had talent… So try again.

      • Danny Bey June 29, 2021

        What was her talent…. Quickly.

      • Ace Blanks June 29, 2021

        Agreed @Shayla Queen! He trippin you don’t have to have the best voice to be talented. No Madonna couldn’t sing the best but she definitely had vision and could dance her ass off on that stage. And she knew how to make good songs that fit her voice just like Janet. They basically mirrored each other. Just one was black and the other white! It’s not about having the best voice. It’s about killing that STAGE (something Lil Nas X knows nothing about) and making music that fits you!

      • Danny Bey June 29, 2021

        ISWIS. Take away the gimmicks, extras, staging, dancers, lighting, etc. What’s Madonna doing? Janet may not be a Whitney Houston in the vocal dept, but put Madonna against a Janet on stage with just a mic and light. Who’s winning…..

  11. Dc June 28, 2021

    That second single he had was a flop proves that he’s nothing without controversy

    • Ace Blanks June 29, 2021

      Ok do we even remember the name of the song after “Montero”. Ain’t seen it nowhere and can’t even remember. I listened to it once when the video dropped and that’s it lmao He is nothing without gimmicks and fake hype. Which is sad because Montero is actually a bop but he had to gimmick that too!

  12. Fancy BISH (FCK Maristench, Danzou The Fool & Clarksdump 🤣) 👊🏽💎💋 June 28, 2021

    Y’all leave my s*** black man alone, he is my future baby daddy.

  13. J June 28, 2021

    How you a whole homophobe on a gay blog though 🥴🥴🥴

    Let this man show off his sexuality. I’ve spent my entire life tolerating straight propaganda shoved down my throat

    Y’all motherfukkers will live

    • Tip June 28, 2021

      There’s no such thing as straight propaganda f**. That’s natural. Normal. Two men having b*** s** produces nothing but A***. You took your meds today abomination??

  14. Lil Nas X is A F***** June 28, 2021

    This dude is trash and so is anyone else who thinks gay men are oppressed or discriminated against in 2021. The fake WOKE crew is garbage; America has never been gayer. He can’t dance, his music is garbage, he is being used as a pawn in the Demasculinization of the black man and continuing the destruction of the black family with his tired stunts. Lil Nas X needs his ass kicked.

    • True Tea June 28, 2021

      Lil’ Nas X doesn’t weaken the Black Family. People who have strong moral foundations do not fear Lil’ Nas X, Homosexuals or the WM.

      Lil’ Nas X is simply dehumanizing the homosexual lifestyle by painting it as nothing more than uncontrollable s/e/x & devil worship.

  15. Mildred June 28, 2021

    This post is a mess lol

    • Are You Kidding Me? June 29, 2021

      Really. Most of them sound like 1 person.

  16. Are You Kidding Me? June 29, 2021

    Wow. Me agreeing with you.

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